Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Science (PRF)
Study programme Physics (B1701)
Branch of study / Specialization General base (dual-subject study) (0000/0 - A14)
Level of acquired qualification Bachelor
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 3 years
Number of ECTS credits 180
Qualification awarded Bachelor (0)
Access to further studies Master study programme  
Type of completion Bachelor's Thesis Defense
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Bobková Michaela, Ing.
Phone: +420475283154
Key learning outcomes Graduates are equipped with knowledge and skills of the Computer Science and the English language.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor unspecified

List of study plans for individual branches which may be combined with the selected branch.

Select combination to be shown

Branch of study name / specialization (branch of study code, study plan Stage and Version)
Select combination Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination null (7310R009/0 - 1 - A14), Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Mathematics (double subject) (1101R016/0 - 1 - A14), Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physics (1701R003/0 - 1 - A14)
Status Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course code Course title (* Final State Examination) Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
A Compulsory - - KMA/SZZ60 Mathematics  (*) Czech 0  
B Compulsory option - - KMA/USW Introduction to Mathematical Software Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KMA/MEX Mathematical Excursion Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KMA/THE Game Theory Czech 5  
B Compulsory option - - KMA/RSPP unspecified Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KMA/PSPP unspecified Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KMA/LTX Introduction to LaTeX Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KMA/UDM Introduction to Mathematics Education Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KMA/MA3 Mathematical Analysis III Czech 5  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0237 Experimental Applications of Electromagnetic Waves F Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/APM Project Management English 1  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0173 Excercises of Microwave Tecnology Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0240 unspecified Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0236 unspecified Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/P837 Excursion Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KCH/P431 Physical Chemistry Czech 5  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0164 Theory of Relativity Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0203 Practicum of Microwave Technology A Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0204 unspecified Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/P866 Mathematical modeling of momentum transport - hydrodynamics Czech 5  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0208 Introduction to mesoscopic simulations Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0214 RLC Circuit Solutions Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0199 Applicaton of ATMEL A Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0207 Microwave technology exercise - application Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0179 Excursion - Interactive Physics in the IQ centrum Babylon Liberec Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KCH/0200 Toxicology of Nanomaterials Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0219 CSF Simulations Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0235 unspecified Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KPRF/SBS Stress-free study Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0231 unspecified Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KCH/P224 Inorganic Chemistry Czech 6  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0114 Introduction to LaTeX Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0174 Applicaton of ATMEL A Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0209 Introduction to (nano)materials Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0222 unspecified Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KPRF/CHP Smart notes Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0175 Programming ATMEL I Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0195 Microwave Optics Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KCH/0900 Freeware in Natural Science Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0223 Experimental Applications of Electromagnetic Waves C Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KCH/0160 Chemistry of Boron Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KCH/P533 Chemical Engineering Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0238 Cloud services Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0242 Practical aspects of teaching physics Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/PD65 Computer Simulations of Granular Materials Czech 0  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0148 Special Theory of Relativity Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KBI/0093 Nanoparticles in cells and tissues II Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0233 unspecified Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/ANM Application of Numerical Mathematics Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/FORT2 Programming - Fortran 2 Czech 4  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0221 Seminar of Practical Electronics Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0172 Introduction to Physics and Technology of Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/P510 Mathematical modeling of heat and mass transport Czech 4  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0216 Experimental Application of Electromagnetic Wave A Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KCH/P528 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Czech 3  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/E864 Modelling of Processes in Technology I English 5 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option - - KPRF/CLD Cloud services Czech 1  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0239 Fragments from the history of physics Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0220 Input Output Computer Communication Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/0197 Asistents Practice in Physics Czech 5  
B Compulsory option - - KFY/P293 Seminar of nuclear methods surface analysis Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - Winter KFY/0201 Microwave Optics Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - Summer KFY/0211 unspecified Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - Summer KFY/0212 unspecified Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KMA/P225 Problem Solving Methods for Mathematics Czech 4  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KMA/P227 Graph Theory Czech 5  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KMA/P224 Linear Algebra and Geometry II Czech 4  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KMA/P226 Scientific Presentation in Mathematics Czech 1  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KFY/P238 Laboratory Excercises A Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KFY/P239 Mathematical Apparatus of Physics II Czech 4  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KFY/P311 Electricity and Magnetism Czech English 7  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KFY/P237 Thermal and Molecular Physics Czech 3  
B Compulsory option 1 Winter KI/ICT Information and Communication Technologies Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 1 Winter KMA/P113 Mathematical Repetitorium Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 1 Winter KI/ZICT ICT Essentials Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KMA/P101 Linear Algebra and Geometry I Czech 5  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KMA/P103 Foundations of Mathematics Czech English 5  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KMA/P132 Introduction to Calculus Infinitesimalis Czech 4  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KFY/P133 Mechanics Czech 5  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KFY/P201 Introduction to the Theory of Measurements Czech English 1  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KMA/P136 Introduction to Mathematics Czech 6  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KFY/P127 Mathematical Apparatus of Physics I Czech 4  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KFY/P128 Introduction to Physics Czech 5  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KMA/P401 Mathematical Analysis II Czech English 6  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KMA/P421 Probability and Statistics I Czech 4  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KMA/P449 Discrete Mathematics Czech English 5  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KFY/P521 Laboratory Excercises C Czech 2  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KFY/P611 Electronics Czech English 4  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KFY/P511 Atomic and Nuclear Physics Czech English 6  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KFY/P134 Practice in Physics II Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KFY/P407 Theoretical Mechanics II Czech English 4  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KFY/P623 Physics in Experiments Czech 2  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KMA/P334 Algebra I Czech 5  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KMA/P336 Mathematical Analysis I Czech 3  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KMA/P335 Geometry Czech 6  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KFY/P421 Laboratory Excercises B Czech 3  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KFY/P411 Oscillations and Waves. Optics. Czech English 7  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KFY/P369 Termodynamics and Statistical Physics Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KFY/P368 Practice in Physics I Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KFY/P305 Theoretical Mechanics I Czech English 3  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KBI/P308 Environmental Education Czech 1  
A Compulsory 3 - KFY/P621 Laboratory Excercises D Czech 3  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KBI/P600 Bachelor Thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KMA/P600 Bachelor Thesis of Mathematics Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KAJ/4063 Bachelor Thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KCH/P600 B.Sc.Thesis in Chemistry Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KFY/P600 Bachelors Thesis Seminar from Physics Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KI/XBP Bachelor Thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KGEO/B600 Bachelor Degree Thesis in Geography Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KTV/4043 Bachelor's Final Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KGER/BP Bachelor Thesis German 8  
A Compulsory 3 Summer KMA/P427 Set Theory Czech 4  
A Compulsory 3 Summer KMA/P636 Seminar of Mathematics Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KMA/P637 Financial mathematics Czech 6  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KI/PGL2 Programming II Czech English 6  
A Compulsory 3 Summer KFY/PA24 Astronomy and Astrophysics II Czech 3  
A Compulsory 3 Summer KFY/SZZ60 Physics  (*) Czech 0  
A Compulsory 3 Summer KFY/P626 Physical Problems and their Solutions Czech 1  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KFY/P628 unspecified Czech 1  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KFY/P235 Programming - C/C++ English 3  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KFY/P530 Introduction to quantum mechanics Czech 3  
A Compulsory 3 Winter KMA/P521 Probability and Statistics II Czech 6  
A Compulsory 3 Winter KMA/P551 Theoretical arithmetics Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KMA/K515 Introduction to number theory Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KI/PGL1 Programming I Czech English 5  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KMA/P552 Diploma Seminar Czech 1  
A Compulsory 3 Winter KFY/P924 Astronomy and Astrophysics I Czech 3  
A Compulsory 3 Winter KFY/P505 Diploma Seminar Czech 1  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KFY/P130 Programming - Matlab English 3  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KFY/P529 Practice Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KFY/P508 Theory of Electromagnetic Field Czech English 5  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KFY/P531 unspecified Czech 1  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KFY/A130 unspecified English 3