Vysloužil Tomáš, Ing. Ph.D.
Kašpárek Miloš, Ing. Ph.D.
Polach Pavel, doc. Dr. Ing.
Kozakovič Martin, Mgr.
Course content
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Elasticity and rigidity deal with inner force and deformations in mechanical parts and construction due to outer static or dynamic load and offer so basic information to their dimensioning and classification their serviceability and service life. Students will get knowledges and skills to rigidity and deformation analysis of mechanical part.
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
Apetaur, M., Hrala, T. Mechanika poddajných těles. Pružnost a pevnost. 2004.
Hájek, E a kol. Pružnost a pevnost I. a II.. 1984.
Höschl, C. Pružnost a pevnost ve strojírenství. 1971.
Pešina, J. a kol. Sbírka příkladů z pružnosti. 1973.