Course: Physiotherapy III

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Course title Physiotherapy III
Course code KF/FZ39
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Tichá Kateřina, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Kvochová Veronika, Mgr.
  • Lhotská Zuzana, Mgr.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1. Physiotherapy - traumatology in the area of the girdle of the upper limb (fractures in the area of the scapula, clavicle and proximal end of the humerus). 2. Physiotherapy - traumatology in the area of the girdle of the upper limb (fractures in the area of the distal humerus, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand). 3. Physiotherapy - traumatology in the pelvic region and spine. 4. Developmental defects of the hip joint - VDK, M. Perthes, coxa vara adolescentia. 5. Defects of the spine - dorsum planum, M. Scheuermann, scoliosis. 6. Congenital and acquired defects of the foot and fingers. 7. Painful shoulder syndrome (tests for impingement syndrome, rotator cuff disorders, instability). 8. Injury to the tendon apparatus of the hand (flexor and extensor apparatus), enthesopathy. 9. Repetition Exercise topics: 1. PNF - lower limb - 1st diagonal DK. 2. PNF - lower limb. - 2nd diagonal DK. 3. PNF - trunk, pelvis and head. 4. PNF - fitness and relaxation techniques. 5. Physiotherapeutic procedures in the area of plaster DK. 6. Physiotherapeutic procedures in the area of girdle HK. 7. Acral coactivation therapy - basic principles, ventral and dorsal chains, acre setting. 8. Acral coactivation therapy - exercises according to the position of developmental kinesiology. 9. Repetition.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
It is the subject of the profiling basis of the study program of physiotherapy, conceived as theoretical and practical. It acquaints students with the pathogenesis of functional disorders of the locomotor system, methods used in rehabilitation and physiotherapeutic procedures in individual clinical disciplines. Students will apply this knowledge in practice. The aim is to apply knowledge of individual procedures and methodologies in clinical disciplines.
Expertise: Student is able to describe and explain physiotherapy in the indication area of traumatology and orthopedics. The student is well versed in tests of painful shoulder syndrome. Professional skills: Student is able to realize short-term and long-term plan in mentioned indication areas, he is able to investigate and treat locomotor system disorders using basic physiotherapeutic procedures in the area of girdle DK and HK, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and acute coactivation therapy. General eligibility: Student is able to practically use basic physiotherapeutic procedures in the area of plaster DK and HK, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and acral coactivation therapy.

Assessment methods and criteria
Credit: 80% active participation in exercises, demonstration of practical skills Examination: written test, oral examination
Recommended literature
  • BUCHTELOVÁ, E. a A. CHARVÁTOVÁ, 2017. Fyzioterapie v indikačních oblastech II - učební text. 1. vyd. UJEP Ústí nad Labem, FZS. 140 s. ISBN 978-80-7561-060-7. ISBN 978-80-7561-060-7.
  • GÚTH, A., 2005. Vyšetrovacie a liečebné metodiky pre fyzioterapeutov I, II. Bratislava: Liečreh. Gúth, 400 s. ISBN 80-88932-16.. ISBN 80-88932-16.
  • HOLUBÁŘOVÁ, J. a D. PAVLŮ, 2007. Proprioceptivní neuromuskulární facilitace. Praha: Karolinum. ISBN 978-80-246-1294-2.. ISBN 978-80-246-1294-2.
  • KOLÁŘ, P. et al., 2009. Rehabilitace v klinické praxi. Praha: Galén. Speciální část, kapitola 3. a 4. s. 542-622. ISBN 978-80-7262-657-1.. ISBN 978-80-7262-57-1.
  • LEWIT, K., 2003. Manipulační léčba v myoskeletární medicíně. Praha: Sdělovací technika, ve spolupráci s ČLS JEP. ISBN 80-86645-04-5.. ISBN 80-86645-04-5.
  • PAVLŮ, D., 2002. Speciální fyzioterapeutické koncepty a metody. 1. vyd. Brno: CERM, 239 s. ISBN 80-7204-266-1. ISBN 80-7204-266-1.
  • VÉLE, F., 2006. Kineziologie. Triton, 375 s., ISBN 80-7254-837-9. ISBN 80-7254-837-9.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Health Studies Study plan (Version): Physiotherapy (P19) Category: Health service 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter