Kroupa Daniel, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1) The origin of the concept of ideology 2) Ideological sources of political ideologies 3) The birth of totalitarian ideological doctrines during the French Revolution 4) Totalitarian Democracy 5) The totalitarian ideology of communism, Fascism, Islamism 6) Ideology as a philosophical problem 7) The ideological concept of ideology: Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Gramsci, Althusser 8) Criticism of ideology: Horkheimer, Adorno, Habermas 9) Ideology in the conception of cultural anthropology: C. Geerz 10) Ideology in the conception of the sociology of knowledge: Weber, Scheler, Plesner, Mannheim 11) Ideology as a political religion (Aron, Voegelin) and the concept of ideology in H. Arendt 12) Solutions of the vicious circle of ideology: Patočka
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The course is focused on understanding the ideologies of the historical context at the turn of the traditional and modern societies, their ideological sources and their features in practical politics. It is also focused on the theoretical interpretation of ideologies in various social disciplines and philosophy.
Learning outcomes: - knowledge of resources and ideological circumstances of the birth of political ideologies - knowledge of the origin of totalitarian ideologies and their various forms - knowledge of reflection of ideology in sociology, cultural anthropology and philosophy - ability to recognize the ideological interests and resources of traditional political doctrines - ability to understand the ideological motives of the current political debate
The course has no prerequisite courses and knowledge.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course will be finished with seminar paper on one of the topics of lectures, in the extent of 7 pages, using one primary and three secondary sources.
Recommended literature
Arendtová H. Původ totalitarismu. Praha, 1996.
Aron R. Opium intelektuálů. Praha, 2001.
Besanson A. Nemoc století. Praha, 2000.
Furet F. Promýšlet francouzskou revoluci. Brno, 1994.
Hayek F. A. Kontrarevoluce vědy. Praha, 1995.
Mannheim K. Ideologie a utopie. Bratislava, 1991.
Novák M.(vyd.). Komunismus a fašismus. Praha, 2002.
Voegelin E. Nová věda o politice. Brno, 2000.