Courses of department: KGI

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Course code Course name
Course code Course name Semester Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
KGI/0GIMD Geographic Information System and 3D modeling
KGI/0GIMD Geographic Information System and 3D modeling Winter and summer English 8 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KGI/1ASZ unspecified
KGI/1ASZ unspecified Winter and summer Czech 5  
KGI/1DPZ Remote Earth Sensing
KGI/1DPZ Remote Earth Sensing Summer Czech 2  
KGI/1DTM Digital Terrain Models
KGI/1DTM Digital Terrain Models Winter Czech 2  
KGI/1GDSA Geospatial data: sources and analysis
KGI/1GDSA Geospatial data: sources and analysis Winter and summer English 5  
KGI/1GIS4 GIS in practice
KGI/1GIS4 GIS in practice Winter and summer Czech 2  
KGI/1GISE GIS and Environment
KGI/1GISE GIS and Environment Winter and summer English 15  
KGI/1GISK GIS and Thematic Geography
KGI/1GISK GIS and Thematic Geography Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/1GSTA Geostatistics
KGI/1GSTA Geostatistics Summer Czech 2  
KGI/1INTE Dynamic Internet Technologys
KGI/1INTE Dynamic Internet Technologys Winter and summer Czech 1  
KGI/1MAPL unspecified
KGI/1MAPL unspecified Winter and summer Czech 10  
KGI/1OBDP Preparation for the Defence of DT
KGI/1OBDP Preparation for the Defence of DT Winter and summer Czech 15  
KGI/1OHDP Defence of the Diploma Thesis
KGI/1OHDP Defence of the Diploma Thesis Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/1PROR Project management
KGI/1PROR Project management Winter Czech 2  
KGI/1PRX unspecified
KGI/1PRX unspecified Winter Czech 5  
KGI/1SDP1 The Diploma Thesis Seminar I
KGI/1SDP1 The Diploma Thesis Seminar I Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/1SDP2 The Diploma Thesis Seminar II
KGI/1SDP2 The Diploma Thesis Seminar II Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/1UZPL The course of the Town and Country Planning
KGI/1UZPL The course of the Town and Country Planning Winter Czech 5  
KGI/2ANPL Methods of analysis of solid substances
KGI/2ANPL Methods of analysis of solid substances Winter and summer Czech 5  
KGI/2ASZ Analysis of sedimentary records
KGI/2ASZ Analysis of sedimentary records Winter and summer Czech 5  
KGI/3AVZP Applied Calculations in Environmental Studies
KGI/3AVZP Applied Calculations in Environmental Studies Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3DDMS Data Distribution and Map Servers
KGI/3DDMS Data Distribution and Map Servers Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3DGIE Databases in Geoinformatics
KGI/3DGIE Databases in Geoinformatics Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3DGIF Databases in Geoinformatics
KGI/3DGIF Databases in Geoinformatics Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3DVR 3D Modeling and Virtual Reality
KGI/3DVR 3D Modeling and Virtual Reality Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3ENVM Environmental Mapping
KGI/3ENVM Environmental Mapping Summer Czech 3  
KGI/3ENZP unspecified
KGI/3ENZP unspecified Summer English 4  
KGI/3FYG1 Physical Geography 1
KGI/3FYG1 Physical Geography 1 Winter Czech 2  
KGI/3FYG2 Physical Geography 2
KGI/3FYG2 Physical Geography 2 Summer Czech 2  
KGI/3GDES Graphic Design and DTP
KGI/3GDES Graphic Design and DTP Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/3GEOG Fundamentals of Geography
KGI/3GEOG Fundamentals of Geography Winter Czech 3  
KGI/3GIAJ GIS (in English)
KGI/3GIAJ GIS (in English) Summer Czech 4  
KGI/3GIE3 Geoinformatics 3
KGI/3GIE3 Geoinformatics 3 Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3GIF1 Geoinformatics 1
KGI/3GIF1 Geoinformatics 1 Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3GIF2 Geoinformatics 2
KGI/3GIF2 Geoinformatics 2 Summer Czech 5  
KGI/3GIF3 Geoinformatics 3
KGI/3GIF3 Geoinformatics 3 Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3GIS1 Fundamemtals of Geografical Information Systems
KGI/3GIS1 Fundamemtals of Geografical Information Systems Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/3GIS2 Geografical Information Systems
KGI/3GIS2 Geografical Information Systems Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3GIS3 The Applications of GIS
KGI/3GIS3 The Applications of GIS Winter Czech 2  
KGI/3GISP GIS Project Winter English 4  
KGI/3GSED Geostatistics for Environmental Data
KGI/3GSED Geostatistics for Environmental Data Summer Czech 4  
KGI/3GSP GIS and State Administration
KGI/3GSP GIS and State Administration Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3IFTE Information technology
KGI/3IFTE Information technology Winter Czech 2  
KGI/3KART Fundamentals of Cartography
KGI/3KART Fundamentals of Cartography Winter and summer Czech 2  
KGI/3KNSZ Cadaster Register and Construction Law
KGI/3KNSZ Cadaster Register and Construction Law Summer Czech 3  
KGI/3KTK Complex Field Course
KGI/3KTK Complex Field Course Summer Czech 6  
KGI/3MAT1 Mathematics I
KGI/3MAT1 Mathematics I Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3MAT2 Mathematics II
KGI/3MAT2 Mathematics II Summer Czech 4  
KGI/3MSAD Methods in sociology and demography
KGI/3MSAD Methods in sociology and demography Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3MTPD Methods of Spatial Data Creation
KGI/3MTPD Methods of Spatial Data Creation Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3OBBP Preparation for the Defence of BT
KGI/3OBBP Preparation for the Defence of BT Winter and summer Czech 15  
KGI/3OHBP Bachelor Thesis Defense
KGI/3OHBP Bachelor Thesis Defense Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/3PCAD CAD Planning and Design
KGI/3PCAD CAD Planning and Design Summer Czech 3  
KGI/3POS Computer Networks
KGI/3POS Computer Networks Winter Czech 3  
KGI/3POSV Threatened Areas of the World
KGI/3POSV Threatened Areas of the World Summer Czech 4  
KGI/3PRAX Work Experience Rating
KGI/3PRAX Work Experience Rating Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3PROM Project Management
KGI/3PROM Project Management Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/3PRXA Practical Training
KGI/3PRXA Practical Training Winter and summer Czech 5  
KGI/3REGE Regional Geography (Europe)
KGI/3REGE Regional Geography (Europe) Winter Czech 3  
KGI/3RPRC Regional Development in the Czech Republic
KGI/3RPRC Regional Development in the Czech Republic Winter Czech 3  
KGI/3SBA1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (AGI programme)
KGI/3SBA1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (AGI programme) Winter Czech 8  
KGI/3SBA2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (AGI programme)
KGI/3SBA2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (AGI programme) Winter and summer Czech 9  
KGI/3SBB1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (AGI programme)
KGI/3SBB1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (AGI programme) Winter Czech 7  
KGI/3SBB2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (AGI programme)
KGI/3SBB2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (AGI programme) Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/3SBO1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I
KGI/3SBO1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3SBO2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar II
KGI/3SBO2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar II Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/3SBP1 The Bachelor Thesis Seminar I
KGI/3SBP1 The Bachelor Thesis Seminar I Winter Czech 3  
KGI/3SBP2 The Bachelor Thesis Seminar II
KGI/3SBP2 The Bachelor Thesis Seminar II Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/3SEGE Social and Economic Geography
KGI/3SEGE Social and Economic Geography Winter Czech 2  
KGI/3SPA3 Spatial Data Collection 3
KGI/3SPA3 Spatial Data Collection 3 Winter Czech 6  
KGI/3SPD1 Spatial Data Collection 1
KGI/3SPD1 Spatial Data Collection 1 Winter Czech 6  
KGI/3SPD2 Spatial Data Collection 2
KGI/3SPD2 Spatial Data Collection 2 Summer Czech 6  
KGI/3SPD3 Spatial Data Collection 3
KGI/3SPD3 Spatial Data Collection 3 Winter Czech 6  
KGI/3STAT Statistics
KGI/3STAT Statistics Winter Czech 3  
KGI/3STS Statistics
KGI/3STS Statistics Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3TWS Web Sites Formation
KGI/3TWS Web Sites Formation Winter Czech 2  
KGI/3TWWS Website Design
KGI/3TWWS Website Design Summer Czech 3  
KGI/3UPRP Landscape Planning and Regional Policy
KGI/3UPRP Landscape Planning and Regional Policy Summer Czech 4  
KGI/3UPU Territorial Planning and Regional Policy
KGI/3UPU Territorial Planning and Regional Policy Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/3VT Computing
KGI/3VT Computing Summer Czech 2  
KGI/3VTE Computing
KGI/3VTE Computing Summer Czech 3  
KGI/3ZAK Fundamentals of Cartography
KGI/3ZAK Fundamentals of Cartography Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3ZGCD Fundamentals of GIS and CAD
KGI/3ZGCD Fundamentals of GIS and CAD Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3ZGE Fundamentals of Geodesy
KGI/3ZGE Fundamentals of Geodesy Winter Czech 4  
KGI/3ZGEO Fundamentals of Geodesy
KGI/3ZGEO Fundamentals of Geodesy Winter and summer Czech 2  
KGI/3ZLAL Fundamentals of Linear Algebra
KGI/3ZLAL Fundamentals of Linear Algebra Summer Czech 4  
KGI/3ZPCR Environmental Pollution in CR
KGI/3ZPCR Environmental Pollution in CR Winter Czech 6  
KGI/3ZPCZ Environmental Pollution in CR
KGI/3ZPCZ Environmental Pollution in CR Winter Czech 5  
KGI/3ZPRO Fundamentals of Programming
KGI/3ZPRO Fundamentals of Programming Summer Czech 3  
KGI/4AVZP Applied Calculations in Environmental Studies
KGI/4AVZP Applied Calculations in Environmental Studies Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4DDMS Data Distribution and Map Servers
KGI/4DDMS Data Distribution and Map Servers Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4DGIE Databases in Geoinformatics
KGI/4DGIE Databases in Geoinformatics Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4DGIF Databases in Geoinformatics
KGI/4DGIF Databases in Geoinformatics Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4DPZ Remote Earth Sensing
KGI/4DPZ Remote Earth Sensing Summer Czech 2  
KGI/4DTM Digital Terrain Models
KGI/4DTM Digital Terrain Models Winter Czech 2  
KGI/4DVR 3D Modeling and Virtual Reality
KGI/4DVR 3D Modeling and Virtual Reality Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4ENVM Environmental Mapping
KGI/4ENVM Environmental Mapping Summer Czech 3  
KGI/4FYG1 Physical Geography 1
KGI/4FYG1 Physical Geography 1 Winter Czech 2  
KGI/4FYG2 Physical Geography 2
KGI/4FYG2 Physical Geography 2 Summer Czech 2  
KGI/4GDES Graphic Design and DTP
KGI/4GDES Graphic Design and DTP Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/4GEOG Fundamentals of Geography
KGI/4GEOG Fundamentals of Geography Winter Czech 3  
KGI/4GIAJ GIS (in English)
KGI/4GIAJ GIS (in English) Summer Czech 4  
KGI/4GIE3 Geoinformatics 3
KGI/4GIE3 Geoinformatics 3 Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4GIF1 Geoinformatics 1
KGI/4GIF1 Geoinformatics 1 Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4GIF2 Geoinformatics 2
KGI/4GIF2 Geoinformatics 2 Summer Czech 5  
KGI/4GIF3 Geoinformatics 3
KGI/4GIF3 Geoinformatics 3 Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4GIS1 Fundamemtals of Geograf. Information Sys
KGI/4GIS1 Fundamemtals of Geograf. Information Sys Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/4GIS2 Geografical Information Systems
KGI/4GIS2 Geografical Information Systems Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4GIS4 GIS in practice
KGI/4GIS4 GIS in practice Winter and summer Czech 2  
KGI/4GISK GIS and Thematic Geography
KGI/4GISK GIS and Thematic Geography Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/4GISP GIS Project Winter English 4  
KGI/4GSED Geostatistics for Environmental Data
KGI/4GSED Geostatistics for Environmental Data Summer Czech 4  
KGI/4GSP GIS and State Administration
KGI/4GSP GIS and State Administration Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4GSTA Geostatistic
KGI/4GSTA Geostatistic Summer Czech 2  
KGI/4IFTE Information technology
KGI/4IFTE Information technology Winter Czech 2  
KGI/4INTE Dynamic Internet Technologys
KGI/4INTE Dynamic Internet Technologys Winter Czech 1  
KGI/4KART Fundamentals of Cartography
KGI/4KART Fundamentals of Cartography Winter and summer Czech 2  
KGI/4KNSZ Cadaster Register and Construction Law
KGI/4KNSZ Cadaster Register and Construction Law Summer Czech 3  
KGI/4KTK Complex Field Course
KGI/4KTK Complex Field Course Summer Czech 6  
KGI/4MAT1 Mathematics I
KGI/4MAT1 Mathematics I Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4MAT2 Mathematics II
KGI/4MAT2 Mathematics II Summer Czech 4  
KGI/4MSAD Sociology and Demography Methods
KGI/4MSAD Sociology and Demography Methods Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4OBBP Preparation for the Defence of BT
KGI/4OBBP Preparation for the Defence of BT Winter and summer Czech 15  
KGI/4OBDP Preparation for the Defence of DT
KGI/4OBDP Preparation for the Defence of DT Winter and summer Czech 15  
KGI/4OHBP Bachelor Thesis Defense
KGI/4OHBP Bachelor Thesis Defense Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/4OHDP Defence of the Diploma Thesis
KGI/4OHDP Defence of the Diploma Thesis Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/4PCAD CAD Planning and Design
KGI/4PCAD CAD Planning and Design Summer Czech 3  
KGI/4POS Computer Networks
KGI/4POS Computer Networks Winter Czech 3  
KGI/4POSV Threatened Areas of the World
KGI/4POSV Threatened Areas of the World Summer Czech 4  
KGI/4PROM Project Management
KGI/4PROM Project Management Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/4PROR Project management
KGI/4PROR Project management Winter Czech 2  
KGI/4PRX Work Experience
KGI/4PRX Work Experience Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4PRXA Practical Training
KGI/4PRXA Practical Training Winter and summer Czech 5  
KGI/4REGE Regional Geography (Europe)
KGI/4REGE Regional Geography (Europe) Winter Czech 3  
KGI/4RPRC Regional Development in the Czech Republic
KGI/4RPRC Regional Development in the Czech Republic Winter Czech 3  
KGI/4SBA1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (AGI programme)
KGI/4SBA1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (AGI programme) Winter Czech 8  
KGI/4SBA2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (AGI programme)
KGI/4SBA2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (AGI programme) Winter and summer Czech 9  
KGI/4SBB1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (AGI programme)
KGI/4SBB1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (AGI programme) Winter Czech 7  
KGI/4SBB2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (AGI programme)
KGI/4SBB2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (AGI programme) Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/4SBO1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I
KGI/4SBO1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4SBO2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar II
KGI/4SBO2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar II Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/4SBP1 The Bachelor Thesis Seminar I
KGI/4SBP1 The Bachelor Thesis Seminar I Winter Czech 3  
KGI/4SBP2 The Bachelor Thesis Seminar II
KGI/4SBP2 The Bachelor Thesis Seminar II Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/4SDP1 The Diploma Thesis Seminar I
KGI/4SDP1 The Diploma Thesis Seminar I Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/4SDP2 The Diploma Thesis Seminar II
KGI/4SDP2 The Diploma Thesis Seminar II Winter and summer Czech 3  
KGI/4SEGE Social and Economic Geography
KGI/4SEGE Social and Economic Geography Winter Czech 2  
KGI/4SPA3 Spatial Data Collection 3
KGI/4SPA3 Spatial Data Collection 3 Winter Czech 6  
KGI/4SPD1 Spatial Data Collection 1
KGI/4SPD1 Spatial Data Collection 1 Winter Czech 6  
KGI/4SPD2 Spatial Data Collection 2
KGI/4SPD2 Spatial Data Collection 2 Summer Czech 6  
KGI/4SPD3 Spatial Data Collection 3
KGI/4SPD3 Spatial Data Collection 3 Winter Czech 6  
KGI/4STAT Statistics
KGI/4STAT Statistics Winter Czech 3  
KGI/4STS Statistics
KGI/4STS Statistics Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4TWWS Website Design
KGI/4TWWS Website Design Summer Czech 3  
KGI/4UPRP Landscape Planning and Regional Policy
KGI/4UPRP Landscape Planning and Regional Policy Summer Czech 4  
KGI/4UPU Territorial Planning and Regional Policy
KGI/4UPU Territorial Planning and Regional Policy Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/4UZPL The course of the Town and Country Planning
KGI/4UZPL The course of the Town and Country Planning Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4VT Computing
KGI/4VT Computing Summer Czech 2  
KGI/4VTE Computing
KGI/4VTE Computing Summer Czech 3  
KGI/4ZAK Fundamentals of Cartography
KGI/4ZAK Fundamentals of Cartography Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4ZGCD Fundamentals of GIS and CAD
KGI/4ZGCD Fundamentals of GIS and CAD Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4ZGE Fundamentals of Geodesy
KGI/4ZGE Fundamentals of Geodesy Winter Czech 4  
KGI/4ZGEO Fundamentals of Geodesy
KGI/4ZGEO Fundamentals of Geodesy Winter and summer Czech 2  
KGI/4ZLAL Fundamentals of Linear Algebra
KGI/4ZLAL Fundamentals of Linear Algebra Summer Czech 4  
KGI/4ZPCR Environmental Pollution in CR
KGI/4ZPCR Environmental Pollution in CR Winter Czech 6  
KGI/4ZPCZ Environmental Pollution in CR
KGI/4ZPCZ Environmental Pollution in CR Winter Czech 5  
KGI/4ZPRO Fundamentals of Programming
KGI/4ZPRO Fundamentals of Programming Summer Czech 3  
KGI/5AGZP Environmental Applications of GIS
KGI/5AGZP Environmental Applications of GIS Winter Czech 6  
KGI/5ANPD Spatial Data Analyses
KGI/5ANPD Spatial Data Analyses Summer Czech 3  
KGI/5APGI Applications of Geoinformatics
KGI/5APGI Applications of Geoinformatics Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/5DKGE Digital Cartography for Geoinformatics
KGI/5DKGE Digital Cartography for Geoinformatics Summer Czech 3  
KGI/5DOPA Documentation of Small-Sized Historical Monuments
KGI/5DOPA Documentation of Small-Sized Historical Monuments Winter Czech 3  
KGI/5DPZZ Practical Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing
KGI/5DPZZ Practical Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing Summer Czech 3  
KGI/5DROV Solutions of Selected Differential Equations
KGI/5DROV Solutions of Selected Differential Equations Summer Czech 4  
KGI/5DWG Databases and Web GIS for the Environment
KGI/5DWG Databases and Web GIS for the Environment Winter Czech 5  
KGI/5EIR Environmental Informatics and Reporting
KGI/5EIR Environmental Informatics and Reporting Winter Czech 3  
KGI/5EUAV Environmental Mapping with the Use of UAV
KGI/5EUAV Environmental Mapping with the Use of UAV Summer Czech 5  
KGI/5GEKO Geoinformatics Conference
KGI/5GEKO Geoinformatics Conference Summer Czech 3  
KGI/5GIAJ GIS in English
KGI/5GIAJ GIS in English Summer English 4  
KGI/5GIF1 Geoinformatics 1
KGI/5GIF1 Geoinformatics 1 Winter Czech 5  
KGI/5GIF2 Geoinformatics 2
KGI/5GIF2 Geoinformatics 2 Summer Czech 5  
KGI/5GIZP Geoinformatics and the Environment
KGI/5GIZP Geoinformatics and the Environment Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/5GSH1 Geodesy for Construction History I
KGI/5GSH1 Geodesy for Construction History I Winter Czech 3  
KGI/5GSH2 Geodesy for Construction History II
KGI/5GSH2 Geodesy for Construction History II Summer Czech 3  
KGI/5KMDP Quantitative Methods for Remote Sensing
KGI/5KMDP Quantitative Methods for Remote Sensing Summer Czech 2  
KGI/5KTK Comprehensive Field Course
KGI/5KTK Comprehensive Field Course Summer Czech 4  
KGI/5LAS1 Laser Scanning I
KGI/5LAS1 Laser Scanning I Winter Czech 3  
KGI/5LAS2 Laser Scanning II
KGI/5LAS2 Laser Scanning II Summer Czech 3  
KGI/5MACH Chemical Pollution Mapping
KGI/5MACH Chemical Pollution Mapping Winter and summer Czech 4  
KGI/5MATA Mathematical Analyses
KGI/5MATA Mathematical Analyses Winter Czech 5  
KGI/5MTPD Methods of Spatial Data Creation
KGI/5MTPD Methods of Spatial Data Creation Winter Czech 4  
KGI/5MZPG Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
KGI/5MZPG Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Multimedia Winter Czech 2  
KGI/5OBS1 Research Seminar I
KGI/5OBS1 Research Seminar I Winter Czech 2  
KGI/5OBS2 Research Seminar II
KGI/5OBS2 Research Seminar II Summer Czech 2  
KGI/5OBS3 Research Seminar III
KGI/5OBS3 Research Seminar III Winter Czech 2  
KGI/5OHDP Diploma Thesis Defense
KGI/5OHDP Diploma Thesis Defense Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/5PAPD Advanced Analysis of Spatial Data
KGI/5PAPD Advanced Analysis of Spatial Data Winter Czech 4  
KGI/5PDPZ Advanced Methods of Remote Sensing
KGI/5PDPZ Advanced Methods of Remote Sensing Winter Czech 6  
KGI/5PRX Professional Internship
KGI/5PRX Professional Internship Winter and summer Czech 6  
KGI/5PSTA Advanced Statistical Methods
KGI/5PSTA Advanced Statistical Methods Winter Czech 2  
KGI/5PURK Practical Examples of River Landscape Reconstruction
KGI/5PURK Practical Examples of River Landscape Reconstruction Winter Czech 4  
KGI/5REKO Landscape Reconstruction
KGI/5REKO Landscape Reconstruction Winter Czech 5  
KGI/5RSOE Remote Sensing of Environment
KGI/5RSOE Remote Sensing of Environment Summer English 4  
KGI/5SDP1 Diploma Thesis I
KGI/5SDP1 Diploma Thesis I Winter Czech 6  
KGI/5SDP2 Diploma Thesis II
KGI/5SDP2 Diploma Thesis II Winter and summer Czech 10  
KGI/5TMAG Development of Mobile Applications for Geographic Data
KGI/5TMAG Development of Mobile Applications for Geographic Data Summer Czech 4  
KGI/5UREN Urban Environmental Science
KGI/5UREN Urban Environmental Science Winter Czech 5  
KGI/5USU Introduction to Machine Learning
KGI/5USU Introduction to Machine Learning Summer Czech 4  
KGI/6AGZP Environmental Applications of GIS
KGI/6AGZP Environmental Applications of GIS Winter Czech 6  
KGI/6ANPD Spatial Data Analyses
KGI/6ANPD Spatial Data Analyses Summer Czech 3  
KGI/6APGI Applications of Geoinformatics
KGI/6APGI Applications of Geoinformatics Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/6DKGE Digital Cartography for Geoinformatics
KGI/6DKGE Digital Cartography for Geoinformatics Summer Czech 3  
KGI/6DOPA Documentation of Small-Sized Historical Monuments
KGI/6DOPA Documentation of Small-Sized Historical Monuments Winter Czech 3  
KGI/6DPZZ Practical Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing
KGI/6DPZZ Practical Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing Summer Czech 3  
KGI/6DWG Databases and Web GIS for the Environment
KGI/6DWG Databases and Web GIS for the Environment Winter Czech 5  
KGI/6EUAV Environmental Mapping with the Use of UAV
KGI/6EUAV Environmental Mapping with the Use of UAV Summer Czech 5  
KGI/6GEKO Geoinformatics Conference
KGI/6GEKO Geoinformatics Conference Summer Czech 3  
KGI/6GIAJ GIS in English
KGI/6GIAJ GIS in English Summer English 4  
KGI/6GIF1 Geoinformatics 1
KGI/6GIF1 Geoinformatics 1 Winter Czech 5  
KGI/6GIF2 Geoinformatics 2
KGI/6GIF2 Geoinformatics 2 Summer Czech 5  
KGI/6GIZP Geoinformatics and the Environment
KGI/6GIZP Geoinformatics and the Environment Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/6GSH1 Geodesy for Construction History I
KGI/6GSH1 Geodesy for Construction History I Winter Czech 3  
KGI/6GSH2 Geodesy for Construction History II
KGI/6GSH2 Geodesy for Construction History II Summer Czech 3  
KGI/6KMDP Quantitative Methods for Remote Sensing
KGI/6KMDP Quantitative Methods for Remote Sensing Summer Czech 2  
KGI/6KTK Comprehensive Field Course
KGI/6KTK Comprehensive Field Course Summer Czech 4  
KGI/6LAS1 Laser Scanning I
KGI/6LAS1 Laser Scanning I Winter Czech 3  
KGI/6LAS2 Laser Scanning II
KGI/6LAS2 Laser Scanning II Summer Czech 3  
KGI/6MZPG Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
KGI/6MZPG Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Multimedia Winter Czech 2  
KGI/6OBS1 Research Seminar I
KGI/6OBS1 Research Seminar I Winter Czech 2  
KGI/6OBS2 Research Seminar II
KGI/6OBS2 Research Seminar II Summer Czech 2  
KGI/6OBS3 Research Seminar III
KGI/6OBS3 Research Seminar III Winter Czech 2  
KGI/6OHDP Diploma Thesis Defense
KGI/6OHDP Diploma Thesis Defense Winter and summer Czech 0  
KGI/6PAPD Advanced Analysis of Spatial Data
KGI/6PAPD Advanced Analysis of Spatial Data Winter Czech 4  
KGI/6PDPZ Advanced Methods of Remote Sensing
KGI/6PDPZ Advanced Methods of Remote Sensing Winter Czech 6  
KGI/6PRX Professional Internship
KGI/6PRX Professional Internship Winter and summer Czech 6  
KGI/6PSTA Advanced Statistical Methods
KGI/6PSTA Advanced Statistical Methods Winter Czech 2  
KGI/6PURK Practical Examples of River Landscape Reconstruction
KGI/6PURK Practical Examples of River Landscape Reconstruction Winter Czech 4  
KGI/6REKO Landscape Reconstruction
KGI/6REKO Landscape Reconstruction Winter Czech 5  
KGI/6RSOE Remote Sensing of Environment
KGI/6RSOE Remote Sensing of Environment Summer English 4  
KGI/6SDP1 Diploma Thesis I
KGI/6SDP1 Diploma Thesis I Winter and summer Czech 6  
KGI/6SDP2 Diploma Thesis II
KGI/6SDP2 Diploma Thesis II Winter and summer Czech 10  
KGI/6TMAG Development of Mobile Applications for Geographic Data
KGI/6TMAG Development of Mobile Applications for Geographic Data Summer Czech 4  
KGI/6UREN Urban Environmental Science
KGI/6UREN Urban Environmental Science Winter Czech 5  
KGI/6USU Introduction to Machine Learning
KGI/6USU Introduction to Machine Learning Summer Czech 4