1. Basic notions, thermophysical properties of the materials, basic laws of hydromechanics and thermomechanics, energy transformation 2. The laws of heat sharing, the basic burning and combustion theory, fuels, enthalpy and entropy balances 3. Boilers/steam generators, fuel, the fuel properties and preparation, combustion chamber types, combustion in the fluid layer, ash and scoria, heating surfaces, emission reduction during combustion, water conditioning, combustion air. 4. The bases of the nuclear energy, principle and function of the nuclear reaction, fuel cells, construction materials of the reactors, moderators, coolants, types of nuclear reactors, safety of the nuclear plants and fuel treatment. 5. Steam cycles, steam turbines, principle (paddles) and types of steam turbines, condensation, heat regeneration, steam reheating. 6. Combustion turbines and theirs heat cycles, main parts of the combustion turbine, stationary and mobile turbines, the exhaust heat utilization, types of the combustion turbines and theirs utilizations, environmental aspect of the combustion turbines. 7. Combined system of the heat production and utilization, heating plants, steam-gas equipments, nontraditional sources of the energy. 8. Combustion engines, heat cycles, types and construction of the engines, utilization, fuels and fuel systems, exhaust systems, utilization of the engine exhaust heat, environmental aspects of the combustion engines. 9. The theory bases of the jet apparatus, types, construction and utilization. 10. Cooling technology and equipment, heat cycles of the compressors and coolant equipment, direct and indirect cooling, heat pumps, coolants. 11. Air conditioning, heating, ventilation, air-condition machines, dryers, vacuum technology.
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