- The course contains basic description of ion beam analytical methods used for layered and bulk materials characterization and ion beam synthetization of new nanomaterials. - Main physical principles, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the spectroscopic data from Rutherford Back-Scattering spectrometry (RBS), Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA), Particle Induced X-ray Emission spectroscopy (PIXE) and Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) will be described. - In particular, we focus on the description of the processes going on in the solid state when passing high-energy ions, the production of X-rays and the nuclear reaction. Part of the course is also the basis of ion spectroscopy and nuclear spectroscopic instrumentation. - In the above mentioned methods the students will acquire the basics of quantitative and qualitative analysis and knowledge on the evaluation of energy spectra of the above-mentioned ion analytical methods. - The theoretical basis is supplemented by the practical measurement of selected samples of various amorphous and crystalline materials by RBS and ERDA methods, followed by elemental analysis and depth profiling of elements using the SRIM ion simulation modeling software and the quantitative analysis of energy spectra SIMNRA, GISA.
A. Macková, N. Morton et al. Handbook of Spectroscopy, Edited by G. Gauglitz T. Vo Dinh, Wiley, VCH. Wiley, VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2003.
J. R. Tesmer, M. Nastasi. Handbook of modern ion beam materials analysis,. Materials research society, Pittsburgh USA, 199.
L. C. Feldman, J. W. Mayer. Fundamentals of surface and thin film analysis. North-Holland, New York, 1986.
L. Frank, J. Král. Metody analýzy povrchů; iontové, sondové a speciální metody. Academia, Praha, 2002.