1. History of remote sensing. Principles of image manipulation. 2. Datastructure of raster images. File formats and compresions. 3. Physical principles of light and spectral reflections. Spectral and spatial resolution. 4. Scanning and imaging systems, platforms. 5. Satelites and their parameters, genereal products of images (L1A etc.) 6. Active systems, lidar, radar. SAR and InSAR. 7. Color space, Image processing, pre- and postporcessing. Histogram, thresholding. 8. Classification methods, training area. Classification algoritms. 9. Spatial transformation of raster data. 10. Advanced methods - Fourier analysis. 11. Photogrammetry, stereoscopic data collecting. Orthorectification. DTM. 12. Aplication of RS in environment sciences 13. Software for multispectral image manipulation
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