Havlínová Ivana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. - 2. Reality of education and philosophy of education 3. Education or teaching? - contemporary challenges 4. Axiological and cognitive dimension of education 5. "Learn to know", "Learn to act", "Learn to live with others", "Learn to be" 6. Specific demands on education in Humanities 7 - 11. Axiological and cognitive dimension of chosen social, psychological, political, legal, philosophical and economic issues 11. - 14. Specific demands on education in issues of Humanities chosen by the students of the course - students will give presentations of chosen topics of Humanities and interpret two chosen topics of Humanities, perform their pedagogical transformation
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The course is an opportunity to find the philosophical basis of specific pedagogical approaches that can lead students to the adoption of certain attitudes, generally relevant to democratic values and principles. Students will make an attempt to understand the basic themes of Humanities and their educational transformation related to more academic disciplines.
Student - can define the philosophy of education, its subject, some of the questions concerning with this issue - can actively use academic pedagogical terminology and terminology of pedagogical philosophy of education as philosophy of values - can explain basic educational dilemmas and current challenges for education - can interpret selected topics related to more academic disciplines(from the point of view of two topics of Humanities) - can transform selected topics into the curriculum with the emphasis on the use of their axiological dimension
Assessment methods and criteria
- can define the philosophy of education, its subject, some of the questions concerning with this issue - can actively use academic pedagogical terminology and terminology of pedagogical philosophy of education as philosophy of values - can explain basic educational dilemmas and current challenges for education - can interpret selected topics related to more academic disciplines(from the point of view of two topics of Humanities) - can transform selected topics into the curriculum with the emphasis on the use of their axiological dimension
Recommended literature
Učení je skryté bohatství. Zpráva UNESCO "Vzdělání pro 21. století". Praha, 1997.
ARENDTOVÁ, H. Krize kultury. Praha, 1994.
DOROTÍKOVÁ, S. Hodnoty a vzdělání. Praha, 1997.
HOGENOVÁ, A. - KRÁMSKÝ, D. - RYBÁK, D. (vyd.). Vybrané spisy Jaroslavy Peškové. Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-902125-6-6.
KRATOCHVÍL, Z. Výchova, zřejmost, vědomí. Praha, 1997.
LIESSMANN, K. P. Teorie nevzdělanosti. Omyly společnosti vědění. Praha, 2008. ISBN 978-80-200-1677-5.
MICHÁLEK, J. Topologie výchovy. Praha, 1996. ISBN 80--86005-01-1.
PATOČKA, J. Filosofie výchovy, in: Péče o duši I, Sebrané spisy I. Praha, 1996. ISBN 80-04-25390-3.
PELCOVÁ, N. Filosofická a pedagogická antropologie. Praha, 2000. ISBN 80-246-0076-5.
STROUHAL, M. Teorie výchovy. Praha, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4212-0.