Course: Technical Drawing

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Course title Technical Drawing
Course code USE/KB014
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Svoboda Martin, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction, requirements, drawing tools. Technical standardization and documentation. 2. Fundamental projection methods - survey, perpendicular and axonometric projection. 3. Technical drawings - lines, format of drawings, folding of drawing, scales, title block, technical lettering. 4. Basic rules for engineering parts representation- views, cross sections. 5. Basic rules for engineering parts representation- representation of fundamental geometrical items of engineering parts. 6. Dimensioning - rules, possibilities, dimension systems, dimensioning of geometrical and engineering items. 7. Dimensional tolerances and accuracy - prescription possibilities of tolerances, dimensions without tolerances. 8. Dimensional tolerances and accuracy - fit system, types of fit, fit prescription. 9. Geometrical accuracy - basis, types of geometrical tolerances, meaning. 10. Surface roughness - meaning, topical state of prescription, symbol location. 11. Representation and dimensioning of engineering parts and their items - threads, bold and nuts, springs, gearing and gear wheels. 12. Representation and dimensioning of engineering parts and their items - slots, splined shaft and central-locking hub, bearings, shaft sealing ring, centring holes, technological grooves, glued and soldered joints, welds and welded parts, casts and forgings, heat treatment. 13. Assembly drawings - general rules, positioning, piece list, semi-finished products and their prescription.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
This course provides an introduction into creation and reading of technical documentation as the main background for engineering parts production. Students are developing their spatial imagination and they get at skills in hand drafting and dimensioning of fundamental geometrical shapes, engineering parts and assemblies. The aim is to prepare students for following courses of engineering and technological character.


Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Drastík, F. et al. Strojnické tabulky pro konstrukci a dílnu. 2. dopl. vyd. Ostrava : MONTANEX, 2002. 722 s. ISBN 80-85780-95-X..
  • Drastík, F. Technické kreslení I. : Pravidla tvorby výkresů ve strojírenství. 2. aktualiz. vyd. Ostrava : MONTANEX, 2005. 260 s. ISBN 80-7225-195-3..
  • Kletečka, J., Fořt, P. Technické kreslení. 1. vyd. Brno : CP Books, 2005. 252 s. ISBN 80-251-0498-2..
  • Leinveber, J., Vávra, P. Strojnické tabulky. Albra, Praha, 2006.
  • Slanař, V. Technické kreslení. 1997.
  • Švercl, J. Technické kreslení a deskriptivní geometrie: Pro školu a praxi. Praha, Scientia 2003.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester