Jelínek Marek, Mgr. Ph.D.
Charvátová Alena, Mgr. Ph.D.
Kališko Ondřej, Mgr.
Course content
Lecture topics: (2 hours) 1. Physiotherapy procedures in the indication area of neurology - DMO, neurodegenerative brain tumor. 2. Physiotherapy procedures in the indication area of neurology - peripheral paresis, CMP. 3. Physiotherapy procedures in the indication area of neurology - vertebrogenic system. cervical and lumbar spine. 4. Physiotherapy procedures in the indication area of neurology ? strait syndromes, 5. Physiotherapy procedures in the indication area of neurology - transverse spinal cord lesions. 6. Physiotherapy procedures in the indication area of neurology ? multiple sclerosis, extrapyramidal syndromes. Exercise topics: (3 hours) 1. Specific tests for the pelvic complex 2. Pelvic floor muscle examination (PERFECT scale) and therapeutic procedures for pelvic floor dysfunction 3. Redcord? ? basic principles of examination, handling of the suspension system, basic principles of exercise 4. Redcord? ? DK and HK testing and therapy 5. The issue of vertebrogenic patients 6. The issue of vertebrogenic patients
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
It is the basic subject of the field and it continues the teaching of the subject Physiotherapy III. It is conceived as theoretical - practical. It acquaints students with the pathogenesis of functional disorders of the locomotor system, with methods used in rehabilitation and physiotherapeutic procedures in individual clinical fields. Students will apply this knowledge in practice.
Expertise: The student is able to describe physiotherapeutic procedures in the indication area of neurology and psychiatry and is oriented in basic neurological diagnoses. Professional skills: The student is able to perform neurological examination by physiotherapist focused on examination of reflexes, neurological examination of spine and torso, examination of extrapyramidal system and examination of peripheral paresis. General eligibility: The student is practically able to apply physiotherapeutic procedures in the indication area of neurology and psychiatry and is oriented in basic neurological diagnoses.
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit: active 80%, participation in exercises, demonstration of acquired practical skills Exam: oral exam from the specified thematic areas - verification of professional knowledge, including the content of teaching the subject Physiotherapy III and Physiotherapy IV
Recommended literature
REHABILITÁCIA, aktuální výběr.
BOBATH, B., 1997. Hemiplégia dospelých. 1.vyd. Bratislava: LIEČREH. 75 s. ISBN 80-967383-48. ISBN 80-967383-48.
KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ, 1999. Fyzioterapie. 1.vyd. Jinočany: H+H. 428 s. ISBN 8-86022-45-5. ISBN 8-86022-45-5.
KRÁLOVÁ, M. a V. MATEJÍČKOVÁ, 1995. Rehabilitace u revmatických nemocí. 1.vyd.Praha: Avicenum. 162 s..
MÁČEK, M., VÁVRA, J. a J. ŠTEFANOVÁ, 1975. Léčebná tělesná výchova v pediatrii. 1.vyd. Praha: Avicenum. 272 s. vybrané kapitoly.
NIDERLE, M. a H. VESELÁ, 1992. Jedna kapitola ze speciální rehabilitace poranění kolenního kloubu. 1.vyd. Brno: IDVZP. 75 s. ISBN 80 - 7013 -128 - 4. ISBN 80-7013-128- 4.
OPAVSKÝ, J., 2003. Neurologické vyšetření v rehabilitaci pro fyzioterapeuty. Olomouc, ISBN 80-244-0625-X. ISBN 80-244-0625-X.
PFEIFFER, J., 2007. Neurologie v rehabilitaci pro studium a praxi. Praha: Grada, ISBN 978-80-247-1135-5. ISBN 978-80-247-1135-5.
TROJAN, S. a kol., 2001. Fyziologie a léčebná rehabilitace motoriky člověka. 2.přepr.vyd.Praha: Grada publishing. 225 s. ISBN 80 - 247 - 0031 -x. ISBN 80- 247-0031-x.
VOJTA, V., 1993. Mozkové hybné poruchy v kojeneckém věku. 1.vyd. Praha: Grada. 361 s. ISBN 80-85424-98-3. ISBN 80-85424-98-3.