Course content
Témata seminářů: 1. Introduction to Physiotherapy, The Human Body, Positional and Directional Terms 2. The Human Body Systems, The Skeletal and Muscular Systems 3. First Aid and Emergencies, At the hospital, Diseases and Disorders, The Diagnostic Process 4. Treatment and Exercises, Geriatric Physiotherapy, Women and Pediatric Physiotherapy
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is focused on teaching English for physioherapists. The aim is to develop the ability to read and understand a foreign language professional text in the field of health care. Furthermore, training communication with the patient, possibly with a colleague on a professional topic.
Expertise: Student demonstrates knowledge of basic English terms in the following areas - hospital and its parts, human body, positions and body movements. Professional skills: Student is able to welcome the patient, to ask about his problems, to explain to him the doctor's diagnosis and treatment procedures.
Assessment methods and criteria
Student requirements: 80% attendance Credit: Fulfillment of online quizzes 80%, written test in terminology Exam: Conversation on a drawn topic
Recommended literature
BULDOV, S., a M. MAXEROVÁ. English for Nurses. 1. vyd. Praha: Scientia Medica, 1996. 80 s. ISBN 978-80-7333-018-7.. ISBN 978-80-7333-018-7.
GLENDINNING, E., H., 2005. English in Medicine. Cambridge: CUP. 156 s. ISBN 978-052160-666-0.. ISBN 978-052160-666-0.
GOGELOVÁ, H., 2011. Angličtina pro fyzioterapeuty. Praha: Grada Publishing. 315 s. ISBN978-80-247-3531-3. ISBN 978-80-247-3531-3.
MURRAY, J. P., 1995. Anglicko-český lékařský terminologický slovník. 1. vyd. Jinočany: H&H. 339 s. ISBN 80-85787-43-1.. ISBN 80-85787-43-1.
TOPILOVÁ, V. Lékařský slovník, anglicko-český, česko - anglický, 1. vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 1999. 880s. ISBN 80-7169-284-0.. ISBN 80-7169-284-0.
TOPILOVÁ, V., 2007. Medical English. Havlíčkův Brod: Tobiáš. 279 s. ISBN 80-7311-001-6.. ISBN 80-7311-001-6.