Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Education (PF)
Study programme Specialization in Education (B7507)
Branch of study / Specialization General base (szbc/SZ - A14)
Level of acquired qualification Bachelor
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 3 years
Number of ECTS credits 180
Qualification awarded Bachelor (0)
Access to further studies Master study programme  
Type of completion Bachelor's Thesis Defense
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Klenerová Jana, Mgr.
Phone: +420475283165
Key learning outcomes The study programme aims at qualifying to enter a profession or a master study programme. It takes 3 years (180 ECTS credits). Graduates receive the academic degree bachelor (Bc.).
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme unspecified
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples unspecified
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Doulík Pavel, prof. PaedDr. Ph.D.

List of study plans for individual branches which may be combined with the selected branch.

Select combination to be shown

Branch of study name / specialization (branch of study code, study plan Stage and Version)
English Language and Literature (7310R009/JO - 1 - A14)
Select combination Music Education (7504R238/JO - 1 - A14)
Select combination Music Education (7504R238/0 - 1 - A14), English Language and Literature (7310R009/14 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Art Education (7507R103/14 - 1 - A14), English Language and Literature (7310R009/14 - 1 - A14)
Select combination German Language and Literature (7310R106/14 - 1 - A14), English Language and Literature (7310R009/14 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Social Sciences (6107R020/14 - 1 - A14), English Language and Literature (7310R009/14 - 1 - A14)
Select combination English Language and Literature (7310R009/14 - 1 - A14)
Select combination History (7105R021/14 - 1 - A14), English Language and Literature (7310R009/14 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Music Education (7504R238/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Art Education (7507R103/14 - 1 - A14), Music Education (7504R238/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination German Language and Literature (7310R106/14 - 1 - A14), Music Education (7504R238/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination History (7105R021/14 - 1 - A14), Music Education (7504R238/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination German Language and Literature (7310R106/14 - 1 - A14), Art Education (7507R103/14 - 1 - A14)
Select combination History (7105R021/14 - 1 - A14), Art Education (7507R103/14 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Art Education (7507R054/15 - 1 - A14)
Status Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course code Course title (* Final State Examination) Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0439 Table tennis Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0437 Volleyball Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0442 Fitness weight training Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0444 Indoor climbing Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0463 Sport dance Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0449 Karate, Aikidó, Tai-chi Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0438 Floorball Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0443 Spinning Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KPF/BBP1 Bachelor Thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0435 Football Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0441 Aerobic Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - - KTV/0472 Sports fencing Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
C Optional - - CJP/0338 Optional Course - Guided dialogue in German Czech German 2  
C Optional - - CJP/0330 English in the media Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
C Optional - - CJP/0220 Culture of German Speaking Countries II Czech German 1 The course is available to visiting students
C Optional - - CPP/0099 Assistant teacher at the school Czech 10  
C Optional - - CPP/0100 Teaching assistant for leisure activities Czech 10  
C Optional - - CJP/0336 Russian for specific purposes Czech Russian 2 The course is available to visiting students
C Optional - - CPP/0098 Assistant teacher at a primary school Czech 10  
C Optional - - CJP/0337 German grammar workshop Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
C Optional - - CPP/0102 Peer Support Czech 4  
C Optional - - CPP/0097 Aassistant teacher in kindergarten Czech 10  
C Optional - - CJP/0335 Optional Course - Managed Dialogue in Russian Czech Russian 2 The course is available to visiting students
C Optional - - CPP/0101 Assistant in social care facilities Czech 10  
B Compulsory option - Winter KTV/0070 School skiing instructor course Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - Winter KTV/0284 Health Physical Education Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - Winter KTV/0080 Skiing course Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option - Winter KTV/0365 Climbing instructor Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - Winter KTV/0071 School snowboarding instructor course Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - Summer KTV/0473 Cardiofitness course Czech 2  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0052 Particular Pedagogical Practice II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0089 Assistant Teacher VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0087 Assistant Teacher VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0044 Particular Pedagogical Practice II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0053 Particular Pedagogical Practice IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0092 Particular Pedagogical practice VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0047 Assistant Schoolmaster IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0055 Project Practice IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0086 Particular Pedagogical practice VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0091 Assistant Schoolmaster VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0083 Assistant Teacher VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0095 Practical Experience II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0096 Assistant Teacher at Kindergartens II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0093 Assistant Teacher VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0051 Assistant Teacher IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0088 Particular Pedagogical practice VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0049 Particular Pedagogical Practice IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0048 Particular Pedagogical Practice II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0084 Particular Pedagogical practice VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0045 Particular Pedagogical Practice IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0085 Assistant Schoolmaster VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0043 Assistant Teacher IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0054 Project Practice II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0046 Assistant Schoolmaster II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0042 Assistant Teacher II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0094 Particular Pedagogical Practice VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0090 Particular Pedagogical practice VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0050 Assistant Teacher II Czech 3  
A Compulsory - - KAJ/4100 State exam - English Language and Literature  (*) Czech 0  
B Compulsory option - Winter KAJ/4802 Twentieth Century American Poetry: The Quest for Reality Czech 2  
B Compulsory option - Winter KAJ/4801 Canadian Indigenous Literature Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 - KPR/4010 Informatics Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 1 - CJP/4186 German Czech German 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 1 - CJP/4486 French Czech French 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 1 - CJP/4386 Spanish language (CEFR B1/B2) Czech Spanish 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 1 - CJP/4286 Foreing language: Russian language (CEFR B1/B2) Czech Russian 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 1 - CJP/4086 English Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 1 - CJP/7015 Foreign language: Russian language (CEFR B1/B2) Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KAJ/4127 English Language Exam 1 Czech 6 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KAJ/4124 British Literature 1 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KAJ/4125 British Cultural Studies 1 Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KAJ/4126 Language and Communication Technologies Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KAJ/4121 Phonetics and Phonology Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KAJ/4122 English Language Seminar 2 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KAJ/4123 English Language - Writing 1 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KAJ/4115 Introduction to Literature Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KAJ/4113 The History of Great Britain and the USA Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KAJ/4111 Introduction to the history of Great Britain Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KAJ/4114 Introduction to Linguistics Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KAJ/4112 Introduction to the History of USA Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KAJ/4117 English Language Seminar 1 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KAJ/4116 English Communicative Skills Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KAJ/4118 Children's Literature Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KAJ/4147 British Literature Exam Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KAJ/4145 British Cultural Studies 3 Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KAJ/4143 Academic Oral Skills Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KAJ/4146 English Language Exam 2 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KAJ/4142 English Language Seminar 4 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KAJ/4144 British Literature 3 Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KAJ/4149 Bachelor Seminar Czech 2  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KAJ/4141 Syntax Czech 5 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KAJ/4135 British Cultural Studies 2 Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KAJ/4131 Morphology Czech 5 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KAJ/4134 British Literature 2 Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KAJ/4136 Language and Communication Technologies Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KAJ/4137 Language and Communication Technologies Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KAJ/4132 English Language Seminar 3 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KAJ/4133 English Language - Writing 2 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 3 - KAJ/4063 Bachelor Thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 - KGER/BP Bachelor Thesis German 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KTV/4043 Bachelor's Final Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KBO/4048 Bachelor's thesis Czech 8  
A Compulsory 3 Summer KAJ/4163 American Cultural Studies 2 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 3 Summer KAJ/4162 American Literature 2 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 3 Summer KAJ/4164 American Literature Exam Czech 6 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KAJ/4174 Literary Translation Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KAJ/4175 Text Analysis Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KAJ/4177 Multicultural World Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KAJ/4173 Critical reading Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 3 Summer KAJ/4176 Literature of The Commonwealth Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 3 Winter KAJ/4151 Lexicology and Semantics Czech 6 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 3 Winter KAJ/4153 American Literature 1 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 3 Winter KAJ/4154 American Cultural Studies 1 Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 3 Winter KAJ/4152 English with Young Learners Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 3 Winter KAJ/4155 Introduction to English Language Teaching Methodology Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KAJ/4172 Drama and Project Work Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KAJ/4003 Professional Writing in English Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter KAJ/4171 Academic Writing Czech 4 The course is available to visiting students