Course: Electrical Net and Accessories

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Course title Electrical Net and Accessories
Course code USE/PX108
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Síťař Vladislav, Ing. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Electricity system 2. Distribution systems 3. Electrical stations 4. Devices in electrical stations 5. Transmission lines 6. Protection of power lines and appliances 7. Conductor dimensioning 8. Industrial distribution 9. Housing distribution 10. Electrical distribution in special cases

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes of the course unit The course introduces students to the fundamentals of construction and organization of electricity distribution. The student is acquainted with the basic structural arrangement of individual elements of the distribution systems. Organizational structures providing power supply are presented in the course.
Students know the role of transmission system and distribution systems. Students will be acquainted with operational and fault conditions in the power system. Students will be acquainted with individual components of the power system, such as conductors, devices, protections and others. Students will be able to dimension conductors according to used criteria and calculate their passive parameters.

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Balák, R. Silnoproudá zařízení. SNTL, Praha. 1984.
  • BASTIAN P. A kol. Praktická elektrotechnika; Europa Sobotáles Praha 2006; ISBN 80-86706-15-X.
  • CIPRA M.;KŘÍŽ M.;KŮLA V. Úvod do elektrotechniky; ČVUT Praha 2002; ISBN 80-01-02155-6.
  • HAVELKA O. a kol. Elektrické přístroje, SNTL/Alfa, Praha 1985.
  • Heřman a kol. Příručka silnoproudé elektrotechniky. 1984.
  • Hradílek Z. Elektroenergetika distribučních a průmyslových zařízení; Montanex Ostrava 2008.
  • MATĚNA Š. Výroba a rozvod elektrické energie II; SNTL Praha 1975.
  • MATĚNA Š.,BRAUNER J., TŮMA M. Výroba a rozvod elektrické energie I; SNTL Praha 1978.
  • Mayer D. Elektrodynamika v energetice; BEN Praha 2005.
  • Tkotz Klaus. Příručka pro elektrotechniky; Europa Sobotáles Praha 2006; ISBN 80-86706-13-3.
  • Tlustý J. Monitorování, řízení a chránění elektrizačních soustav; ČVUT Praha 2011.
  • Toman P. Provoz distribučních soustav; ČVUT Praha 2011.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester