1. Introduction to Tribology (Definition and History, Industrial Significance, and Fields of Applications) 2. Structure and Properties of Solids (Atomic and Crystalline Structures, Bonding and Coordination, Disorders in Solid Structures, Elastic and Plastic Deformation, Fracture and Fatigue) 3. Solid Surface Characterization (Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Surface Layers, Analysis and Measurement of Surface Characteristics) 4. Contact between Solid Surfaces (Analysis of the Contact, Measurement of the Real Area of Contact) 5. Adhesion (Solid-Solid Contact, Liquid-Mediated Contact) 6. Friction (Solid-Solid Contact, Liquid-Mediated Contact, Friction Materials, Interface Temperature of Sliding Surfaces) 7. Wear (Classification, Types of Wear Mechanisms, Wear of Materials) 8. Lubrication (Lubricants, Regimes of Lubrication, Boundary Lubrication) 9. Nano and Micro Tribology (SFA, AFM/FFM, further studies) 10. Friction and Wear Screening Test Methods 11. Tribological Components and Aplications
In connection to the advent and expansion of new technologies, advanced machine and equipment design, including the requirement of reduction energy consumption, cost cutting and sustainable environmental protection emphasis, the knowledge of Tribology is also a necessary necessity for gaining an expertise capability. Tribology as a science and technology about the interaction of surfaces in their relative motion with their multidisciplinary overlap affects both the properties and the associated quality of products, and also determines the costs of its maintenance and operation, durability and reliability. The course introduces the theoretical foundations of Tribology and shows some practical conclusions enabling application of basic principles in real conditions of design and operation of machines and equipment.
1. Student is able to describe and use the particular wear mechanisms and their influence on machine design and operation. 2. Student is able to describe fundamental types of friction, and lubrication and their influence on machine design and operation. 3. Students understand fundamental techniques of friction and wear testing 4. Student is capable of using the tribology principles in design of machine components.
Bečka, J. Tribologie. ČVUT Praha, 1997.
Bhushan, B. Introduction to Tribology, Willey NY USA, 2013.
Bhushan, B. Principles and Applications to Tribology, Willey NY USA, 2013.
Blaškovič, P., Dzimko, M., Balla, J. Tribológia, Alfa, Bratislava, 1990.
Czichos, H. Tribology; A system Approach to the Science and technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear, Elsevier, NY, 1978.
Shigley, J., E., Mischke, CH., R., Budynas, R., G. Konstruování strojních součástí, Brno UTIUM, 2010.
Suh, N. P. Tribophysics, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall, 1986.