Course: American Literature Exam

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Course title American Literature Exam
Course code KAJ/4164
Organizational form of instruction no contact
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Čapek Jan, Mgr. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
During the exam, students randomly pick a number covering literature from 17th to 19th century (1-10) and another one covering the twentieth century (11-20). After a short introduction to the period, the discussion is based on their reading list which is to be discussed in advance with the teacher. The reading list may also include films (indicating the date and the name of the director), song lyrics, memoirs, homiletics, historical and literary historical works, chronicles, autobiographies, legal documents, interviews, philosophical, historical, and literary-work and non-US authors associated with American cultural and intellectual history. Arrange the individual "nests" chronologically, indicate the date of first publication. Indicate s tories and individual poems by quotation marks(""), novels and plays by italics. If you have not read the whole text, provide a note "(excerpt)". 1. Beginnings and Puritan Beginnings. 2. The Enlightenment. 3. R. W. Emerson. 4. H. D. Thoreau. 5. Whitman and Dickinson. 6. Hawthorne. 7. Melville. 8. Poe. 9. ['Realists']. Twain, Chopin, Harte, W.D. Howells, Henry James, S. Crane et al. 10. ['Naturalists']. Jack London, Frank Norris, S. Crane, Theodore Dreiser et al. 11. ['Modern Poetry']. T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, W. Carlos Williams, Robert Frost, Denise Levertov, Sylvia Plath et al. 12. ['Lost Generation']. Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Wolfe, G. Stein, J. Steinbeck et al. 13. ['Southeners']. (Mark Twain, E. A. Poe) William Faulkner, Flannery O´Connor, Thomas Wolfe, Tennessee Williams et al. 14. ['African-American authors']. Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, M.L. King, Malcolm X, Cornel West, Michelle Alexander, Angela Davis etc.) 15. ['Solitaires']. Henry Miller, Delmore Schwartz, Vladimir Nabokov, Charles Bukowski, Erica Jong, et al. 16. ['The Beat Generation'] Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouak, William Burroughs, Neil Cassidy, Kenneth Rextroth, Gary Snyder, etc. 17. ['Native-American Authors, Jewish-American and and other minority authors'] Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow, I. B. Singer, J. D. Salinger, Philip Roth, Bob Dylan et al.; Geronimo, Scott Momaday, Gerald Vizenor; L. M. Silko, Sandra Cisneros. 18. ['American Drama and Cinematography'] E. O´Neill, A. Miller, T. Williams, E. Albee; C. Chaplin; Elia Kazan, M. Scorcese, S. Kubric et al. 19. ['Women authors, feminist authors'] Kate Chopin, Gertrude Stein, Ana?s Nin, Sylvia Plath, Denise Levertov, Ann Beattie, Erica Jong, Joyce Carol Oates, Leslie Marmon Silko, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Susan Sontag, et al. 20. ['Minimalism, Postmodernism, Contemporary authors'] R. Carver, A. Beattie; T. Pynchon, T. Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut, Philip Roth, D. F. Wallace, C. McCarthy et al.

Learning activities and teaching methods
  • unspecified - 0 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The oral exam proves the students' knowledge of American literary history from Puritan beginnings to Post-Modernism, and the students' ability to interpret canonical works of American literature they have read.
Students are well versed in American literary history, able to analyze and interpret the works on their reading lists and contextualize them. Students are able to point out the artistic -- as well as other -- values of the work, and approach it critically. Students are able to connect literary knowledge with knowledge in the field of cultural studies and history. Students are able to write a quality analytical essay.
In order to sit the exam students are required to have gained credits in American Literature 1 and American Literature 2, having their final analytical literary essay accepted, and bring in an acceptable reading list they had previously discussed with the instructor.

Assessment methods and criteria
Reading list - the list must be divided according to the exam questions, must consist of at least 30 works, at least one item for each question and must be properly formatted.
Recommended literature
  • Od Poea k postmodernismu. Proměny americké prózy. Odeon, Praha, 1993.
  • Abrams , M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc.. 1985.
  • Ruland, K. - Bradbury, R. Od puritanismu k postmodernismu. Dějiny americké literatury. Praha. 1997.
  • Ruland R. & Bradbury, M. From Puritanism to Postmodernism: A History of American Literatrure. New York, 1991.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): English Language and Literature (A14) Category: Philological sciences 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Summer