Courses of department: KF

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Course code Course name
Course code Course name Semester Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
KF/1FMM Functional manual medicine
KF/1FMM Functional manual medicine Winter and summer English 6  
KF/AJF15 English language I
KF/AJF15 English language I Winter Czech, English 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/AJF25 English language II
KF/AJF25 English language II Summer Czech, English 2 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/AJF9 English Language
KF/AJF9 English Language Summer English 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/AJFK5 English language
KF/AJFK5 English language Winter English 3  
KF/AJFK9 English language
KF/AJFK9 English language Winter Czech 1  
KF/AN1F5 Anatomy I
KF/AN1F5 Anatomy I Winter Czech 3  
KF/AN1F9 Anatomy I.
KF/AN1F9 Anatomy I. Winter Czech 4  
KF/AN2F5 Anatomy II
KF/AN2F5 Anatomy II Summer Czech 5  
KF/AN2F9 Anatomy II
KF/AN2F9 Anatomy II Summer Czech 5  
KF/ANFK5 Anatomy
KF/ANFK5 Anatomy Winter Czech 8  
KF/ANFK9 Anatomy
KF/ANFK9 Anatomy Winter and summer Czech 9  
KF/BAFK9 Balneology
KF/BAFK9 Balneology Winter Czech 1  
KF/BALF5 Balneology
KF/BALF5 Balneology Winter Czech 2  
KF/BALF9 Balneology
KF/BALF9 Balneology Winter Czech 1  
KF/BALK5 Balneology
KF/BALK5 Balneology Winter Czech 2  
KF/BF5 Biophysics
KF/BF5 Biophysics Summer Czech 1  
KF/BF9 Biophysics
KF/BF9 Biophysics Winter Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/BFK5 Biophysics
KF/BFK5 Biophysics Summer Czech 1  
KF/BFK9 Biophysics
KF/BFK9 Biophysics Winter Czech 1  
KF/BM5 Biomechanics
KF/BM5 Biomechanics Winter Czech 1  
KF/BM9 Biomechanics
KF/BM9 Biomechanics Summer Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/BMDE Basics of Medical Devices and Equipments
KF/BMDE Basics of Medical Devices and Equipments Winter and summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/BMER Biomechanics of the movement - practical use of instruments
KF/BMER Biomechanics of the movement - practical use of instruments Winter and summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/BMK5 Biomechanics
KF/BMK5 Biomechanics Summer Czech 1  
KF/BMK9 Biomechanics
KF/BMK9 Biomechanics Winter Czech 1  
KF/BPF5 Bachelor´s Thesis
KF/BPF5 Bachelor´s Thesis Winter Czech 5  
KF/BPF9 Bachelor Thesis
KF/BPF9 Bachelor Thesis Winter Czech 11  
KF/BPFK5 Bachelor´s Thesis - Project
KF/BPFK5 Bachelor´s Thesis - Project Winter and summer Czech 15  
KF/BPFK9 Bachelor´s Thesis - Project
KF/BPFK9 Bachelor´s Thesis - Project Winter Czech 11  
KF/CHFK5 Surgery and traumatology
KF/CHFK5 Surgery and traumatology Winter Czech 3  
KF/CHFK9 Surgery and traumatology
KF/CHFK9 Surgery and traumatology Winter Czech 3  
KF/CHRF5 Surgery and traumatology
KF/CHRF5 Surgery and traumatology Winter Czech 3  
KF/CHRF9 Surgery And Traumatology
KF/CHRF9 Surgery And Traumatology Winter Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/CLKIN Clinical kinesiology
KF/CLKIN Clinical kinesiology Winter and summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/CSPF5 Centration Stabilization Strengthening
KF/CSPF5 Centration Stabilization Strengthening Summer Czech 1  
KF/CSPF9 Central Stabilization Strengthening
KF/CSPF9 Central Stabilization Strengthening Winter and summer Czech 1  
KF/ENF5 Ergonomy
KF/ENF5 Ergonomy Winter Czech 2  
KF/ENF9 Ergonomics
KF/ENF9 Ergonomics Winter Czech 1  
KF/ENFK5 Ergonomy
KF/ENFK5 Ergonomy Winter Czech 2  
KF/ENFK9 Ergonomy
KF/ENFK9 Ergonomy Winter Czech 1  
KF/ERFK5 Occupational Therapy
KF/ERFK5 Occupational Therapy Winter Czech 3  
KF/ERFK9 Occupational Therapy
KF/ERFK9 Occupational Therapy Winter Czech 1  
KF/ERGF5 Occupational Therapy
KF/ERGF5 Occupational Therapy Winter Czech 3  
KF/ERGF9 Ergotherapy
KF/ERGF9 Ergotherapy Winter Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/EZF5 Healthcare Provider Ethics
KF/EZF5 Healthcare Provider Ethics Winter Czech 1  
KF/EZF9 Medical Worker Ethics
KF/EZF9 Medical Worker Ethics Winter Czech 1  
KF/EZFK5 Healthcare Provider Ethics
KF/EZFK5 Healthcare Provider Ethics Winter Czech 1  
KF/EZFK9 Healthcare Provider Ethics
KF/EZFK9 Healthcare Provider Ethics Summer Czech 1  
KF/FOK5 Physiotherapy in oncology
KF/FOK5 Physiotherapy in oncology Summer Czech 3  
KF/FOKF9 Physiotherapy in oncology
KF/FOKF9 Physiotherapy in oncology Summer Czech 2  
KF/FT15 Physical Therapy I
KF/FT15 Physical Therapy I Winter Czech 2  
KF/FT19 Physical therapy I
KF/FT19 Physical therapy I Winter Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/FT25 Physical Therapy II
KF/FT25 Physical Therapy II Summer Czech 3  
KF/FT29 Physical Therapy II
KF/FT29 Physical Therapy II Summer Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/FTK5 Physical Therapy
KF/FTK5 Physical Therapy Winter Czech 5  
KF/FTK9 Physical Therapy
KF/FTK9 Physical Therapy Winter Czech 6  
KF/FYZ2K Physiotherapy II
KF/FYZ2K Physiotherapy II Winter Czech 8  
KF/FYZ5 Physiotherapy
KF/FYZ5 Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/FYZ9 Physiotherapy
KF/FYZ9 Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/FYZF Physiotherapy
KF/FYZF Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/FYZK Physiotherapy
KF/FYZK Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/FYZK5 Physiotherapy
KF/FYZK5 Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/FYZK9 Physiotherapy
KF/FYZK9 Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/FYZT3 Physiotherapy III
KF/FYZT3 Physiotherapy III Winter Czech 4  
KF/FYZT4 Physiotherapy IV
KF/FYZT4 Physiotherapy IV Summer Czech 7  
KF/FZ082 Physiotherapy II
KF/FZ082 Physiotherapy II Summer Czech 6  
KF/FZ15 Physiotherapy I
KF/FZ15 Physiotherapy I Winter Czech 3  
KF/FZ19 Physiotherapy I
KF/FZ19 Physiotherapy I Winter Czech 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/FZ1K9 Physiotherapy I
KF/FZ1K9 Physiotherapy I Winter Czech 6  
KF/FZ25 Physiotherapy II
KF/FZ25 Physiotherapy II Summer Czech 4  
KF/FZ29 Physiotherapy II
KF/FZ29 Physiotherapy II Summer Czech 5  
KF/FZ2K5 Physiotherapy II
KF/FZ2K5 Physiotherapy II Winter Czech 9  
KF/FZ2K9 Physiotherapy II
KF/FZ2K9 Physiotherapy II Summer Czech 2  
KF/FZ35 Physiotherapy III
KF/FZ35 Physiotherapy III Winter Czech 4  
KF/FZ39 Physiotherapy III
KF/FZ39 Physiotherapy III Winter Czech 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/FZ3K9 Physiotherapy III
KF/FZ3K9 Physiotherapy III Winter Czech 11  
KF/FZ45 Physiotherapy IV
KF/FZ45 Physiotherapy IV Summer Czech 6  
KF/FZ49 Physiotherapy IV
KF/FZ49 Physiotherapy IV Summer Czech 4  
KF/FZF2K Physiotherapy II
KF/FZF2K Physiotherapy II Summer Czech 2  
KF/FZF5 Physiology I
KF/FZF5 Physiology I Summer Czech 4  
KF/FZF9 Physiology
KF/FZF9 Physiology Summer Czech 4  
KF/FZFK5 Physiology
KF/FZFK5 Physiology Summer Czech 4  
KF/FZFK9 Physiology
KF/FZFK9 Physiology Summer Czech 4  
KF/FZK5 Physiotherapy I
KF/FZK5 Physiotherapy I Winter Czech 3  
KF/GYFK9 Gynaecology and Obstetrics
KF/GYFK9 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Summer Czech 1  
KF/GYN5 Gynaecology and Obstetrics
KF/GYN5 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Summer Czech 2  
KF/GYNF9 Gynecology and Obstetrics
KF/GYNF9 Gynecology and Obstetrics Summer Czech 1  
KF/GYNK5 Gynaecology and Obstetrics
KF/GYNK5 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Summer Czech 2  
KF/HYFK5 Hygiene
KF/HYFK5 Hygiene Summer Czech 3  
KF/HYFK9 Hygiene
KF/HYFK9 Hygiene Summer Czech 2  
KF/HYG Hygiene
KF/HYG Hygiene Winter Czech 2  
KF/HYGF5 Hygiene
KF/HYGF5 Hygiene Winter Czech 3  
KF/HYGF9 Hygiene
KF/HYGF9 Hygiene Summer Czech 2  
KF/HYGFK Hygiene
KF/HYGFK Hygiene Summer Czech 3  
KF/IF15 Individual Continuous Professional Training I
KF/IF15 Individual Continuous Professional Training I Summer Czech 6  
KF/IF19 Individual Professional Continuous Practice I
KF/IF19 Individual Professional Continuous Practice I Summer Czech 5  
KF/IF1K5 Individual Continuous Professional Training I
KF/IF1K5 Individual Continuous Professional Training I Summer Czech 6  
KF/IF1K9 Individual Continuous Professional Training I
KF/IF1K9 Individual Continuous Professional Training I Summer Czech 5  
KF/IF25 Individual Continuous Professional Training II
KF/IF25 Individual Continuous Professional Training II Summer Czech 4  
KF/IF29 Individual Professional Continuous Practice II
KF/IF29 Individual Professional Continuous Practice II Summer Czech 6  
KF/IF2K5 Individual Continuous Professional Training II
KF/IF2K5 Individual Continuous Professional Training II Summer Czech 6  
KF/IF2K9 Individual Continuous Professional Training II
KF/IF2K9 Individual Continuous Professional Training II Summer Czech 5  
KF/IG1F5 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics I
KF/IG1F5 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics I Winter Czech 2  
KF/IG1F9 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics I
KF/IG1F9 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics I Winter Czech 2  
KF/IG2F5 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics II
KF/IG2F5 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics II Summer Czech 3  
KF/IG2F9 Internal Medicine and GeriatricsII
KF/IG2F9 Internal Medicine and GeriatricsII Summer Czech 3  
KF/IGFK5 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
KF/IGFK5 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics Winter Czech 3  
KF/IGFK9 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
KF/IGFK9 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics Winter Czech 5  
KF/ISF5 Information Systems
KF/ISF5 Information Systems Summer Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ISF9 Information Systems
KF/ISF9 Information Systems Summer Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ISK5 Information Systems
KF/ISK5 Information Systems Winter Czech 2  
KF/ISKF9 Information Systems
KF/ISKF9 Information Systems Summer Czech 1  
KF/JOFK5 Yoga Summer Czech 2  
KF/JOFK9 Yoga Summer Czech 1  
KF/JOGAF Yoga Winter Czech 1  
KF/JOGF5 Yoga Winter and summer Czech, English 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/JOGF9 Yoga Winter Czech 1  
KF/KI1K5 Kinesiology I
KF/KI1K5 Kinesiology I Summer Czech 2  
KF/KI1K9 Kinesiology I
KF/KI1K9 Kinesiology I Summer Czech 2  
KF/KI2K5 Kinesiology II
KF/KI2K5 Kinesiology II Winter Czech 5  
KF/KI2K9 Kinesiology II
KF/KI2K9 Kinesiology II Winter Czech 3  
KF/KIF15 Kinesiology I
KF/KIF15 Kinesiology I Winter Czech 2  
KF/KIF19 Kinesiology I
KF/KIF19 Kinesiology I Winter Czech 2  
KF/KIF25 Kinesiology II
KF/KIF25 Kinesiology II Summer Czech 5  
KF/KIF29 Kinesiology II
KF/KIF29 Kinesiology II Summer Czech 3  
KF/KPFK9 Clinical Psychology
KF/KPFK9 Clinical Psychology Summer Czech 1  
KF/KPS5 Clinical Psychology
KF/KPS5 Clinical Psychology Summer Czech 1  
KF/KPSF9 Clinical Psychology
KF/KPSF9 Clinical Psychology Summer Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/KPSK5 Clinical Psychology
KF/KPSK5 Clinical Psychology Summer Czech 1  
KF/KSFK5 Selected Issues of Social Politics
KF/KSFK5 Selected Issues of Social Politics Summer Czech 2  
KF/KSFK9 Selected Issues of Social Politics
KF/KSFK9 Selected Issues of Social Politics Summer Czech 2  
KF/KSPF5 Selected Issues of Social Politics
KF/KSPF5 Selected Issues of Social Politics Winter Czech 1  
KF/KSPF9 Chapters Of Social Policy
KF/KSPF9 Chapters Of Social Policy Winter Czech 2  
KF/KTF5 Stamina training
KF/KTF5 Stamina training Summer Czech 1  
KF/LJF5 Latin and Medical Terminology
KF/LJF5 Latin and Medical Terminology Winter Czech 3  
KF/LJF9 Latin Terminology
KF/LJF9 Latin Terminology Winter Czech 2  
KF/LJFK5 Latin and Medical Terminology
KF/LJFK5 Latin and Medical Terminology Winter Czech 3  
KF/LJFK9 Latin and Medical Terminology
KF/LJFK9 Latin and Medical Terminology Winter Czech 2  
KF/LTFK9 Summer Cycling Course
KF/LTFK9 Summer Cycling Course Summer Czech 1  
KF/LTVF5 Summer Cycling Course
KF/LTVF5 Summer Cycling Course Summer Czech, English 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/LTVF9 Summer PE Course
KF/LTVF9 Summer PE Course Summer Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/MK081 Kinesiotherapy Methods I
KF/MK081 Kinesiotherapy Methods I Summer Czech 5  
KF/MK15 Kinesiotherapy Methods I
KF/MK15 Kinesiotherapy Methods I Winter Czech 4  
KF/MK19 Methods of Kinesiotherapy I
KF/MK19 Methods of Kinesiotherapy I Winter Czech 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/MK25 Kinesiotherapy Methods II
KF/MK25 Kinesiotherapy Methods II Winter Czech 5  
KF/MK29 Methods of Kinesiotherapy II
KF/MK29 Methods of Kinesiotherapy II Winter Czech 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/MKFK9 Kinesiotherapy Methods
KF/MKFK9 Kinesiotherapy Methods Summer Czech 10  
KF/MKK5 Kinesiotherapy Methods
KF/MKK5 Kinesiotherapy Methods Summer Czech 8  
KF/MTF5K Modern technology in therapy eith geriatric patients
KF/MTF5K Modern technology in therapy eith geriatric patients Summer Czech 1  
KF/MTFK9 Modern technology in therapy eith geriatric patients
KF/MTFK9 Modern technology in therapy eith geriatric patients Winter Czech 1  
KF/MTGF5 Modern technologies and their application in the treatment of geriatric clients
KF/MTGF5 Modern technologies and their application in the treatment of geriatric clients Summer Czech 1  
KF/MTGF9 Using Modern Technologies In The Therapy Of Geriatric Clients
KF/MTGF9 Using Modern Technologies In The Therapy Of Geriatric Clients Summer Czech 1  
KF/MUF9 unspecified
KF/MUF9 unspecified Winter Czech 1  
KF/MUFK9 unspecified
KF/MUFK9 unspecified Winter Czech 1  
KF/MUZF5 Music Therapy
KF/MUZF5 Music Therapy Summer Czech, English 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/MVF5 Research Methods
KF/MVF5 Research Methods Winter Czech, English 1  
KF/MVF9 Research Methods
KF/MVF9 Research Methods Winter Czech 1  
KF/MVFK5 Science Methodology and Research Methods in Physiotherapy
KF/MVFK5 Science Methodology and Research Methods in Physiotherapy Winter Czech 2  
KF/MVFK9 Science Methodology and Research Methods in Physiotherapy
KF/MVFK9 Science Methodology and Research Methods in Physiotherapy Winter Czech 2  
KF/MYOFS Myofascial syndrome - triggerpoints therapy
KF/MYOFS Myofascial syndrome - triggerpoints therapy Winter and summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/MZF9 Music therapy
KF/MZF9 Music therapy Winter Czech 1  
KF/MZFK9 Music therapy
KF/MZFK9 Music therapy Winter Czech 1  
KF/NEF15 Neurology I
KF/NEF15 Neurology I Winter Czech 2  
KF/NEF19 Neurology I
KF/NEF19 Neurology I Winter Czech 3  
KF/NEF25 Neurology II
KF/NEF25 Neurology II Summer Czech 3  
KF/NEF29 Neurology II
KF/NEF29 Neurology II Summer Czech 3  
KF/NEFK5 Neurology
KF/NEFK5 Neurology Summer Czech 3  
KF/NEFK9 Neurology
KF/NEFK9 Neurology Summer Czech 6  
KF/NEU1 Neurology I
KF/NEU1 Neurology I Summer Czech 1  
KF/NEU2F Neurology II
KF/NEU2F Neurology II Winter Czech 5  
KF/NJF15 German language I
KF/NJF15 German language I Winter Czech, German 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/NJF25 German language II
KF/NJF25 German language II Summer Czech, German 2 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/NJF9 German Language
KF/NJF9 German Language Summer Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/NJFK5 German language
KF/NJFK5 German language Winter German 3  
KF/NJFK9 German language
KF/NJFK9 German language Winter Czech 1  
KF/NTFK5 New Trends in Physiotherapy
KF/NTFK5 New Trends in Physiotherapy Summer Czech 3  
KF/NTFK9 New Trends in Physiotherapy
KF/NTFK9 New Trends in Physiotherapy Summer Czech 1  
KF/OF1K5 Continuous Professional Training I
KF/OF1K5 Continuous Professional Training I Winter Czech 5  
KF/OF1K9 Continuous Professional Training I
KF/OF1K9 Continuous Professional Training I Winter Czech 5  
KF/OF2K5 Continuous Professional Training II
KF/OF2K5 Continuous Professional Training II Summer Czech 5  
KF/OF2K9 Continuous Professional Training II
KF/OF2K9 Continuous Professional Training II Summer Czech 5  
KF/OF3K5 Continuous Professional Training III
KF/OF3K5 Continuous Professional Training III Winter Czech 5  
KF/OF3K9 Continuous Professional Training III
KF/OF3K9 Continuous Professional Training III Winter Czech 6  
KF/OF4K5 Continuous Professional Training IV
KF/OF4K5 Continuous Professional Training IV Summer Czech 5  
KF/OF4K9 Continuous Professional Training IV
KF/OF4K9 Continuous Professional Training IV Summer Czech 6  
KF/OF5K5 Continuous Professional Training V
KF/OF5K5 Continuous Professional Training V Winter Czech 5  
KF/OF5K9 Continuous Professional Training V
KF/OF5K9 Continuous Professional Training V Winter Czech 6  
KF/OF6K5 Continuous Professional Training VI
KF/OF6K5 Continuous Professional Training VI Summer Czech 5  
KF/OF6K9 Continuous Professional Training VI
KF/OF6K9 Continuous Professional Training VI Summer Czech 6  
KF/ONF5 General Neurophysiology
KF/ONF5 General Neurophysiology Summer Czech 3  
KF/ONF9 General Neurophysiology
KF/ONF9 General Neurophysiology Winter Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ONFK5 General Neurophysiology
KF/ONFK5 General Neurophysiology Summer Czech 3  
KF/ONFK9 General Neurophysiology
KF/ONFK9 General Neurophysiology Summer Czech 3  
KF/OPF5K Practical contiguous training V
KF/OPF5K Practical contiguous training V Winter Czech 7  
KF/OPF6K Practical contiguous training VI
KF/OPF6K Practical contiguous training VI Summer Czech 7  
KF/OPSZK Practical Exam in Physiotherapy
KF/OPSZK Practical Exam in Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/OPSZZ Practical Exam in Physiotherapy
KF/OPSZZ Practical Exam in Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/ORFK5 Health care organization and management
KF/ORFK5 Health care organization and management Summer Czech 1  
KF/ORFK9 Health care organization and management
KF/ORFK9 Health care organization and management Summer Czech 1  
KF/ORPF5 Health care organization and management
KF/ORPF5 Health care organization and management Summer Czech 1  
KF/ORPF9 Organization And Management Of Health Care
KF/ORPF9 Organization And Management Of Health Care Summer Czech 1  
KF/ORTF5 Orthopaedics and Prosthetics
KF/ORTF5 Orthopaedics and Prosthetics Summer Czech 3  
KF/ORTF9 Orthopedics And Protethics
KF/ORTF9 Orthopedics And Protethics Summer Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/OTFK5 Orthopaedics and Prosthetics
KF/OTFK5 Orthopaedics and Prosthetics Summer Czech 3  
KF/OTFK9 Orthopaedics and Prosthetics
KF/OTFK9 Orthopaedics and Prosthetics Summer Czech 3  
KF/PAFK5 Pathology and Pathophysiology
KF/PAFK5 Pathology and Pathophysiology Winter Czech 2  
KF/PAFK9 Pathology and Pathophysiology
KF/PAFK9 Pathology and Pathophysiology Winter Czech 3  
KF/PARFK Pathology and Pathophysiology
KF/PARFK Pathology and Pathophysiology Winter Czech 3  
KF/PATF5 Pathology and pathophysiology
KF/PATF5 Pathology and pathophysiology Winter Czech 2  
KF/PATF9 Pathology
KF/PATF9 Pathology Winter Czech 3  
KF/PBCFK Project for the bachelor work
KF/PBCFK Project for the bachelor work Summer Czech 8  
KF/PEDF5 Pediatrics
KF/PEDF5 Pediatrics Summer Czech 1  
KF/PEDF9 Pediatrics
KF/PEDF9 Pediatrics Summer Czech 1  
KF/PEFK5 Pediatrics
KF/PEFK5 Pediatrics Summer Czech 1  
KF/PEFK9 Pediatrics
KF/PEFK9 Pediatrics Summer Czech 1  
KF/PKFK5 Psychology and health care psychology
KF/PKFK5 Psychology and health care psychology Winter Czech 5  
KF/PKFK9 Psychology and health care psychology
KF/PKFK9 Psychology and health care psychology Winter Czech 6  
KF/PPF5 First Aid
KF/PPF5 First Aid Winter Czech 3  
KF/PPF9 First Aid
KF/PPF9 First Aid Winter Czech 1  
KF/PPFK First Aid
KF/PPFK First Aid Winter Czech 2  
KF/PPFK5 First Aid
KF/PPFK5 First Aid Winter Czech 3  
KF/PPFK9 First Aid
KF/PPFK9 First Aid Winter Czech 1  
KF/PSF5 Psychiatry
KF/PSF5 Psychiatry Summer Czech 3  
KF/PSF9 Psychiatry
KF/PSF9 Psychiatry Summer Czech 2  
KF/PSFK5 Psychiatry
KF/PSFK5 Psychiatry Summer Czech 3  
KF/PSFK9 Psychiatry
KF/PSFK9 Psychiatry Summer Czech 2  
KF/PSKF9 Psychiatry
KF/PSKF9 Psychiatry Summer Czech 2  
KF/PSYF5 Psychology
KF/PSYF5 Psychology Winter Czech 2  
KF/PSYF9 Psychology
KF/PSYF9 Psychology Winter Czech 3  
KF/PSZ5 Practical Exam in Physiotherapy
KF/PSZ5 Practical Exam in Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/PSZK5 Practical Exam in Physiotherapy
KF/PSZK5 Practical Exam in Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/PTFK5 Psychotherapy
KF/PTFK5 Psychotherapy Winter Czech 1  
KF/PTFK9 Psychotherapy
KF/PTFK9 Psychotherapy Summer Czech 1  
KF/PZF9 Practical exam in physiotherapy
KF/PZF9 Practical exam in physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/PZFK9 Practical Exam in Physiotherapy
KF/PZFK9 Practical Exam in Physiotherapy Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/RPF5 Rehabilitation Propaedeutics
KF/RPF5 Rehabilitation Propaedeutics Winter Czech 4  
KF/RPF9 Propedeutics of Rehabilitation
KF/RPF9 Propedeutics of Rehabilitation Winter Czech 2  
KF/RPFK5 Rehabilitation Propaedeutics
KF/RPFK5 Rehabilitation Propaedeutics Winter Czech 4  
KF/RPFK9 Rehabilitation Propaedeutics
KF/RPFK9 Rehabilitation Propaedeutics Winter Czech 2  
KF/SMFK9 Sports massage
KF/SMFK9 Sports massage Summer Czech 1  
KF/SPF15 Continuous Professional Training I
KF/SPF15 Continuous Professional Training I Winter Czech 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/SPF19 Professional Continuous Practice I
KF/SPF19 Professional Continuous Practice I Winter Czech 5  
KF/SPF25 Continuous Professional Training II
KF/SPF25 Continuous Professional Training II Summer Czech 5  
KF/SPF29 Professional Continuous Practice II
KF/SPF29 Professional Continuous Practice II Summer Czech 5  
KF/SPF35 Continuous Professional Training III
KF/SPF35 Continuous Professional Training III Winter Czech 5  
KF/SPF39 Professional Continuous Practice III
KF/SPF39 Professional Continuous Practice III Winter Czech 5  
KF/SPF45 Continuous Professional Training IV
KF/SPF45 Continuous Professional Training IV Summer Czech 5  
KF/SPF49 Professional Continuous Practice IV
KF/SPF49 Professional Continuous Practice IV Summer Czech 6  
KF/SPF55 Continuous Professional Training V
KF/SPF55 Continuous Professional Training V Winter Czech 5  
KF/SPF59 Professional Continuous Practice V
KF/SPF59 Professional Continuous Practice V Winter Czech 6  
KF/SPF6 Practical continuous training VI
KF/SPF6 Practical continuous training VI Summer Czech 4  
KF/SPF65 Continuous Professional Training VI
KF/SPF65 Continuous Professional Training VI Summer Czech 5  
KF/SPF69 Professional Continuous Practice IV
KF/SPF69 Professional Continuous Practice IV Summer Czech 6  
KF/SPFK5 Special Education
KF/SPFK5 Special Education Summer Czech 3  
KF/SPFK9 Special Education
KF/SPFK9 Special Education Summer Czech 2  
KF/SPM5 Sports massage
KF/SPM5 Sports massage Winter and summer Czech 1  
KF/SPMF9 Sports massage
KF/SPMF9 Sports massage Winter Czech 1  
KF/SPMK5 Sports massage
KF/SPMK5 Sports massage Winter Czech 2  
KF/SPPF5 Special Education
KF/SPPF5 Special Education Summer Czech 3  
KF/SPPF9 Special Education
KF/SPPF9 Special Education Summer Czech 2  
KF/SPRF5 Social and Occupational Rehabilitation
KF/SPRF5 Social and Occupational Rehabilitation Winter Czech 1  
KF/SPRF9 Social and occupational rehabilitation
KF/SPRF9 Social and occupational rehabilitation Winter Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/SRFK5 Social and Occupational Rehabilitation
KF/SRFK5 Social and Occupational Rehabilitation Winter Czech 1  
KF/SRFK9 Social and Occupational Rehabilitation
KF/SRFK9 Social and Occupational Rehabilitation Winter Czech 1  
KF/STFK5 The Specifics of Physical Load of Children and Youth
KF/STFK5 The Specifics of Physical Load of Children and Youth Summer Czech 2  
KF/STFK9 The Specifics of Physical Load of Child.
KF/STFK9 The Specifics of Physical Load of Child. Summer Czech 1  
KF/TAIF Tai ji
KF/TAIF Tai ji Winter and summer Czech 1  
KF/TF5 Sports and Physical Education for the Impaired
KF/TF5 Sports and Physical Education for the Impaired Winter Czech 1  
KF/TF9 Sport and PE of the disabled
KF/TF9 Sport and PE of the disabled Winter Czech 1  
KF/TFK5 Sports and Physical Education for the Impaired
KF/TFK5 Sports and Physical Education for the Impaired Winter Czech 1  
KF/TFK9 Sports and Physical Education for the Im
KF/TFK9 Sports and Physical Education for the Im Summer Czech 1  
KF/TLF5 Medicine in Physical Education
KF/TLF5 Medicine in Physical Education Winter Czech 1  
KF/TLF9 Sports Medicine
KF/TLF9 Sports Medicine Winter Czech 1  
KF/TLFK5 Medicine in Physical Education
KF/TLFK5 Medicine in Physical Education Winter Czech 1  
KF/TLFK9 Medicine in Physical Education
KF/TLFK9 Medicine in Physical Education Winter Czech 1  
KF/TVF15 Physical Education and Didactics I
KF/TVF15 Physical Education and Didactics I Winter Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/TVF19 Physical Education and Didactics I
KF/TVF19 Physical Education and Didactics I Winter Czech 2  
KF/TVF25 Physical Education and Didactics II
KF/TVF25 Physical Education and Didactics II Winter Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/TVF29 Physical Education and Didactics II
KF/TVF29 Physical Education and Didactics II Summer Czech 1  
KF/TVFK5 Physical Education and Didactics
KF/TVFK5 Physical Education and Didactics Winter Czech 1  
KF/TVFK9 Physical Education and Didactics
KF/TVFK9 Physical Education and Didactics Summer Czech 3  
KF/USF5 Introduction to the study
KF/USF5 Introduction to the study Winter Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/USF5K Introduction to study
KF/USF5K Introduction to study Winter Czech 1  
KF/USF9 Introduction To Study
KF/USF9 Introduction To Study Winter Czech 1  
KF/USFK9 Introduction to study
KF/USFK9 Introduction to study Winter Czech 1  
KF/USVF9 Introduction from simulation teaching
KF/USVF9 Introduction from simulation teaching Winter Czech 1  
KF/VMF5 Research Methods in Physiotherapy
KF/VMF5 Research Methods in Physiotherapy Summer Czech 1  
KF/VMF9 Research Methods In Physiotherapy
KF/VMF9 Research Methods In Physiotherapy Summer Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ZF15 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I
KF/ZF15 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I Winter Czech 2  
KF/ZF19 Basics Of Physiotherapy And Examination Methods I
KF/ZF19 Basics Of Physiotherapy And Examination Methods I Winter Czech 3  
KF/ZF1K5 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I
KF/ZF1K5 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I Winter Czech 2  
KF/ZF1K9 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I
KF/ZF1K9 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I Winter Czech 3  
KF/ZF25 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I
KF/ZF25 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I Summer Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ZF29 Basics Of Physiotherapy And Examination Methods II
KF/ZF29 Basics Of Physiotherapy And Examination Methods II Summer Czech 5  
KF/ZF2K5 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I
KF/ZF2K5 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I Summer Czech 4  
KF/ZF2K9 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I
KF/ZF2K9 Basis of physiotherapy and examination methods I Summer Czech 5  
KF/ZKFK9 unspecified
KF/ZKFK9 unspecified Summer Czech 0  
KF/ZKPF9 unspecified
KF/ZKPF9 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/ZPF5 Medical Psychology
KF/ZPF5 Medical Psychology Winter Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ZPF9 Medical Psychology
KF/ZPF9 Medical Psychology Winter Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ZPFK9 unspecified
KF/ZPFK9 unspecified Summer Czech 0  
KF/ZPPF9 unspecified
KF/ZPPF9 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
KF/ZSPF9 Basics of musculoskeletal sonography for physiotherapists
KF/ZSPF9 Basics of musculoskeletal sonography for physiotherapists Summer Czech 1  
KF/ZTF5 Winter Skiing Course
KF/ZTF5 Winter Skiing Course Winter Czech, English 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ZTF9 Winter PE Course
KF/ZTF9 Winter PE Course Winter Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ZTFK5 Medical Physical Education
KF/ZTFK5 Medical Physical Education Summer Czech 1  
KF/ZTFK9 Medical Physical Education
KF/ZTFK9 Medical Physical Education Summer Czech 1  
KF/ZTKF5 Winter Skiing Course
KF/ZTKF5 Winter Skiing Course Winter Czech, English 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ZTVF5 Medical Physical Education
KF/ZTVF5 Medical Physical Education Summer Czech 1  
KF/ZTVF9 Health Physical Education
KF/ZTVF9 Health Physical Education Summer Czech 1  
KF/ZVF9 Basics of nutrition
KF/ZVF9 Basics of nutrition Winter Czech 1  
KF/ZVFA9 HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION Winter and summer English, English, English 1  
KF/ZVFK9 unspecified
KF/ZVFK9 unspecified Summer Czech 1  
KF/ZZF5 Medical Law Basics
KF/ZZF5 Medical Law Basics Winter Czech 2  
KF/ZZF9 The Basics Of Health Law
KF/ZZF9 The Basics Of Health Law Winter Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KF/ZZFK5 Medical Law Basics
KF/ZZFK5 Medical Law Basics Winter Czech 2  
KF/ZZFK9 Medical Law Basics
KF/ZZFK9 Medical Law Basics Winter Czech 1