Course title | Fluid Dynamics |
Course code | USE/P118 |
Organizational form of instruction | Lecture + Lesson |
Level of course | Bachelor |
Year of study | not specified |
Semester | Winter and summer |
Number of ECTS credits | 5 |
Language of instruction | English |
Status of course | unspecified |
Form of instruction | unspecified |
Work placements | unspecified |
Recommended optional programme components | None |
Course availability | The course is available to visiting students |
Lecturer(s) |
Course content |
1. Introduction, basic properties, quantities and units, 2. Fluid statics, pressure variation, Euler equation. 3. Forces on submerged surfaces, buoyancy. Metacentre. 4. Ideal fluid in motion: basic laws - continuity equation. Bernoulli equation, linear momentum equation, discharges from vessels, one-dimensional pipe flow. 5. Frictional and local losses. Darcy-Weisbach equation. Empirical formulas. 6. Unsteady one-dimensional flow. U-tube, piston pump, water hammer. 7. Relative flows - basic concepts in turbo machinery. 8. Force action on fluid jet. Pelton turbine - optimal rotational speed. 9. Laminar flows. Couette flow. Hagen-Poiseuille flow. Turbulent flows. Reynolds shear stress. The logarithmic law. 10. Flow past bodies, boundary layer, drag and lift, wing theory. 11. Navier-Stokes equation.
Learning activities and teaching methods |
unspecified |
Learning outcomes |
Students will solve problems of hydrostatic, ideal and real fluid flow in pipes and basic problems of potential flow and two-dimensional flow using Navier-Stokes equations.
Prerequisites |
Assessment methods and criteria |
Recommended literature |
Study plans that include the course |
Faculty | Study plan (Version) | Category of Branch/Specialization | Recommended semester |