Course: Central Stabilization Strengthening

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Course title Central Stabilization Strengthening
Course code KF/CSPF9
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Turková Ivana, Mgr.
Course content
Seminar topics: 1. Introduction to the Center Stabilization Strengthening - basic characteristics of the subject and principles. Practice basic instructions for adjusting joints. Manual help and resistance. 2. Work with your breath (inhale down, force exhale, hold your breath) in different postures and exercises. 3. Resistance to verticalization and locomotion, lightening of segments. 4. The use of therabands and small dumbbells in the ambulance. 5. Fitness equipment: types, use. Common mistakes in fitness. 6. Use of the gym to prevent and treat movement disorders. 7. Diagnosis of the locomotor system in the gym and subsequent adjustment of exercises. Individual modification of exercises. 8. Strengthening and gym in rehabilitation workplace. 9. Strengthening for performance (strength, sports) or shaping the body with the health concept.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim is to apply the concept of stabilization (basal) programs in therapeutic and preventive strengthening. The model for the exercises are joint configurations known from our ontogenesis (verticalization and locomotion), but also phylogenesis (vis and its modifications), from professional strength activities and sports. In addition to working with resistance or lightening, focusing attention and creating ideas are used. Teaching is directed to the ambulance (therabandy, dumbbells), and the gym (pulleys and other equipment), which can become the second workplace therapist.
Expertise: Student is able to explain basic stabilization chains ventral and dorsal in the sagittal plane and in diagonals, in the laterolateral plane. Can explain the principles (from the center to the periphery, from the support to the center, single-man exercise), explain what positive and negative for the result of movement therapy is done in focusing attention. Can work with ideas and justify them. Student can explain the differences of the effects of strengthening, PIR, PIP and stretching, knows how to influence the contractile and fibrous component of muscle. Professional skills: Student can manually help stabilize the spine, shoulder blades, key joints and acres and give manual resistance to practice stabilization of individual segments and the whole body. Can show the most commonly used exercises (about 100) and can teach them.

Assessment methods and criteria
Credits: 80% active participation in seminars, practical lessons (manual skills). Colloquium - group or individual verification of practical professional skills and general competences acquired during seminars.
Recommended literature
  • ALTER, M., 1998. Strečink. Praha: Grada. ISBN 978-80-7169-763-3. ISBN 978-80-7169-763-3.
  • BAECHLE, T. R., 1994. Essential of Strength Training and Conditioning (National Strength and Conditioning Association) Champain . Human Kinetics. ISBN 0-87322-694-1.. ISBN 0-87322-694-1.
  • BROOKFIELD, J., 2002. The Grip Master's Manual. IronMind Enterprises, Inc.: Nevada City, California..
  • BRÜGGER, A.. Agistich-exzentrische Kontraktionsmasnachmen gegen Funktionsstörungen des Bewegfungssystems. Arbeitsdhanbuch von C. M. Rock und S. Petak-Krueger. Dr. Brügger- Institut Zürich. ISBN 3-9520075-3-6.. ISBN 3-9520075-3-6.
  • BRUNKOW R., 2003. In: Blum, M: TER Blum: Ein Behandlungskonzept basierend auf dem Bahnungssystem vonRoswitha BRUNKOW. Richard Pflaum Verlag, 2003. ISBN 978-3-7905-0901-4. ISBN 978-3-7905-0901-4.
  • ČÁPOVÁ J., 2008. Bazální programy a podprogramy. Repronis. ISBN 978-80-7329-180-8.. ISBN 978-80-7329-180-8.
  • ČECH, Z. a P. TLAPÁK, 2010. Koncepce centračně-stabilizačních posilovacích cvičení. RehFyzLék, č. 4, 2010, s. 181 - 187..
  • PAGE, P., 2005. Strength band trainig. Human Kinetics, USA. ISBN 0-7360-5493-6.. ISBN 0-7360-5493-6.
  • PALAŠČÁKOVÁ ŠPRINGROVÁ, I., 2017. Akrální koaktivační terapie: Acral coactivation therapy. Vydání druhé. Čelákovice: ACT centrum. ISBN 978-80-906440-5-2.. ISBN 978-80-906440-5-2.
  • PETR, M. a P. ŠŤASTNÝ, 2012. Funkční silový trénink. UK Praha.
  • SIEGELE J., 2003. Seilzübungen. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart. ISBN 3-13-129251-4. ISBN 3-13-129251-4.
  • ŠVEJCAR, P. a M. ŠŤASTNÝ, 2013. Moderní fyziotrénink. Praha: Plot. ISBN 978-80-7428-183-9. ISBN 978-80-7428-183-9.
  • TLAPÁK, P., J. NOVÁK, J. HRDINA, J. ZELENÝ a J. GABRHEL, 1990. Heart rate and metabolic demands of Weight - Lifting. Acta Univ. Carol. Gymn. 26., č. 2., s. 19 - 23..
  • TLAPÁK, P., 2006. Tvarování těla pro muže a ženy. Praha: ARSCI. ISBN 80-86078-57-4.. ISBN 80-86078-57-4.
  • TLAPÁK, P., 2009. Posilování pro zdraví I. - VIII. Muscle & Fitness. roč. 19, č. 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9. ISSN 1335 - 7867.
  • TLAPÁK, P., 2014. Posilování kloubní kondice: centračně-stabilizační cvičení. Praha: Arsci. ISBN 978-80-7420-037-3. ISBN 978-80-7420-037-3.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Health Studies Study plan (Version): Physiotherapy (P19) Category: Health service 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: -