Courses of department: USE

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Course code Course name
Course code Course name Semester Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
USE/AKMAK unspecified
USE/AKMAK unspecified Winter Czech 1  
USE/AKMAT unspecified
USE/AKMAT unspecified Winter Czech 1  
USE/BK011 Environmental Prevention
USE/BK011 Environmental Prevention Summer Czech 1  
USE/BK014 Technical Drawing
USE/BK014 Technical Drawing Summer Czech 4  
USE/BK019 Technical Measurements
USE/BK019 Technical Measurements Winter Czech 3  
USE/BK039 Project
USE/BK039 Project Winter Czech 4  
USE/BK047 Electrical Measurements
USE/BK047 Electrical Measurements Winter Czech 3  
USE/BK050 Machine operation and maintenance
USE/BK050 Machine operation and maintenance Summer Czech 2  
USE/BK055 Environment Technology
USE/BK055 Environment Technology Summer Czech 2  
USE/BK056 Power and Vehicles
USE/BK056 Power and Vehicles Summer Czech 2  
USE/BK057 Energetics
USE/BK057 Energetics Summer Czech 2  
USE/BK058 Computational Simulations I
USE/BK058 Computational Simulations I Summer Czech 2  
USE/BK059 Production lines
USE/BK059 Production lines Summer Czech 2  
USE/BK077 Technical Computing in Matlab I
USE/BK077 Technical Computing in Matlab I Summer Czech 4  
USE/DK003 Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer
USE/DK003 Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/DK005 Numerical Mathematics
USE/DK005 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/DK015 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations
USE/DK015 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/DK032 Selected Issues in Continuum Fluid Mechanics
USE/DK032 Selected Issues in Continuum Fluid Mechanics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/DP003 Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer
USE/DP003 Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/DP005 Numerical Mathematics
USE/DP005 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/DP015 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations
USE/DP015 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/DP032 Selected Issues in Continuum Fluid Mechanics
USE/DP032 Selected Issues in Continuum Fluid Mechanics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/DP038 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations
USE/DP038 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/EA080 CAD Winter and summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA098 Technical English
USE/EA098 Technical English Winter and summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA104 Model of Energy Flows
USE/EA104 Model of Energy Flows Winter and summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA105 Electrical Experiments
USE/EA105 Electrical Experiments Winter and summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA107 Quality Control
USE/EA107 Quality Control Winter and summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA113 Technical Drawing
USE/EA113 Technical Drawing Winter and summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA115 Industrial processes
USE/EA115 Industrial processes Winter and summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA116 Additive Technology
USE/EA116 Additive Technology Winter and summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA117 Automation
USE/EA117 Automation Winter and summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA118 Fluid Dynamics
USE/EA118 Fluid Dynamics Winter and summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA119 Thermodynamics
USE/EA119 Thermodynamics Winter and summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA123 Distribution and Application of Thermal
USE/EA123 Distribution and Application of Thermal Winter and summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA124 Electrical machines
USE/EA124 Electrical machines Winter English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA125 Modelling in Electric Power System
USE/EA125 Modelling in Electric Power System Winter and summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA129 Mathematics I
USE/EA129 Mathematics I Winter and summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA130 Mathematics II
USE/EA130 Mathematics II Winter and summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/EA131 Selected Chapters of Mathematics
USE/EA131 Selected Chapters of Mathematics Winter and summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/KB014 Technical Drawing
USE/KB014 Technical Drawing Summer Czech 3  
USE/KB094 Theory of control systems
USE/KB094 Theory of control systems Winter Czech 2  
USE/KBZ01 Machinery and Engineering Parts
USE/KBZ01 Machinery and Engineering Parts Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD101 Applied Mathematics
USE/KD101 Applied Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD102 Measurement of Physical Quantities
USE/KD102 Measurement of Physical Quantities Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD103 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KD103 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD104 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations
USE/KD104 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations - Czech 0  
USE/KD111 Technical diagnostics
USE/KD111 Technical diagnostics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD201 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations
USE/KD201 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations - Czech 0  
USE/KD202 Automatic Control
USE/KD202 Automatic Control Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD209 Mechanics of Production Machines and Manipulators
USE/KD209 Mechanics of Production Machines and Manipulators Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD218 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations
USE/KD218 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD301 English Language
USE/KD301 English Language Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD302 German Language
USE/KD302 German Language Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD303 Russian Language
USE/KD303 Russian Language Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KD304 unspecified
USE/KD304 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KDAJ Numerical Mathematics
USE/KDAJ Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KOP08 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KOP08 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KOP09 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KOP09 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KOP10 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KOP10 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KOP11 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KOP11 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KOP16 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KOP16 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KOP17 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KOP17 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KTZ01 Applied Mathematics
USE/KTZ01 Applied Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KTZ02 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KTZ02 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KTZ03 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KTZ03 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KTZ10 Measurement of Physical Quantities
USE/KTZ10 Measurement of Physical Quantities Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KTZ12 Numerical Mathematics
USE/KTZ12 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KTZ14 Selected Issues in Continuum Mechanics of Solids
USE/KTZ14 Selected Issues in Continuum Mechanics of Solids Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KU001 Mathematics I
USE/KU001 Mathematics I Winter Czech 6  
USE/KU003 Introduction to construction
USE/KU003 Introduction to construction Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU005 Introduction to engineering
USE/KU005 Introduction to engineering Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU009 Mathematics II
USE/KU009 Mathematics II Summer Czech 6  
USE/KU012 Mechanics I
USE/KU012 Mechanics I Summer Czech 6  
USE/KU014 Technical Measurements
USE/KU014 Technical Measurements Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU018 Elasticity and Rigidity
USE/KU018 Elasticity and Rigidity Summer Czech 6  
USE/KU020 Hydromechanics
USE/KU020 Hydromechanics Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU021 Statistics
USE/KU021 Statistics Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU022 CAD Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU024 Electrical engineering
USE/KU024 Electrical engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU026 Transport and Environment
USE/KU026 Transport and Environment Summer Czech 2  
USE/KU027 Mathematics III
USE/KU027 Mathematics III Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU028 Thermomechanics
USE/KU028 Thermomechanics Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU034 Differential Equations
USE/KU034 Differential Equations Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU041 Automation
USE/KU041 Automation Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU047 Electrical Measurements I
USE/KU047 Electrical Measurements I Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU050 Machine Operation and Maintenance
USE/KU050 Machine Operation and Maintenance Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU055 Environment Technology
USE/KU055 Environment Technology Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU059 Production lines
USE/KU059 Production lines Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU070 Electric Drives and Power Electronics
USE/KU070 Electric Drives and Power Electronics Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU071 Ecology of Industrial Companies
USE/KU071 Ecology of Industrial Companies Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU072 Modelling of Thermal Processes
USE/KU072 Modelling of Thermal Processes Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU073 Designing - CAD
USE/KU073 Designing - CAD Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU075 Machines and Devices
USE/KU075 Machines and Devices Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU077 Technical Computing in Matlab I
USE/KU077 Technical Computing in Matlab I Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU100 Energy Economy and Environment
USE/KU100 Energy Economy and Environment Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU103 Work Safety in the Industry Sector
USE/KU103 Work Safety in the Industry Sector Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU104 Selected Parts of Hydrodynamics
USE/KU104 Selected Parts of Hydrodynamics Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU105 Non-renewable Energy Sourcers
USE/KU105 Non-renewable Energy Sourcers Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU106 Renewable Energy Sources and Enegy Accumulation
USE/KU106 Renewable Energy Sources and Enegy Accumulation Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU107 Electrical Machines
USE/KU107 Electrical Machines Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU108 Distribution of Electrical Energy
USE/KU108 Distribution of Electrical Energy Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU109 Measuring Energy Quantities
USE/KU109 Measuring Energy Quantities Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU110 Power Machines I
USE/KU110 Power Machines I Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU113 Distribution and the Use of Heat Energy
USE/KU113 Distribution and the Use of Heat Energy Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU116 Electrical Apparatuses
USE/KU116 Electrical Apparatuses Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU134 Introduction to Numerical Modeling
USE/KU134 Introduction to Numerical Modeling Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU139 Engineering Components
USE/KU139 Engineering Components Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU140 Mechanics II
USE/KU140 Mechanics II Winter Czech 6  
USE/KU141 unspecified
USE/KU141 unspecified Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU142 Construction of machines - mechanisms
USE/KU142 Construction of machines - mechanisms Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU143 Project
USE/KU143 Project Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU144 Heat exchangers and heat calculations
USE/KU144 Heat exchangers and heat calculations Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU145 Designing
USE/KU145 Designing Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU146 Technical Measurements
USE/KU146 Technical Measurements Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU147 unspecified
USE/KU147 unspecified Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU148 Technical diagnostic
USE/KU148 Technical diagnostic Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU149 Hydraulic Machines
USE/KU149 Hydraulic Machines Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU150 Compressors and cooling
USE/KU150 Compressors and cooling Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU151 Use of computers in engineering
USE/KU151 Use of computers in engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU154 Combustion engines
USE/KU154 Combustion engines Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU155 Selected chapters of mathematics
USE/KU155 Selected chapters of mathematics Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU156 Selected chapters from introduction to construction
USE/KU156 Selected chapters from introduction to construction Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU157 Use computers in engineering
USE/KU157 Use computers in engineering Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU158 Production technology
USE/KU158 Production technology Summer Czech 2  
USE/KU159 Tribology
USE/KU159 Tribology Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU161 Foreign Language I
USE/KU161 Foreign Language I Winter Czech 2  
USE/KU162 Foreign Language II
USE/KU162 Foreign Language II Summer Czech 2  
USE/KU163 Automobiles
USE/KU163 Automobiles Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU164 unspecified
USE/KU164 unspecified Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU165 Energy sources and transfers
USE/KU165 Energy sources and transfers Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU166 unspecified
USE/KU166 unspecified Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU203 Introduction to Construction
USE/KU203 Introduction to Construction Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU205 Introduction to engineering
USE/KU205 Introduction to engineering Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU212 Mechanics I
USE/KU212 Mechanics I Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU218 Elasticity and Rigidity
USE/KU218 Elasticity and Rigidity Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU220 Hydromechanics
USE/KU220 Hydromechanics Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU221 Statistics
USE/KU221 Statistics Winter Czech 6  
USE/KU222 CAD Winter Czech 2  
USE/KU224 Electrical Engineering for Power System
USE/KU224 Electrical Engineering for Power System Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU227 Mathematics III
USE/KU227 Mathematics III Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU228 Thermodynamics
USE/KU228 Thermodynamics Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU241 Basics of Industrial Automation
USE/KU241 Basics of Industrial Automation Summer Czech 2  
USE/KU250 Machine Operation and Maintenance
USE/KU250 Machine Operation and Maintenance Summer Czech 2  
USE/KU255 Environment Technology
USE/KU255 Environment Technology Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU259 Production Lines
USE/KU259 Production Lines Summer Czech 2  
USE/KU339 Engineering Components
USE/KU339 Engineering Components Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU340 Mechanics II
USE/KU340 Mechanics II Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU344 Heat exchangers and heat calculations
USE/KU344 Heat exchangers and heat calculations Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU345 Designing
USE/KU345 Designing Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU347 Introduction to Numerical Simulations
USE/KU347 Introduction to Numerical Simulations Winter and summer Czech 3  
USE/KU357 Use computers in engineering
USE/KU357 Use computers in engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU361 Foreign Language I
USE/KU361 Foreign Language I Winter Czech 3  
USE/KU362 Foreign Language II
USE/KU362 Foreign Language II Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU364 unspecified
USE/KU364 unspecified Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU373 Designing - CAD
USE/KU373 Designing - CAD Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU403 Introduction to Construction
USE/KU403 Introduction to Construction Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU420 Hydromechanics
USE/KU420 Hydromechanics Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU455 Environment Technology
USE/KU455 Environment Technology Summer Czech 2  
USE/KU524 Electrical engineering
USE/KU524 Electrical engineering Summer Czech 4  
USE/KU528 Thermomechanics
USE/KU528 Thermomechanics Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU543 Project
USE/KU543 Project Winter Czech 4  
USE/KU544 Heat exchangers and heat calculations
USE/KU544 Heat exchangers and heat calculations Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU545 Designing
USE/KU545 Designing Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU549 Hydraulic Machines
USE/KU549 Hydraulic Machines Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU550 Compressors and cooling
USE/KU550 Compressors and cooling Winter Czech 5  
USE/KU554 Combustion engines
USE/KU554 Combustion engines Summer Czech 5  
USE/KU562 Foreign Language II
USE/KU562 Foreign Language II Summer Czech 2  
USE/KU565 Energy sources and transfers
USE/KU565 Energy sources and transfers Summer Czech 3  
USE/KU762 Foreign Language II
USE/KU762 Foreign Language II Winter Czech 3  
USE/KUX01 Practice
USE/KUX01 Practice Summer Czech 2  
USE/KUX02 Practice before the final project
USE/KUX02 Practice before the final project Summer Czech 2  
USE/KUX03 Practice I
USE/KUX03 Practice I Summer Czech 4  
USE/KUX04 Practice II
USE/KUX04 Practice II Winter Czech 4  
USE/KUZ01 Theoretical basis
USE/KUZ01 Theoretical basis Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KUZ02 Machinery and Engineering Parts
USE/KUZ02 Machinery and Engineering Parts Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KUZ03 Machinery and Engineering Parts
USE/KUZ03 Machinery and Engineering Parts Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KUZ04 Applied Mechanics and Energy Machines
USE/KUZ04 Applied Mechanics and Energy Machines Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KUZ05 Materials and Heat Energy Distribution
USE/KUZ05 Materials and Heat Energy Distribution Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KUZ06 Quality, operation and maintenance of machines, non-renewable resources
USE/KUZ06 Quality, operation and maintenance of machines, non-renewable resources Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KUZ07 Electric Machines and Distribution of Electrical Energy
USE/KUZ07 Electric Machines and Distribution of Electrical Energy Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KUZP3 Study Closing Project
USE/KUZP3 Study Closing Project Winter and summer Czech 10  
USE/KUZP5 Final project
USE/KUZP5 Final project Winter and summer Czech 8  
USE/KV001 Measurement and Technical Diagnostic
USE/KV001 Measurement and Technical Diagnostic Winter Czech 3  
USE/KV002 Mechatronics
USE/KV002 Mechatronics Summer Czech 5  
USE/KV003 Additive Technology
USE/KV003 Additive Technology Winter Czech 3  
USE/KV007 Applied Statistics
USE/KV007 Applied Statistics Summer Czech 3  
USE/KV009 Basics of Engineering Experiment
USE/KV009 Basics of Engineering Experiment Summer Czech 6  
USE/KV010 Elasticity Strength - Selected Chapters
USE/KV010 Elasticity Strength - Selected Chapters Summer Czech 6  
USE/KV013 Optical Digitalisation and Reverse Engineering
USE/KV013 Optical Digitalisation and Reverse Engineering Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV015 Optimization of machine structures
USE/KV015 Optimization of machine structures Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV016 Production Lines
USE/KV016 Production Lines Summer Czech 2  
USE/KV017 Numerical Simulations - CFD
USE/KV017 Numerical Simulations - CFD Winter Czech 6  
USE/KV020 Supporting Structures of Machines
USE/KV020 Supporting Structures of Machines Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV022 Automation of Production Systems
USE/KV022 Automation of Production Systems Winter Czech 3  
USE/KV023 Measurement Systems in Hydrodynamic
USE/KV023 Measurement Systems in Hydrodynamic Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV024 Diagnostics and Machine Testing
USE/KV024 Diagnostics and Machine Testing Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV025 Numerical Simulations - Selected Chapters
USE/KV025 Numerical Simulations - Selected Chapters Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV026 Biomechanics and Hemodynamics
USE/KV026 Biomechanics and Hemodynamics Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV037 Control Systems in Industrial Automation
USE/KV037 Control Systems in Industrial Automation Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV060 Construction of Robots and Manipulators
USE/KV060 Construction of Robots and Manipulators Summer Czech 5  
USE/KV061 Transport and Environment
USE/KV061 Transport and Environment Summer Czech 3  
USE/KV069 Use of Electrical Energy
USE/KV069 Use of Electrical Energy Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV070 Cogeneration, Piping and Pressure Vessels
USE/KV070 Cogeneration, Piping and Pressure Vessels Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV071 Technical Computing in Matlab II
USE/KV071 Technical Computing in Matlab II Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV072 Heat and Mass Transfer
USE/KV072 Heat and Mass Transfer Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV073 Electrical Measurements II
USE/KV073 Electrical Measurements II Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV074 Advanced Measurement Methods
USE/KV074 Advanced Measurement Methods Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV075 Numerical Simulations of Engineering Tasks
USE/KV075 Numerical Simulations of Engineering Tasks Winter Czech 3  
USE/KV077 Diagnostics of Energy Equipment
USE/KV077 Diagnostics of Energy Equipment Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV078 Power Machines II
USE/KV078 Power Machines II Summer Czech 5  
USE/KV079 Dynamics of Power Machines
USE/KV079 Dynamics of Power Machines Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV080 Cooling Systems
USE/KV080 Cooling Systems Summer Czech 5  
USE/KV082 Modelling of Electric Power System
USE/KV082 Modelling of Electric Power System Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV085 Theory of Design
USE/KV085 Theory of Design Summer Czech 5  
USE/KV088 Modelling Energy Flows
USE/KV088 Modelling Energy Flows Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV090 3D Modelling
USE/KV090 3D Modelling Summer Czech 5  
USE/KV117 Foreign Language T1
USE/KV117 Foreign Language T1 Winter Czech 2  
USE/KV118 Foreign Language TII
USE/KV118 Foreign Language TII Summer Czech 2  
USE/KV119 Foreign Language TIII
USE/KV119 Foreign Language TIII Winter Czech 2  
USE/KV123 Thermodynamic of Gasses
USE/KV123 Thermodynamic of Gasses Summer Czech 5  
USE/KV124 Professional Internship in the Company or Abroad
USE/KV124 Professional Internship in the Company or Abroad Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV125 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy
USE/KV125 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV127 Economy and Management in Power System
USE/KV127 Economy and Management in Power System Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV128 Effectiveness of Energy Systems
USE/KV128 Effectiveness of Energy Systems Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV129 Waste and Biomass Energy Usage
USE/KV129 Waste and Biomass Energy Usage Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV130 Combustion Engines
USE/KV130 Combustion Engines Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV131 Invited Lectures of Practise or Foreign Experts
USE/KV131 Invited Lectures of Practise or Foreign Experts Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV132 Soft Skills
USE/KV132 Soft Skills Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV133 Engineering Project
USE/KV133 Engineering Project Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV134 Cooperation on Projects
USE/KV134 Cooperation on Projects Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV135 Basics of Engineering Experiment
USE/KV135 Basics of Engineering Experiment Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV203 Additive Technology
USE/KV203 Additive Technology Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV222 Automation of Production Systems
USE/KV222 Automation of Production Systems Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV271 Technical Computing in Matlab II
USE/KV271 Technical Computing in Matlab II Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV272 Heat and Mass Transfer
USE/KV272 Heat and Mass Transfer Winter Czech 6  
USE/KV274 Advanced Measurement Methods
USE/KV274 Advanced Measurement Methods Winter Czech 3  
USE/KV286 Ecological Aspects in Power System
USE/KV286 Ecological Aspects in Power System Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV290 3D Modelling
USE/KV290 3D Modelling Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV317 Foreign Technical Language T1
USE/KV317 Foreign Technical Language T1 Winter Czech 3  
USE/KV318 Foreign Technical Language II
USE/KV318 Foreign Technical Language II Summer Czech 3  
USE/KV324 Professional Internship in the Company or Abroad
USE/KV324 Professional Internship in the Company or Abroad Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV330 Combustion Engines
USE/KV330 Combustion Engines Winter Czech 4  
USE/KV332 Soft Skills
USE/KV332 Soft Skills Summer Czech 3  
USE/KV334 Cooperation on Projects
USE/KV334 Cooperation on Projects Summer Czech 3  
USE/KV474 Advanced Measurement Methods
USE/KV474 Advanced Measurement Methods Winter Czech 6  
USE/KV525 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy
USE/KV525 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV529 Waste and Biomass Energy Usage
USE/KV529 Waste and Biomass Energy Usage Summer Czech 4  
USE/KV571 Technical Computing in Matlab II
USE/KV571 Technical Computing in Matlab II Winter Czech 5  
USE/KV580 Cooling Systems
USE/KV580 Cooling Systems Summer Czech 4  
USE/KVX03 Practice
USE/KVX03 Practice Winter Czech 5  
USE/KVX04 Practice
USE/KVX04 Practice Summer Czech 5  
USE/KVZ01 unspecified
USE/KVZ01 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZ02 unspecified
USE/KVZ02 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZ03 unspecified
USE/KVZ03 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZ04 unspecified
USE/KVZ04 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZ11 unspecified
USE/KVZ11 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZ12 unspecified
USE/KVZ12 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZ13 unspecified
USE/KVZ13 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZ22 unspecified
USE/KVZ22 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZ23 unspecified
USE/KVZ23 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KVZP3 Diploma Project
USE/KVZP3 Diploma Project Winter and summer Czech 11  
USE/KVZP5 Diploma Project
USE/KVZP5 Diploma Project Winter and summer Czech 12  
USE/KX001 Mathematics I
USE/KX001 Mathematics I Winter Czech 6  
USE/KX003 Engineering Geometry
USE/KX003 Engineering Geometry Winter and summer Czech 5  
USE/KX005 Introduction to engineering
USE/KX005 Introduction to engineering Winter Czech 3  
USE/KX008 Foreign Language A I
USE/KX008 Foreign Language A I Winter Czech 2  
USE/KX009 Mathematics II
USE/KX009 Mathematics II Summer Czech 6  
USE/KX012 Mechanics
USE/KX012 Mechanics Summer Czech 7  
USE/KX014 Technical Drawing
USE/KX014 Technical Drawing Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX016 Foreign Language A II
USE/KX016 Foreign Language A II Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX017 Engineering Components I
USE/KX017 Engineering Components I Winter Czech 3  
USE/KX018 Elasticity and Rigidity
USE/KX018 Elasticity and Rigidity Winter Czech 6  
USE/KX019 Technical Measurements
USE/KX019 Technical Measurements Winter Czech 3  
USE/KX020 Hydromechanics
USE/KX020 Hydromechanics Winter and summer Czech 3  
USE/KX022 CAD Winter Czech 2  
USE/KX024 Electrical engineering
USE/KX024 Electrical engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/KX025 Foreign Language A III
USE/KX025 Foreign Language A III Winter Czech 1  
USE/KX027 Mathematics III
USE/KX027 Mathematics III Winter Czech 3  
USE/KX028 Thermomechanics
USE/KX028 Thermomechanics Summer Czech 4  
USE/KX029 Mechanical Engineering Design II
USE/KX029 Mechanical Engineering Design II Summer Czech 5  
USE/KX033 Foreign Language A IV
USE/KX033 Foreign Language A IV Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX041 Automation
USE/KX041 Automation Winter Czech 3  
USE/KX044 Foreign Language B I
USE/KX044 Foreign Language B I Winter Czech 2  
USE/KX047 Electrical Measurements
USE/KX047 Electrical Measurements Winter Czech 4  
USE/KX050 Machine operation and maintenance
USE/KX050 Machine operation and maintenance - Czech 2  
USE/KX054 Foreign Language B II
USE/KX054 Foreign Language B II Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX055 Environment Technology
USE/KX055 Environment Technology Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX056 Power and Vehicles
USE/KX056 Power and Vehicles Winter Czech 2  
USE/KX057 Energetics
USE/KX057 Energetics Winter Czech 3  
USE/KX059 Production lines
USE/KX059 Production lines Summer Czech 3  
USE/KX075 Machines and Devices
USE/KX075 Machines and Devices Summer Czech 3  
USE/KX077 Technical Computing in Matlab
USE/KX077 Technical Computing in Matlab Summer Czech 3  
USE/KX094 Theory of control systems
USE/KX094 Theory of control systems Winter Czech 3  
USE/KX099 Introduction to Energy Management
USE/KX099 Introduction to Energy Management - Czech 5  
USE/KX107 Electrical Machines
USE/KX107 Electrical Machines Winter Czech 5  
USE/KX108 Electrical Net and Accessories
USE/KX108 Electrical Net and Accessories Winter Czech 4  
USE/KX109 Measuring Energy Values
USE/KX109 Measuring Energy Values Winter Czech 6  
USE/KX110 Power Machines I
USE/KX110 Power Machines I Winter Czech 6  
USE/KX113 Distribution and the Use of Heat Energy
USE/KX113 Distribution and the Use of Heat Energy Winter Czech 4  
USE/KX116 Electrical Equipment
USE/KX116 Electrical Equipment Summer Czech 6  
USE/KX120 Informatics
USE/KX120 Informatics Summer Czech 3  
USE/KX134 Introduction to numerical modeling
USE/KX134 Introduction to numerical modeling Summer Czech 6  
USE/KX135 Electrical Measurements
USE/KX135 Electrical Measurements Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX136 Thermal Calculations
USE/KX136 Thermal Calculations Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX151 Use of computers in engineering
USE/KX151 Use of computers in engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/KX161 Foreign Language A I
USE/KX161 Foreign Language A I Winter Czech 2  
USE/KX162 Foreign Language A II
USE/KX162 Foreign Language A II Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX201 Mathematics I
USE/KX201 Mathematics I Winter Czech 7  
USE/KX203 Technical Drawing
USE/KX203 Technical Drawing Winter Czech 4  
USE/KX205 Introduction to engineering
USE/KX205 Introduction to engineering Winter Czech 5  
USE/KX209 Mathematics II
USE/KX209 Mathematics II Summer Czech 7  
USE/KX214 Technical Drawing
USE/KX214 Technical Drawing Winter and summer Czech 3  
USE/KX224 Electrical engineering
USE/KX224 Electrical engineering Summer Czech 4  
USE/KX225 Foreign Language A III
USE/KX225 Foreign Language A III Winter Czech 2  
USE/KX234 Industrial Practice
USE/KX234 Industrial Practice Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX255 Environment Technology
USE/KX255 Environment Technology Summer Czech 4  
USE/KX256 Power and Vehicles
USE/KX256 Power and Vehicles Winter Czech 3  
USE/KX259 Production lines
USE/KX259 Production lines Summer Czech 2  
USE/KX275 Machines and Devices
USE/KX275 Machines and Devices Summer Czech 4  
USE/KX300 Energy and Environment
USE/KX300 Energy and Environment Winter Czech 4  
USE/KX303 Work Safety in the Energy Sector
USE/KX303 Work Safety in the Energy Sector - Czech 2  
USE/KX304 Theory of Electrical Engineering
USE/KX304 Theory of Electrical Engineering Summer Czech 5  
USE/KX306 Sources of Electric and Heat Energy
USE/KX306 Sources of Electric and Heat Energy Winter and summer Czech 5  
USE/KXZ01 Machinery and Engineering Parts
USE/KXZ01 Machinery and Engineering Parts Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KXZ12 Electroenergetics
USE/KXZ12 Electroenergetics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KXZ13 Heat Engineering
USE/KXZ13 Heat Engineering Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KXZP3 Study Closing Project
USE/KXZP3 Study Closing Project Winter and summer Czech 8  
USE/KY001 Meassurement and Technical Diagnostic
USE/KY001 Meassurement and Technical Diagnostic Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY002 Heat Engineering
USE/KY002 Heat Engineering Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY003 Machine Mechanisms
USE/KY003 Machine Mechanisms Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY006 Electrical Machines and Drives
USE/KY006 Electrical Machines and Drives Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY007 Applied Statistics
USE/KY007 Applied Statistics Summer Czech 5  
USE/KY009 Foreign Engineering Language I
USE/KY009 Foreign Engineering Language I Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY016 Mechatronics
USE/KY016 Mechatronics Summer Czech 3  
USE/KY017 Foreign Engineering Language II
USE/KY017 Foreign Engineering Language II Summer Czech 3  
USE/KY022 Automation of production systems
USE/KY022 Automation of production systems Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY023 Safety and Reliability in Production
USE/KY023 Safety and Reliability in Production Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY026 Foreign Business Language
USE/KY026 Foreign Business Language Winter Czech 2  
USE/KY027 Industrial Processes
USE/KY027 Industrial Processes Summer Czech 3  
USE/KY037 Automation of manufacturing machines
USE/KY037 Automation of manufacturing machines Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY053 Vehicle test and diagnostic
USE/KY053 Vehicle test and diagnostic Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY059 Vehicle test and diagnostic
USE/KY059 Vehicle test and diagnostic Summer Czech 2  
USE/KY060 Construction and use of robots
USE/KY060 Construction and use of robots Summer Czech 2  
USE/KY061 Transport and Environment
USE/KY061 Transport and Environment Summer Czech 2  
USE/KY065 Power and Vehicles
USE/KY065 Power and Vehicles Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY067 Mathematics IV
USE/KY067 Mathematics IV Winter Czech 5  
USE/KY068 Theory of Electric Power System
USE/KY068 Theory of Electric Power System Summer Czech 4  
USE/KY069 Use of Electrical Energy
USE/KY069 Use of Electrical Energy Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY070 Piping and Pressure Vessels
USE/KY070 Piping and Pressure Vessels Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY071 Technical Computing in Matlab II
USE/KY071 Technical Computing in Matlab II Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY072 Heat and Mass Transfer
USE/KY072 Heat and Mass Transfer Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY073 Electrical Measurements II
USE/KY073 Electrical Measurements II Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY074 Advanced measurement methods
USE/KY074 Advanced measurement methods Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY077 Diagnostics of energy equipment
USE/KY077 Diagnostics of energy equipment Summer Czech 3  
USE/KY078 Power Machines II
USE/KY078 Power Machines II Summer Czech 5  
USE/KY079 Dynamics of Power Machines
USE/KY079 Dynamics of Power Machines Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY080 Cooling Systems
USE/KY080 Cooling Systems Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY081 Electric Drives and Power Electronics
USE/KY081 Electric Drives and Power Electronics Summer Czech 4  
USE/KY082 Modelling of Electric Power System
USE/KY082 Modelling of Electric Power System Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY083 Designing in Power Engineering
USE/KY083 Designing in Power Engineering Winter Czech 3  
USE/KY089 Waste Disposal
USE/KY089 Waste Disposal Summer Czech 2  
USE/KY117 Foreign Business Language III
USE/KY117 Foreign Business Language III Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY118 Foreign Business Language III
USE/KY118 Foreign Business Language III Summer Czech 4  
USE/KY119 Foreign Business Language III
USE/KY119 Foreign Business Language III Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY202 Heat Engineering
USE/KY202 Heat Engineering Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY209 Foreign Engineering Language I
USE/KY209 Foreign Engineering Language I Winter Czech 2  
USE/KY216 Mechatronics
USE/KY216 Mechatronics Summer Czech 4  
USE/KY217 Foreign Engineering Language II
USE/KY217 Foreign Engineering Language II Summer Czech 2  
USE/KY222 Automation of production systems
USE/KY222 Automation of production systems Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY227 Industrial Processes
USE/KY227 Industrial Processes Summer Czech 3  
USE/KY253 Vehicle test and diagnostic
USE/KY253 Vehicle test and diagnostic Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY265 Power and Vehicles
USE/KY265 Power and Vehicles Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY285 Theory of design
USE/KY285 Theory of design Summer Czech 3  
USE/KY286 Steam Boilers
USE/KY286 Steam Boilers Winter Czech 4  
USE/KY290 3D modelling
USE/KY290 3D modelling Summer Czech 5  
USE/KY488 Modelling energy flows in COMSOL
USE/KY488 Modelling energy flows in COMSOL Summer Czech 5  
USE/KYZ01 Machine and Equipment Operation
USE/KYZ01 Machine and Equipment Operation Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KYZ06 unspecified
USE/KYZ06 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KYZ07 unspecified
USE/KYZ07 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KYZ08 Economics of Energy
USE/KYZ08 Economics of Energy Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/KYZP3 Diploma Project
USE/KYZP3 Diploma Project Winter and summer Czech 10  
USE/NK059 Vehicle test and diagnostic
USE/NK059 Vehicle test and diagnostic Summer Czech 3  
USE/NK060 Construction and use of robots
USE/NK060 Construction and use of robots Summer Czech 3  
USE/NK061 Transport and Environment
USE/NK061 Transport and Environment Summer Czech 3  
USE/NKZ05 Modelling and Diagnostics
USE/NKZ05 Modelling and Diagnostics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/P118 Fluid Dynamics
USE/P118 Fluid Dynamics Winter and summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/P119 Thermodynamics
USE/P119 Thermodynamics Winter and summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USE/PB014 Technical Drawing
USE/PB014 Technical Drawing Summer Czech 3  
USE/PBZ01 Machinery and Engineering Parts
USE/PBZ01 Machinery and Engineering Parts Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD101 Applied Mathematics
USE/PD101 Applied Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD102 Measurement of Physical Quantities
USE/PD102 Measurement of Physical Quantities Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD103 Numerical Mathematics
USE/PD103 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD104 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations
USE/PD104 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations - Czech 0  
USE/PD108 Selected Issues in Mechatronics
USE/PD108 Selected Issues in Mechatronics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD202 Automatic Control
USE/PD202 Automatic Control Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD209 Mechanics of Production Machines and Manipulators
USE/PD209 Mechanics of Production Machines and Manipulators Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD218 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations
USE/PD218 MATLAB and Simulink in Thermal Calculations Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD301 English Language
USE/PD301 English Language Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD302 German Language
USE/PD302 German Language Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD303 Russian Language
USE/PD303 Russian Language Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PD304 unspecified
USE/PD304 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PDAJ Numerical Mathematics
USE/PDAJ Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/POP08 Numerical Mathematics
USE/POP08 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/POP09 Numerical Mathematics
USE/POP09 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/POP10 Numerical Mathematics
USE/POP10 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/POP11 Numerical Mathematics
USE/POP11 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/POP16 Numerical Mathematics
USE/POP16 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/POP17 Numerical Mathematics
USE/POP17 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PTZ01 Applied Mathematics
USE/PTZ01 Applied Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PTZ02 Numerical Mathematics
USE/PTZ02 Numerical Mathematics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PTZ03 unspecified
USE/PTZ03 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PTZ10 Measurement of Physical Quantities
USE/PTZ10 Measurement of Physical Quantities Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PTZ12 unspecified
USE/PTZ12 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PTZ14 Selected Issues in Continuum Mechanics of Solids
USE/PTZ14 Selected Issues in Continuum Mechanics of Solids Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PU001 Mathematics I
USE/PU001 Mathematics I Winter Czech 6  
USE/PU003 Introduction to construction
USE/PU003 Introduction to construction Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU005 Introduction to engineering
USE/PU005 Introduction to engineering Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU009 Mathematics II
USE/PU009 Mathematics II Summer Czech 6  
USE/PU012 Mechanics I
USE/PU012 Mechanics I Summer Czech 6  
USE/PU014 Technical measurements
USE/PU014 Technical measurements Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU018 Elasticity and Rigidity
USE/PU018 Elasticity and Rigidity Summer Czech 6  
USE/PU020 Hydromechanics
USE/PU020 Hydromechanics Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU021 Statistics
USE/PU021 Statistics Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU022 CAD Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU024 Electrical engineering
USE/PU024 Electrical engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU026 Transport and Environment
USE/PU026 Transport and Environment Summer Czech 2  
USE/PU027 Mathematics III
USE/PU027 Mathematics III Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU028 Thermomechanics
USE/PU028 Thermomechanics Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU034 Differential Equations
USE/PU034 Differential Equations Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU041 unspecified
USE/PU041 unspecified Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU047 Electrical Measurements I
USE/PU047 Electrical Measurements I Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU050 Machine Operation and Maintenance
USE/PU050 Machine Operation and Maintenance Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU055 Environment Technology
USE/PU055 Environment Technology Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU059 Production lines
USE/PU059 Production lines Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU070 Electric Drives and Power Electronics
USE/PU070 Electric Drives and Power Electronics Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU071 Ecology of Industrial Companies
USE/PU071 Ecology of Industrial Companies Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU072 Heat processes modelling
USE/PU072 Heat processes modelling Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU073 Designing - CAD
USE/PU073 Designing - CAD Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU075 Machines and Devices
USE/PU075 Machines and Devices Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU077 Technical Computing in Matlab I
USE/PU077 Technical Computing in Matlab I Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU100 Energy Economy and Environment
USE/PU100 Energy Economy and Environment Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU103 Work Safety in the Industry Sector
USE/PU103 Work Safety in the Industry Sector Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU104 Selected parts off hydrodynamic
USE/PU104 Selected parts off hydrodynamic Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU105 Non-renewable Energy Sources
USE/PU105 Non-renewable Energy Sources Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU106 Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Accumulation
USE/PU106 Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Accumulation Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU107 Electrical Machines
USE/PU107 Electrical Machines Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU108 Distribution of Electrical Energy
USE/PU108 Distribution of Electrical Energy Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU109 Measuring Energy Quantities
USE/PU109 Measuring Energy Quantities Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU110 Power Machines I
USE/PU110 Power Machines I Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU113 Distribution and the Use of Heat Energy
USE/PU113 Distribution and the Use of Heat Energy Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU116 Electrical Apparatuses
USE/PU116 Electrical Apparatuses Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU134 Introduction to Numerical Modelling
USE/PU134 Introduction to Numerical Modelling Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU139 Engineering Components
USE/PU139 Engineering Components Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU140 Mechanics II
USE/PU140 Mechanics II Winter Czech 6  
USE/PU141 unspecified
USE/PU141 unspecified Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU142 Construction of machines - mechanisms
USE/PU142 Construction of machines - mechanisms Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU143 Project
USE/PU143 Project Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU144 Heat exchangers and heat calculations
USE/PU144 Heat exchangers and heat calculations Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU145 Designing
USE/PU145 Designing Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU146 Technical measurements
USE/PU146 Technical measurements Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU147 unspecified
USE/PU147 unspecified Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU148 Technical diagnostics
USE/PU148 Technical diagnostics Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU149 Hydraulic Machines
USE/PU149 Hydraulic Machines Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU150 Compressors and cooling
USE/PU150 Compressors and cooling Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU151 Use of computers in engineering
USE/PU151 Use of computers in engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU154 Combustion engines
USE/PU154 Combustion engines Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU155 Selected chapters of mathematics
USE/PU155 Selected chapters of mathematics Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU156 Selected chapters from introduction to construction
USE/PU156 Selected chapters from introduction to construction Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU157 Use of computers in engineering
USE/PU157 Use of computers in engineering Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU158 Výrobní technologie
USE/PU158 Výrobní technologie Summer Czech 2  
USE/PU159 Tribology
USE/PU159 Tribology Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU161 Foreign Language I
USE/PU161 Foreign Language I Winter Czech 2  
USE/PU162 Foreign Language II
USE/PU162 Foreign Language II Summer Czech 2  
USE/PU163 Automobiles
USE/PU163 Automobiles Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU164 unspecified
USE/PU164 unspecified Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU165 Energy sources and transfers
USE/PU165 Energy sources and transfers Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU166 unspecified
USE/PU166 unspecified Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU203 Introduction to Construction
USE/PU203 Introduction to Construction Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU205 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
USE/PU205 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU212 Mechanics I
USE/PU212 Mechanics I Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU218 Elasticity and Rigidity
USE/PU218 Elasticity and Rigidity Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU220 Hydromechanics
USE/PU220 Hydromechanics Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU221 Statistics
USE/PU221 Statistics Winter Czech 6  
USE/PU222 CAD Winter Czech 2  
USE/PU224 Electrical Engineering for Power System
USE/PU224 Electrical Engineering for Power System Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU227 Mathematics III
USE/PU227 Mathematics III Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU228 Thermodynamics
USE/PU228 Thermodynamics Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU241 Basics of Industrial Automation
USE/PU241 Basics of Industrial Automation Summer Czech 2  
USE/PU250 Machine Operation and Maintenance
USE/PU250 Machine Operation and Maintenance Summer Czech 2  
USE/PU255 Environment Technology
USE/PU255 Environment Technology Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU259 Production Lines
USE/PU259 Production Lines Summer Czech 2  
USE/PU339 Engineering Components
USE/PU339 Engineering Components Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU340 Mechanics II
USE/PU340 Mechanics II Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU344 Heat exchangers and heat calculations
USE/PU344 Heat exchangers and heat calculations Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU345 Designing
USE/PU345 Designing Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU347 Introduction to Numerical Simulations
USE/PU347 Introduction to Numerical Simulations Winter and summer Czech 3  
USE/PU357 Use of computers in engineering
USE/PU357 Use of computers in engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU361 Foreign Language I
USE/PU361 Foreign Language I Winter Czech 3  
USE/PU362 Foreign Language II
USE/PU362 Foreign Language II Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU364 unspecified
USE/PU364 unspecified Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU373 Designing - CAD
USE/PU373 Designing - CAD Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU403 Introduction to Construction
USE/PU403 Introduction to Construction Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU420 Hydromechanics
USE/PU420 Hydromechanics Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU421 Statistics
USE/PU421 Statistics Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU455 Environment Technology
USE/PU455 Environment Technology Summer Czech 2  
USE/PU524 Electrical engineering
USE/PU524 Electrical engineering Summer Czech 4  
USE/PU528 Thermomechanics
USE/PU528 Thermomechanics Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU543 Project
USE/PU543 Project Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU544 Heat exchangers and heat calculations
USE/PU544 Heat exchangers and heat calculations Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU545 Designing
USE/PU545 Designing Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU547 Introduction to Numerical Simulations
USE/PU547 Introduction to Numerical Simulations Winter Czech 4  
USE/PU549 Hydraulic Machines
USE/PU549 Hydraulic Machines Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU550 Compressors and cooling
USE/PU550 Compressors and cooling Winter Czech 5  
USE/PU554 Combustion engines
USE/PU554 Combustion engines Summer Czech 5  
USE/PU562 Foreign Language II
USE/PU562 Foreign Language II Summer Czech 2  
USE/PU565 Energy sources and transfers
USE/PU565 Energy sources and transfers Summer Czech 3  
USE/PU762 Foreign Language II
USE/PU762 Foreign Language II Winter Czech 3  
USE/PUX01 Practice
USE/PUX01 Practice Summer Czech 2  
USE/PUX02 Practice before the final project
USE/PUX02 Practice before the final project Summer Czech 2  
USE/PUX03 Practice
USE/PUX03 Practice Summer Czech 4  
USE/PUX04 Practice
USE/PUX04 Practice Winter Czech 4  
USE/PUZ01 Theoretical basis
USE/PUZ01 Theoretical basis Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PUZ02 Machinery and Engineering Parts
USE/PUZ02 Machinery and Engineering Parts Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PUZ03 Machinery and Engineering Parts
USE/PUZ03 Machinery and Engineering Parts Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PUZ04 Applied Mechanics and Energy Machines
USE/PUZ04 Applied Mechanics and Energy Machines Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PUZ05 Materials and Thermal Energy Distribution
USE/PUZ05 Materials and Thermal Energy Distribution Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PUZ06 Quality, operation and maintenance of machines, resources
USE/PUZ06 Quality, operation and maintenance of machines, resources Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PUZ07 Electric Machines and Distribution of Electrical Energy
USE/PUZ07 Electric Machines and Distribution of Electrical Energy Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PUZP3 Study Closing Project
USE/PUZP3 Study Closing Project Winter and summer Czech 10  
USE/PUZP5 Final projekt
USE/PUZP5 Final projekt Winter and summer Czech 8  
USE/PV001 Measurement and Technical Diagnostic
USE/PV001 Measurement and Technical Diagnostic Winter Czech 3  
USE/PV002 Mechatronics
USE/PV002 Mechatronics Summer Czech 5  
USE/PV003 Additive Technology
USE/PV003 Additive Technology Winter Czech 3  
USE/PV007 Applied Statistics
USE/PV007 Applied Statistics Summer Czech 3  
USE/PV009 Basics of Engineering Experiment
USE/PV009 Basics of Engineering Experiment Summer Czech 6  
USE/PV010 Elasticity Strength - Selected Chapters
USE/PV010 Elasticity Strength - Selected Chapters Summer Czech 6  
USE/PV013 Optical Digitalisation and Reverse Engineering
USE/PV013 Optical Digitalisation and Reverse Engineering Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV015 Optimisation of machine structures
USE/PV015 Optimisation of machine structures Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV016 Production Lines
USE/PV016 Production Lines Summer Czech 2  
USE/PV017 Numerical Simulations - CFD
USE/PV017 Numerical Simulations - CFD Winter Czech 6  
USE/PV020 Supporting Structures of Machines
USE/PV020 Supporting Structures of Machines Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV022 Automation of Production Systems
USE/PV022 Automation of Production Systems Winter Czech 3  
USE/PV023 Measurement Systems in Hydrodynamic
USE/PV023 Measurement Systems in Hydrodynamic Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV024 Diagnostics and Machine Testing
USE/PV024 Diagnostics and Machine Testing Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV025 Numerical Simulations - Selected Chapters
USE/PV025 Numerical Simulations - Selected Chapters Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV026 Biomechanics and Hemodynamics
USE/PV026 Biomechanics and Hemodynamics Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV037 Control Systems in Industrial Automation
USE/PV037 Control Systems in Industrial Automation Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV060 Construction of Robots and Manipulators
USE/PV060 Construction of Robots and Manipulators Summer Czech 5  
USE/PV061 Transport and Environment
USE/PV061 Transport and Environment Summer Czech 3  
USE/PV069 Use of Electrical Energy
USE/PV069 Use of Electrical Energy Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV070 Piping and Pressure Vessels
USE/PV070 Piping and Pressure Vessels Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV071 Technical Computing in Matlab II
USE/PV071 Technical Computing in Matlab II Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV072 Heat and Mass Transfer
USE/PV072 Heat and Mass Transfer Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV073 Electrical Measurements II
USE/PV073 Electrical Measurements II Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV074 Advanced measurement methods
USE/PV074 Advanced measurement methods Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV075 Numerical Simulations of Engineering Tasks
USE/PV075 Numerical Simulations of Engineering Tasks Winter Czech 3  
USE/PV077 Diagnostics of energy equipment
USE/PV077 Diagnostics of energy equipment Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV078 Power Machines II
USE/PV078 Power Machines II Summer Czech 5  
USE/PV079 Dynamics of Power Machines
USE/PV079 Dynamics of Power Machines Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV080 Cooling Systems
USE/PV080 Cooling Systems Summer Czech 5  
USE/PV082 Modelling of Electric Power System
USE/PV082 Modelling of Electric Power System Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV085 Theory of design
USE/PV085 Theory of design Summer Czech 5  
USE/PV088 Modelling energy flows
USE/PV088 Modelling energy flows Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV090 3D modelling
USE/PV090 3D modelling Summer Czech 5  
USE/PV117 Foreign Language T1
USE/PV117 Foreign Language T1 Winter Czech 2  
USE/PV118 Foreign Language I
USE/PV118 Foreign Language I Summer Czech 2  
USE/PV119 Foreign Language III
USE/PV119 Foreign Language III Winter Czech 2  
USE/PV123 Thermodynamic of Gases
USE/PV123 Thermodynamic of Gases Summer Czech 5  
USE/PV124 Professional Internship in the Company or Abroad
USE/PV124 Professional Internship in the Company or Abroad Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV125 Transmisson and distribution of electrical energy
USE/PV125 Transmisson and distribution of electrical energy Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV127 Economy and Management in Power System
USE/PV127 Economy and Management in Power System Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV128 Enegy Systems Effictiveness in Power System
USE/PV128 Enegy Systems Effictiveness in Power System Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV129 Waste and Biomass Energy Recovery
USE/PV129 Waste and Biomass Energy Recovery Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV130 Combustion Engines
USE/PV130 Combustion Engines Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV131 Invited Lectures of Practise or Foreign Experts
USE/PV131 Invited Lectures of Practise or Foreign Experts Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV132 Soft Skills
USE/PV132 Soft Skills Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV133 Engineering Project
USE/PV133 Engineering Project Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV134 Cooperation on Projects
USE/PV134 Cooperation on Projects Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV135 Basics of Engineering Experiment
USE/PV135 Basics of Engineering Experiment Summer English 4  
USE/PV203 Additive Technology
USE/PV203 Additive Technology Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV217 Numerical Simulations - CFD
USE/PV217 Numerical Simulations - CFD Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV222 Automation of Production Systems
USE/PV222 Automation of Production Systems Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV271 Technical Computing in Matlab II
USE/PV271 Technical Computing in Matlab II Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV272 Heat and Mass Transfer
USE/PV272 Heat and Mass Transfer Winter Czech 6  
USE/PV274 Advanced measurement methods
USE/PV274 Advanced measurement methods Winter Czech 3  
USE/PV286 Ecological Aspects in Power System
USE/PV286 Ecological Aspects in Power System Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV290 3D Modelling
USE/PV290 3D Modelling Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV317 Foreign Technical Language T1
USE/PV317 Foreign Technical Language T1 Winter Czech 3  
USE/PV318 Foreign Technical Language II
USE/PV318 Foreign Technical Language II Summer Czech 3  
USE/PV324 Professional Intership in Company or Abroad
USE/PV324 Professional Intership in Company or Abroad Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV330 Combustion Engines
USE/PV330 Combustion Engines Winter Czech 4  
USE/PV332 Soft Skills
USE/PV332 Soft Skills Summer Czech 3  
USE/PV334 Cooperation on Projects
USE/PV334 Cooperation on Projects Summer Czech 3  
USE/PV474 Advanced Measurement Methods
USE/PV474 Advanced Measurement Methods Winter Czech 6  
USE/PV518 Foreign Technical Language II
USE/PV518 Foreign Technical Language II Summer Czech 3  
USE/PV525 Transmisson and distribution of electrical energy
USE/PV525 Transmisson and distribution of electrical energy Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV529 Waste and Biomass Energy Recovery
USE/PV529 Waste and Biomass Energy Recovery Summer Czech 4  
USE/PV571 Technical Computing in Matlab II
USE/PV571 Technical Computing in Matlab II Winter Czech 5  
USE/PV580 Cooling Systems
USE/PV580 Cooling Systems Summer Czech 4  
USE/PVX03 Practice
USE/PVX03 Practice Winter Czech 5  
USE/PVX04 Practice
USE/PVX04 Practice Summer Czech 5  
USE/PVZ01 unspecified
USE/PVZ01 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZ02 unspecified
USE/PVZ02 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZ03 unspecified
USE/PVZ03 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZ04 unspecified
USE/PVZ04 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZ11 unspecified
USE/PVZ11 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZ12 unspecified
USE/PVZ12 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZ13 unspecified
USE/PVZ13 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZ22 unspecified
USE/PVZ22 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZ23 unspecified
USE/PVZ23 unspecified Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PVZP3 Diploma Project
USE/PVZP3 Diploma Project Winter and summer Czech 11  
USE/PVZP5 Diploma Project
USE/PVZP5 Diploma Project Winter and summer Czech 12  
USE/PX001 Mathematics I
USE/PX001 Mathematics I Winter Czech 6  
USE/PX003 Engineering Geometry
USE/PX003 Engineering Geometry Winter and summer Czech 5  
USE/PX005 Introduction to engineering
USE/PX005 Introduction to engineering Winter Czech 3  
USE/PX008 Foreign Language A I
USE/PX008 Foreign Language A I Winter Czech 2  
USE/PX009 Mathematics II
USE/PX009 Mathematics II Summer Czech 6  
USE/PX012 Mechanics
USE/PX012 Mechanics Summer Czech 7  
USE/PX014 Technical Drawing
USE/PX014 Technical Drawing Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX016 Foreign Language A II
USE/PX016 Foreign Language A II Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX017 Engineering Components I
USE/PX017 Engineering Components I Winter Czech 3  
USE/PX018 Elasticity and Rigidity
USE/PX018 Elasticity and Rigidity Winter Czech 6  
USE/PX019 Technical Measurements
USE/PX019 Technical Measurements Winter Czech 3  
USE/PX020 Hydromechanics
USE/PX020 Hydromechanics Winter Czech 3  
USE/PX022 CAD Winter Czech 2  
USE/PX024 Electrical engineering
USE/PX024 Electrical engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/PX025 Foreign Language A III
USE/PX025 Foreign Language A III Winter Czech 1  
USE/PX027 Mathematics III
USE/PX027 Mathematics III Winter Czech 3  
USE/PX028 Thermomechanics
USE/PX028 Thermomechanics Summer Czech 4  
USE/PX029 Mechanical Engineering Design II
USE/PX029 Mechanical Engineering Design II Summer Czech 5  
USE/PX033 Foreign Language A IV
USE/PX033 Foreign Language A IV Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX041 Automation
USE/PX041 Automation Winter Czech 3  
USE/PX044 Foreign Language B I
USE/PX044 Foreign Language B I Winter Czech 2  
USE/PX047 Electrical Measurements
USE/PX047 Electrical Measurements Winter Czech 4  
USE/PX050 Machine operation and maintenance
USE/PX050 Machine operation and maintenance - Czech 2  
USE/PX054 Foreign Language B II
USE/PX054 Foreign Language B II Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX055 Environment Technology
USE/PX055 Environment Technology Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX057 Energetics
USE/PX057 Energetics Winter Czech 3  
USE/PX059 Production lines
USE/PX059 Production lines Summer Czech 3  
USE/PX075 Machines and Devices
USE/PX075 Machines and Devices Summer Czech 3  
USE/PX077 Technical Computing in Matlab I
USE/PX077 Technical Computing in Matlab I Summer Czech 3  
USE/PX099 Introduction to Energy Management
USE/PX099 Introduction to Energy Management - Czech 5  
USE/PX107 Electrical Machines
USE/PX107 Electrical Machines Winter Czech 5  
USE/PX108 Electrical Net and Accessories
USE/PX108 Electrical Net and Accessories Winter Czech 4  
USE/PX109 Measuring Energy Values
USE/PX109 Measuring Energy Values Winter Czech 6  
USE/PX110 Power Machines I
USE/PX110 Power Machines I Winter Czech 6  
USE/PX113 Distribution and the Use of Heat Energy
USE/PX113 Distribution and the Use of Heat Energy Winter Czech 4  
USE/PX116 Electrical Equipment
USE/PX116 Electrical Equipment Summer Czech 6  
USE/PX120 Informatics
USE/PX120 Informatics Summer Czech 3  
USE/PX130 Safety and Reliability in Production
USE/PX130 Safety and Reliability in Production Winter Czech 4  
USE/PX134 Introduction to numerical modeling
USE/PX134 Introduction to numerical modeling Summer Czech 6  
USE/PX135 Electrical Measurements
USE/PX135 Electrical Measurements Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX136 Thermal Calculations
USE/PX136 Thermal Calculations Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX151 Use of computers in engineering
USE/PX151 Use of computers in engineering Summer Czech 3  
USE/PX161 Foreign Language A I
USE/PX161 Foreign Language A I Winter Czech 2  
USE/PX162 Foreign Language A II
USE/PX162 Foreign Language A II Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX201 Mathematics I
USE/PX201 Mathematics I Winter Czech 7  
USE/PX203 Technical Drawing
USE/PX203 Technical Drawing Winter Czech 4  
USE/PX205 Introduction to engineering
USE/PX205 Introduction to engineering Winter Czech 5  
USE/PX209 Mathematics II
USE/PX209 Mathematics II Summer Czech 7  
USE/PX214 Technical Drawing
USE/PX214 Technical Drawing Winter and summer Czech 3  
USE/PX224 Electrical engineering
USE/PX224 Electrical engineering Summer Czech 4  
USE/PX225 Foreign Language A III
USE/PX225 Foreign Language A III Winter Czech 2  
USE/PX234 Industrial Practice
USE/PX234 Industrial Practice Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX255 Environment Technology
USE/PX255 Environment Technology Summer Czech 4  
USE/PX256 Power and Vehicles
USE/PX256 Power and Vehicles Winter Czech 3  
USE/PX259 Production lines
USE/PX259 Production lines Summer Czech 2  
USE/PX275 Machines and Devices
USE/PX275 Machines and Devices Summer Czech 4  
USE/PX300 Energy and Environment
USE/PX300 Energy and Environment Winter Czech 4  
USE/PX303 Work Safety in the Energy Sector
USE/PX303 Work Safety in the Energy Sector - Czech 2  
USE/PX304 Theory of Electrical Engineering
USE/PX304 Theory of Electrical Engineering Summer Czech 5  
USE/PX306 Sources of Electric and Heat Energy
USE/PX306 Sources of Electric and Heat Energy Winter and summer Czech 5  
USE/PX319 Thermal Calculations
USE/PX319 Thermal Calculations Summer Czech 5  
USE/PXZ01 Machinery and Engineering Parts
USE/PXZ01 Machinery and Engineering Parts Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PXZ12 Electroenergetics
USE/PXZ12 Electroenergetics Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PXZ13 Heat Engineering
USE/PXZ13 Heat Engineering Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/PXZP3 Study Closing Project
USE/PXZP3 Study Closing Project Winter and summer Czech 8  
USE/PY001 Meassurement and Technical Diagnostic
USE/PY001 Meassurement and Technical Diagnostic Winter Czech 4  
USE/PY003 Machine Mechanisms
USE/PY003 Machine Mechanisms Winter Czech 4  
USE/PY007 Applied Statistics
USE/PY007 Applied Statistics Summer Czech 5  
USE/PY023 Safety and Reliability in Production
USE/PY023 Safety and Reliability in Production Winter Czech 4  
USE/PY026 Foreign Business Language
USE/PY026 Foreign Business Language Winter Czech 2  
USE/PY037 Automation of manufacturing machines
USE/PY037 Automation of manufacturing machines Winter Czech 3  
USE/PY059 Vehicle test and diagnostic
USE/PY059 Vehicle test and diagnostic Summer Czech 2  
USE/PY060 Construction and use of robots
USE/PY060 Construction and use of robots Summer Czech 2  
USE/PY061 Transport and Environment
USE/PY061 Transport and Environment Summer Czech 2  
USE/PY202 Heat Engineering
USE/PY202 Heat Engineering Winter Czech 4  
USE/PY209 Foreign Engineering Language I
USE/PY209 Foreign Engineering Language I Winter Czech 2  
USE/PY216 Mechatronics
USE/PY216 Mechatronics Summer Czech 4  
USE/PY217 Foreign Engineering Language II
USE/PY217 Foreign Engineering Language II Summer Czech 2  
USE/PY222 Automation of production systems
USE/PY222 Automation of production systems Winter Czech 4  
USE/PY227 Industrial Processes
USE/PY227 Industrial Processes Summer Czech 3  
USE/PY253 Means of road transport
USE/PY253 Means of road transport Winter Czech 4  
USE/PY265 Power and Vehicles
USE/PY265 Power and Vehicles Winter Czech 4  
USE/PYZ01 Machine and Equipment Operation
USE/PYZ01 Machine and Equipment Operation Winter and summer Czech 0  
USE/S001K unspecified
USE/S001K unspecified Summer Czech 4  
USE/S001P unspecified
USE/S001P unspecified Summer Czech 4  
USE/S002K Environment Technology
USE/S002K Environment Technology Summer Czech 4  
USE/S002P Environment Technology
USE/S002P Environment Technology Summer Czech 4  
USE/S003K Introduction to engineering and electrical engineering
USE/S003K Introduction to engineering and electrical engineering Winter Czech 5  
USE/S003P Introduction to engineering and electrical engineering
USE/S003P Introduction to engineering and electrical engineering Winter Czech 5