1. The basic concepts, main objectives, the particularity and implements of territorial planning and its impact on the environment. 2. The history of urbanism from antiquity to the present all over the world. The main attributes, interdependences and the trends of development . 3. The Building Act and development of legislation in the Czech Republic from 1945. 4. The tools of town and country planning for regional plans and town projects, territorial analysis and projects, policy of spatial development . 5. The planing inquiry, the building permit and the process of final building approval. The Act of Expropriated Land for Public Purpose. 6, The relations in the process of territorial planning: municipalities, the government and other participants 7. Planning documentation and zoning. The regulations and limits of territorial development 8. The development and structure of settlement in the Czech Republic. The regional development and territorial disparity. 9. Regional policy - the basic concept, causes and targets 10. Regional policy -the history and development of the national and international policy. The theory of the region . 11. The tools of regional policy. The methods and techniques of evaluation . 12. Recent regional policy in the Czech Republic and the significance of EU. 13. The Act of Regional Development Aid in the Czech Republic. Regional strategies. 14. Current targets and tools of regional policy.
Časopis: Urbanismus územní rozvoj.
Internetové stránky MMR ČR http://www.mmr.cz.
Internetové stránky Ústav územního rozvoje http://www.uur.cz.
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