Němcová Lenka, RNDr. CSc.
Course content
Demonstrating of found representatives of sponges, algae and moss, practicing of foundations of morfology, specialities of reproduction and life cycles. It is stressed the signification of demonstrated organisms in ecosystems (decompositors, saprophytic, paratrophic, ), bioindicators, substrate bond.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Demonstrating of found representatives of sponges, algae and moss, practicing of foundations of morfology, specialities of reproduction and life cycles. It is stressed the signification of demonstrated organisms in ecosystems (decompositors, saprophytic, paratrophic, ?), bioindicators, substrate bond.
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
Branderburger W. Vademecum zum Sammeln parasitischer Pilze.- Stutgart.. 1963.
Hagara L., Antonín V., Baier J. Houby.- Aventinum, Praha.. 2000.
Keizer G. J. Encyklopedie hub.- Rebo Productions, Praha.. 1998.
Kremer B.P. et Muhle H. Lišejníky, mechorosty, kapraďorosty. Knižní klub Praha.. 1998.
Nienhaus F., Butin H., Boehmer B. Atlas chorob a škůdců okrasných dřevin.- Brázda, Praha.. 1998.
Poulíčková A., Jurčák J. Malý obrazový atlas našich sinic a řas.- UP Olomouc.. 2001.