Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Education (PF)
Study programme Specialization in Education (B7507)
Branch of study / Specialization English Language and Literature (7310R009/JO - A14)
Level of acquired qualification Bachelor
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 3 years
Number of ECTS credits 180
Qualification awarded Bachelor (0)
Access to further studies Master study programme  
Type of completion State Final Exam
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Klenerová Jana, Mgr.
Phone: +420475283165
Key learning outcomes Graduates are prepared to continue in the Master's study of the Teaching of English Language and Literature for Secondary School or Teaching English Language and Literature for the Second Stage of Primary School. Graduates in these studies gain extensive knowledge and skills in the basics of their major - in the fields of linguistics, cultural studies, and literature, as well as in the field of practical language use at an academic level. The method of preparing graduates also envisages the possibility of the student's entry into the practical working world. After earning a Bachelor's degree, the student is ready to work as a language consultant. The relatively broad knowledge base also opens doors to graduates for careers in the media and in administration (creating projects in English, acting as advisors for relations with foreign institutions / partners, and in the field of human resources). The following skills and abilities are accentuated in the profile of graduates: - a knowledge of the English language at the level of an experienced user, C1 to C2 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; - an awareness of the socio-cultural environment of English-speaking countries, and the ability to transmit this information; - intercultural attitudes and skills; - an orientation in British, American, and Commonwealth literature; - a solid foundation in linguistics (phonetics and phonology, morphology and syntax, lexicology and semantics, including an introductory knowledge of sociolinguistics); - the student is further prepared to work on group or team projects.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Haase Christoph, Dr. Ph.D., M.A.

List of study plans for individual branches which may be combined with the selected branch.

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Branch of study name / specialization (branch of study code, study plan Stage and Version)
Select combination General base (szbc/SZ - 1 - A14)