Course: Physical Education and Didactics I

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Course title Physical Education and Didactics I
Course code KF/TVF19
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Balkó Štefan, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Prchal Pavel, Mgr.
Course content
opics of lectures: 1. Introduction to physical education and importance in physiotherapy, content and division of the exercise unit 2. Creation of an exercise unit 3. Types of stretching 4. Deep stabilization system 5. Stabilization 6. Types of weakening of the human body I 7. Types of weakening of the human body II 8. Diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system 9. Diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system - tests Exercise topics: 1. Used aids for exercise 2. Compensatory exercises 3. Practical exercises of different types of stretching 4. Breathing exercises 5. Stabilization in basic exercise positions 6. Stack of exercises for certain weaknesses of the human body I 7. Stack of exercises for certain weaknesses of the human body II 8. Training of basic diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system by aspects and palpations 9. Training of basic diagnostic tests of the musculoskeletal system for shortened and weakened muscles Topics: 1. Use of aids to identify poor posture. 2.Definition of the term health physical education. Inappropriate exercises in physical education. 3. Didactic principles in health physical education classes. Obesity in children and adults. 4. Development of speed, strength, endurance, coordination preconditions with regard to the age of children. 5. Use of aids for the development of strength, speed, endurance and coordination.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course is a basis for teaching subjects profiling the basis of the study program of physiotherapy. The aim of the course is to acquire basic motor skills and nomenclature. Upon completion of the course, students are able to build a physical education exercise unit using physiotherapeutic procedures and methods.
Expertise: The student can explain the importance of movement in the healing process and describe the construction of the exercise unit. Student manages nomenclature. Professional skills: The student knows the technique of stretching shortened muscle groups and is able to choose the right way of strengthening weakened muscle groups. It is able to distinguish correct and faulty posture. General eligibility: The student is able to practically use movement in the healing process, is also able to influence shortened muscle groups and strengthen weakened muscle groups.

Assessment methods and criteria
Student requirements: 80% attendance Active participation in classes Practical example of the drawn topic
Recommended literature
  • BURSOVÁ, M., 2005. Kompenzační cvičení uvolňovací - protahovací - posilovací. Praha: Grada Publishing. ISBN 80-247-0948-1.. ISBN 80-247-0948-1.
  • DOBEŠ, M. a P. DOBEŠOVÁ, 1996. Cvičíme na velkém míči. 1. vyd. Havířov: Domiga. 49 s. ISBN 80-902222-0-X. ISBN 80-902222-0-X.
  • DOBEŠOVÁ, P., 2001. Cvičíme s měkkým míčem. 1.vyd. Havířov: Domiga. 34 s. ISBN 80-902222-2-6.. ISBN 80-902222-2-6.
  • FIALOVÁ, L., 2010. Aktuální témata didaktiky. Praha: Univerzita Karlova. ISBN 978-80-246-1854-8. ISBN 978-80-246-1854-8.
  • HAVEL, Z. a J. HNÍZDIL et al., 2009. Rozvoj a diagnostika silových schopností. Ústí nad Labem: UJEP PF. ISBN: 978-80-7414-189-8.. ISBN 978-80-7414-189-8.
  • RAŠEV, E., 1992. Škola zad. Praha: Direkt. 222 s. ISBN 80-900272-6-1. ISBN 80-900272-6-1.
  • WESTERKAMP, R a A. MATERNA, 2007. Zdravá a pružná záda: cviky na posílení a uvolnění zad, na zmírnění bolestí, sestavy při chronických potížích s krční a bederní páteří, speciální programy pro děti a seniory, škola zad v době těhotenství, správné sezení. Praha: Ikar. 143 s. ISBN 978-80-249-0929-5.. ISBN 978-80-249-0929-5.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Health Studies Study plan (Version): Physiotherapy (P19) Category: Health service 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter