Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Science (PRF)
Study programme Biology (B1501)
Branch of study / Specialization General base (dual-subject study) (0000/0 - A14)
Level of acquired qualification Bachelor
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 3 years
Number of ECTS credits 180
Qualification awarded Bachelor (0)
Access to further studies Master study programme  
Type of completion Bachelor's Thesis Defense
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Bobková Michaela, Ing.
Phone: +420475283154
Key learning outcomes Graduates are equipped with knowledge and skills of the Computer Science and the English language.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor unspecified

List of study plans for individual branches which may be combined with the selected branch.

Select combination to be shown

Branch of study name / specialization (branch of study code, study plan Stage and Version)
Select combination Biology (double subject) (1501R001/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Biology (double subject) (1501R001/0 - 1 - A14)
null (7310R106/0 - 1 - A14), Biology (double subject) (1501R001/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination null (7507R103/0 - 1 - A14), Biology (double subject) (1501R001/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Geography (1301R005/0 - 1 - A14), Biology (double subject) (1501R001/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physical Education (dual-subject study) (7401R013/0 - 1 - A14), Biology (double subject) (1501R001/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Biology (double subject) (1501R001/0 - 1 - A14)

Segment composition (blocks and Courses within):

Name of segment
PRF SZ bc. INF A14
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KI/ZICT ICT Essentials 2 Zp 0+0+2 1 Winter  
KI/ICT Information and Communicat. Technologies 2 Zp 0+0+2 1 Winter  
Name of segment
PRF SZ bc. MA A14
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KMA/P113 Mathematical Repetitorium 2 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter  
Name of segment
PRF AJ 2ob. A14
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
Name of segment
PRF SZ bc. BP A14
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KGER/BP Bachelor Thesis 8 Zp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
KBI/P600 Bachelor Thesis 8 Zp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
KCH/P600 B.Sc.Thesis in Chemistry 8 Zp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
KMA/P600 Bachelor Thesis of Mathematics 8 Zp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
KTV/4043 Bachelor's Final 8 Zp 0S+0S+0 3 Summer  
KGEO/B600 Bachelor Degree Thesis in Geography 8 Zp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
KFY/P600 Bachelors Thesis Seminar from Physics 8 Zp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
KAJ/4063 Bachelor Thesis 8 Obp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
KI/XBP Bachelor Thesis 8 Zp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
Name of segment
PRF SZ Ped+Psy bc A14
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
Name of segment
NJL Bc. 2O - PK (A14) a
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KGER/2GPS Proseminar in Grammar 2 Zp 0+0+2 1 Winter  
KGER/2FOF1 Phonetics and Phonology II 2 Zp 1+0+1 1 Winter  
KGER/2UJA Introduction to Linguistics 4 Zk+ 1+0+1 1 Winter  
KGER/2USL Introduction to the Study of Literature 4 Zk+ 1+0+1 1 Winter  
KGER/2KOK1 Proseminar in Grammar 2 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter  
KGER/2KOK2 Communicative Competence II 4 Zk+ 0+2+0 1 Summer  
KGER/2MOR1 Morphology I 2 Zp 1+0+1 1 Summer  
KGER/2ULI Introduction to Literary Interpretation 2 Zp 0+0+2 1 Summer  
KGER/2REA German-Speaking Societies and History 2 Zp 0+0+2 1 Summer  
KGER/2PVP Propaedeutics of Academic Writing 1 Zp 0+0+1 1 Summer  
KGER/2FOF2 Phonetics and Phonology II 4 Zk+ 1+0+1 1 Summer  
KGER/2LIT1 Hist. of Lit. in Germ.-Speak. Areas I 4 Zp 1+0+2 2 Winter  
KGER/2MOR2 Morphology II 4 Zk+ 1+0+1 2 Winter  
KGER/2DEJ1 History of German-Speaking Areas I 3 Zp 1+0+2 2 Winter  
KGER/2JAD1 Language Skills I 2 Zp 0+2+0 2 Winter  
KGER/2JAD2 Language Skills II 4 Zk+ 0+2+0 2 Summer  
KGER/2SYN1 Syntax I 2 Zp 1+0+1 2 Summer  
KGER/2DEJ2 History of German-Speaking Areas II 4 Zk+ 1+0+2 2 Summer  
KGER/2LIT2 Hist. of Lit. in Germ.-Speak. Areas II 4 Zp 1+0+2 2 Summer  
KGER/2LEX1 Lexicology I 2 Zp 1+0+1 2 Summer  
KGER/2LEX2 Lexicology II 4 Zk+ 1+0+1 3 Winter  
KGER/2LIT3 Hist. of Lit. in Germ.-Speak. Areas III 4 Zp 1+0+2 3 Winter  
KGER/2SYN2 Syntax II 4 Zk+ 1+0+1 3 Winter  
KGER/2STTL Stylistics and Text Linguistics 5 Zk+ 1+0+2 3 Summer  
KGER/2SLI Comprehensive Literature Course 1 Zp 0+0+1 3 Summer  
KGER/2SKH Synthetic Seminar: Culture and History 1 Zp 0+0+1 3 Summer  
KGER/2PIP Writing 1 Zp 0+0+1 3 Summer  
KGER/2SLG Synthetic Linguistics Seminar 1 Zp 0+0+1 3 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KGER/SZNJB German Language and Literature 0 Szv 0+0+0 3 -  
Name of segment
Specializační modul z germanistiky (Bc.) - dvouob.
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KGER/BZOP Backgrounds to Professional Translation 3 Zp 0+0+2 3 Winter  
KGER/BPAZ How to Apply 2 Zp 0+0+1 3 Summer  
Name of segment
NJL Bc. 2O - PVK (A14) a
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KGER/0874 German Studies Events Advanced II. 4 Zp 0+0S+5S - -  
FJC/0372 Teaching and learning foreign languages 4 Zp 0+2+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
KGER/BOP2 Bachelor's Practical Training 2 5 Zp 0S+0+120S - -  
KGER/BOP1 Bachelor's Practical Training 1 5 Zp 0S+0+120S - -  
KGER/0960 Language and Cultural Animation II 4 Zp 6S+0+24S - -  
KGER/0957 Viennese Modernist Plays 4 Zp 2S+0S+6S - -  
KGER/0991 German Literature in Film 3 Zp 0+0+2 - -  
KGER/MVED2 German Studies Events Advanced II 4 Zp 0+0+0 - -  
FF1/V001 Series of lectures 4 Zp 2+0+0 - -  
FF1/V002 Series of lectures 4 Zp 2+0+0 - -  
KGER/0689 Germanistic cultural events I 2 Zp 0+0+10S - -  
KGER/0824 German scientific actions 4 Zp 0+0S+5S - -  
KGER/0972 Language and Cultural Animation I 3 Zp 0+0+30S - -  
KGER/0975 Austria: Culture, History, Society 2 Zp 0+0+14S - -  
KGER/0962 Language Exercises 1 2 Zp 0+0+2 - -  
KGER/0933 Excursion - The Leipzig Book Fair 2 Zp 0+0+1 - -  
KGER/0961 Presentation skills 3 Zp 1+0+0S - -  
KGER/0965 Propedeutics of Research Work 2 1 Zp 1+0+0 - -  
KGER/0966 New releases in Austrian literature 1 Zp 1+0+0 - -  
KGER/0968 German Phraseology 2 Zp 1+0+0 - -  
FJC/0370 English for work 4 Zp 0+2+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
FJC/0371 International exams in English 4 Zp 0+2+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
KGER/SBOP Bachelor's Practical Training 10 Zp 0S+0+240S - -  
FJC/0378 Anglický jazyk pro management a komunika 6 Zp 0+2+0 - -  
FJC/0379 German Language for Management in Art 6 Zp 0+2+0 - -  
KGER/0952 Nat.History, Geography and New Media 3 Zp 0+0+2 - -  
KGER/0950 Czech-Saxonian discussions II 4 Zp 0+0+2 - -  
KGER/0955 Austrian federal states 2 Zp 0+0+1 - -  
KGER/0956 Literary Translation I 4 Zp 0+0+2 - -  
KGER/BZOP Backgrounds to Professional Translation 3 Zp 0+0+2 - -  
KGER/0978 The Leipzig Book Fair 2019 1 Zp 0+8+0 - -  
KGER/0980 Comicbooks: Intercultural Dialogues 5 Zp 0+6D+0 - -  
KGER/0981 Following the Traces of the Sorbs 3 Zp 0+3D+0 - -  
KGER/0982 The Leipzig Book Fair 2020 1 Zp 0+0+0 - -  
KGER/0964 Language Exercises 3 2 Zp 0+0+2 - -  
KGER/MKUL2 Germanistic cultural events I 2 Zp 0+0+0 - -  
KGER/JC3 Language Excercises 3 4 Zp 0+0+2 - Winter  
KGER/JC1 Language Excercises 1 4 Zp 0+0+2 - Winter  
KGER/0985 Foreign Field Trip (1 Day) 1 Zp 0+0D+1 - Summer  
KGER/DRCJ Discursive regional studies 4 Zp 0+0+2 - Summer  
KGER/SNNS A nations school, a nation at school 4 Zp 0+0+8S - Summer  
KGER/UF Introduction to Phraseology 4 Zp 0+0+2 - Summer  
KGER/KOFO Corrective phonetics 3 Zp 0+0+2 - Summer  
Name of segment
PRF PK KBI 2obor A14
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KBI/P103 General Botany 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
KBI/P122 General Zoology 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
KBI/P102 Introduction to Biology 2 Zp 1+0+0 1 Winter  
KBI/P120 Biological Laboratory Techniques 2 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter  
KBI/P201 Chemistry and Physics of Living Systems 3 Zp 3+0+0 1 Summer  
KBI/P221 Phylogen.and Syst.of non-Vascular Plants 4 Zk+ 2+3+0 1 Summer  
KBI/K405 Botany Field Training 3 Zp 0S+2D+0S 1 Summer  
KBI/P219 Phylogenesis and Syst.of Vascular Plants 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
KBI/P220 Introd. to sci. commun. and sci.writting 1 Zp 0+1+0 1 Summer  
KBI/P302 Phylogenesis and Syst. of Invertebrates 6 Zk+ 2+4+0 2 Winter  
KBI/P333 Biology of Procaryots and Viruses 3 Zp 1+1+0 2 Winter  
KBI/P332 Phylogenesis and System. of Vertebrates 5 Zk+ 2+3+0 2 Winter  
KBI/P427 Zoology Field Training 2 Zp 0+2+0 2 Summer  
KBI/P426 Kryptogamology Field Training 2 Zp 0+2D+0 2 Summer  
KBI/P425 Biological Laboratory Techniques II 1 Zp 0+1+0 2 Summer  
KBI/P412 Fundamentals of Phytopathology 3 Zp 1+1+0 2 Summer  
KBI/P424 Ecology 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
KBI/P423 Human Biology and Ecology 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Summer  
KBI/P502 Animal and Human Physiology 6 Zk+ 2+3+0 3 Winter  
KFY/P316 Evolution and Structure of Universe 1 Zp 2+2+0 3 Winter  
KBI/P526 Plant Physiology 5 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Winter  
KBI/P617 Molecular and Cell Biology 6 Zk+ 3+2+0 3 Summer  
KBI/P618 Genetics 5 Zk+ 3+3+0 3 Summer  
Name of segment
PRF PVK KBI oborové předměty A14
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KBI/P528 Limnobiology 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter  
KBI/P529 Biometry 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter  
KBI/P527 Ecotoxicolology 2 Zk 2+0+0 3 Winter  
KBI/P619 Methods of the Invent. Natural Researc 1 Zp 0+1+0 3 Summer  
KBI/0057 Flora of North -West Bohemia I 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer  
Name of segment
PRF SZZ KBI 2ob. A14
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KBI/SZZ60 Biology 0 Szv 0+0+0 3 Summer