Course contents: 1. Introduction, requirements. Basic concepts. CAD systems - benefits, division, utilization. 2. AutoCAD - history and present, HW, SW, formats, environment, main window, process of creation, control, movement over the drawing. command selection, command line, context menu, model and drawing space, status bar, switches. 3. AutoCAD - object selection, coordinate systems, object layers and properties, object snapping, zoom and panning, basic functions - line, circle, cut / extend, equidistant, deleting, mirroring, rotating. 4. AutoCAD - advanced features - rectangle, polygon, curve, arc, ellipse, polyline, copy, shift, array, scale, interrupt, bevel, round, hatch, explode, query, text style settings. 5. AutoCAD - creation of line and paragraph text, setting of dimension style, basics of dimensioning, working with blocks - creation, inserting, export, printing, data export, other frequently used useful functions. 6. AutoCAD - 1st test (2D model - part drawing). 7. Inventor - the main window, the process of creation, control, movement over the drawing. Command selection, command line, context menu, model and drawing space, status bar, switches, object selection, coordinate systems, object layers and properties, object snapping, zoom and panning, basic functions - line, circle, cut / extend, equidistant , erasing, mirroring, rotating. 8. Inventor - modeling of simple 3D models. 9. Inventor - 2nd test (3D part model). 10. Inventor - simple machine mechanism modeling. 11. Inventor - final credit test (3D assembly model - machine mechanism).
Uživatelská příručka pro AutoCAD.
Fořt, P., Kletečka, J. AutoCAD2011, ComputerPress Praha, 2011.
Fořt, P., Kletečka, J. Autodesk Invertor: tvorba digitálních prototypů. 3. vyd., Brno: Computer Press, 2012. 314 s. ISBN 978-80-251-3728-4.
Popelka, M. AutoCAD 2000/2000i. Přehled příkazů a funkcí. 2000.
Spielmann, Michal; Špaček, Jiří. AutoCAD: názorný průvdce pro verze 2010-2011. Computer Press, 2010. ISBN 978-80-251-3120-6.