Course: Theory and organization of sports games

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Course title Theory and organization of sports games
Course code KTV/71521
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Polívka Tomáš, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Heidler Josef, Mgr.
  • Kresta Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Bláha Ladislav, doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
  • Žák Marcel, PaedDr.
Course content
Topics: Common starting points and specific areas of movement games 1. Systematics of movement games, division of games, terminology, relations of cooperation and competition in sports games, dimensional relations in sports games, content of sports games (game skill, individual activity, combinations, systems). Game performance, team game performance, Determinants of team game performance. Methodological and organizational forms. 2. Movement game and its role and possibilities in human ontogenetic development. Sports game as a socio - economic phenomenon. The role of movement games in human socialization. Game as a means of education (fair play, experience, conflict, group relationships during the game). Sports game as a manifestation of national cultures. 3. The concept of teaching sports games, alternative concepts of teaching SH. Selected aspects of motion control in the operation of motion games. Sensory shares in the performance of the game or the implementation of game activities. Selected problems of motor learning in sports games, the question of practice and experience in sports games, the application of transfer. Automaticity, similarity, generalization). Assessing the level of game skills. Issues of quantitative and qualitative research in sports games. 4. Movement games used for people with disabilities and for integrated TV. Games based on the reflection of a game object - tchoukball, trangleball, squash. 5. Movement - sports games from other cultures or applied mainly abroad. American football, rugby type games. Batting games - cricket, baseball, softball, methodical procedure at batting games. Faustball. 6. Evolving movement - sports games in the conditions of the Czech Republic: badminton, frisbee - ultimate, softtennis, lacrosse, intercross, curling, floorball. 7.-14. Basketball, handball, soccer, volleyball Origin, development and present of the game; interpretation of rules; domestic and world organizations; systematics of game activities; development of game systems current systems; movement learning and conditions of the teaching process in school physical education and sports training, key places of skills acquisition; graphical representation of game situations; other (small) forms of the game (futsal-indoor soccer, small soccer, FIFA futsal, beach soccer, etc .; national handball, mini-handball, etc .; mini-basketball, streetball, 1x1 game, etc.).

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to provide students with knowledge about the game as a social phenomenon as well as their role in the development of the individual, to acquaint students with learning game skills, taxonomies theory completed games to games that are in our country run less frequently or are unusual. Some of them can be expected to further possible outcome studies or training outside the land of the faculty of sports associations and obtaining qualifications coaches or referees for the contribution of these unions. Demonstrate knowledge of the exam should be the result of long-term influence listeners in the area of physical activities.
After passing this subject the student: - Is able to organize lesson with all the games that were taught, - Can referee a match according to the rules, - Can organize training unit including suitable organism preparation for the load, - Can assess his/her training unit or lesson, - Can define important points for improving the game skills in selected games, - Can prepare and lead the lessons that are focused on games, - Can use the transfer from other motor games and can find connection among them, - Is able to use the game in consideration of game skills´ level of participants and of spatial and material conditions. - Knows the basic terminology of selected games, knows how to teach the games and the corresponding game skills. - Can define needed condition for successful lesson of selected games. - Can use the gained competences for further knowledge and skill development connected with this issue, - Can specify the skills limits of participants, can specify needed spatial and material conditions for teaching the selected games, - Knows about institutional security for teaching the games, - Can describe how to influence the participants through the games how to develop their motor abilities and how to socialize people through the games. - Can demonstrate selected game skills. - Is able to apply his/her knowledge from the research into sport games field.
Prerequisites: Volleyball - soccer I, Volleyball - soccer II, Basketball - Handball I, Basketball - Handball II, Small movement games, Great movement games
KTV/7129 and KTV/71423
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KTV/73423 and KTV/7110
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KTV/7310 and KTV/71419 and KTV/7113
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KTV/7313 and KTV/71316

Assessment methods and criteria
Credit requirements: - active participation in teaching, - positive assessment of knowledge and skills in the field of rules, techniques, tactics and methodology of the games covered (in writing or orally), - elaboration and realization of methodical output and theoretical work on selected topic, - successfully implemented decision-making in a selected movement game. Test requirements: - successful completion of teaching all sub-subjects related to movement games - credit awarded, - biomedical and pedagogical psychological subjects (in writing or orally)
Recommended literature
  • Další zdroje.
  • Další zdroje.
  • Další zdroje.
  • Další zdroje.
  • Další zdroje.
  • Bláha, L. Námět k začlenění jedince se zrakovým nebo jiným zdravotním postižením do pohybových her. Tělesná výchova a sport mládeže.. 2010.
  • Bláha, L. Základy provozování vybraných pohybových her.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, Pedagogická fakulta., 2005.
  • Bláha, L. Základy tchoukballu ? učebnice.. Ústí nad Labem: Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, Pedagogická fakulta., 2009.
  • Buzek, M. Trenér fotbalu ?A? licence UEFA licence 1. Díl - obecné kapitoly.. Praha: UK, 2007.
  • Dobrý, L. & Semiginovský, B. Sportovní hry. Výkon a trénink.. Praha: Olympia., 1988.
  • Dobrý, L., & Velenský, E. Košíková - teorie a didaktika.. Praha: SPN., 1980.
  • Dobrý, L. Didaktika sportovních her.. Praha: SPN., 1987.
  • FAČR. Pravidla fotbalu.. Praha: Olympia., 2013.
  • Jančálek, S., Šafaříková, J., & Táborský, F. Teorie a didaktika házené.. Praha: SPN., 1978.
  • Kolář, P. et al. Sportovní hry ze světa.. Praha: ČASPV., 2004.
  • Kollah, E. Fotbal ? technika a taktika hry.. Praha: Grada., 2006.
  • Kresta, J., & Doboš, M. Analýza pohybové aktivity rozhodčího futsalu v okresních soutěžích. In D. Cihlář & D. Petrů (Eds.), Kinesis, salus, educatio.. Ústí n. L.: PF UJEP., 2012.
  • Kresta, J., & Šmíd, P. Současné poznatky o pohybové aktivitě rozhodčích sportovních her. Kinesis, salus, educatio 2009.. Ústí nad Labem: UJEP., 2010.
  • Kresta, J. et al. Futsal.. Praha: Grada., 2009.
  • Kresta, J., Fousek, P., Stříž, M., & Stejskal, P. Futsal.. Praha: Grada., 2009.
  • Matoušek, J. Teorie a didaktika házené.. Brno: PF MU., 1995.
  • Ondřej, O., Navara, M., & Buzek, M. Teorie a didaktika kopané.. Praha: SPN., 1986.
  • Psotta, R., & Velenský, M. et al. Základy didaktiky sportovních her.. Praha: Karolinum., 2009.
  • Psotta, R., & Velenský, M. Vyučování sportovních her ve školní tělesné výchově: hodnocení různých přístupů. Česká kinantropologie.. 2001.
  • Psotta, R., Bunc, V., & Jíra, M. Učební podmínky a tělesné zatížení v odlišných formách fotbalu u dětí mladšího školního věku. Česká kinantropologie.. 2000.
  • Psotta, R. Fotbal kondiční trénink.. Praha: Grada., 2006.
  • Rychtecký, L., & Fialová, L. Didaktika školní tělesné výchovy.. Praha: UK FTVS., 2007.
  • Süss, V., & Buchtel, J. et al. Hodnocení herního výkonu ve sportovních hrách.. Praha: Karolinum., 2003.
  • Süss, V. Softball a baseball: technika, herní situace, pravidla.. Praha: Grada., 2003.
  • Süss, V. Význam indikátorů herního výkonu pro řízení tréninkového procesu.. Praha: Karolinum., 2006.
  • Šafaříková, J., & Táborský, F. Malá škola házené.. Praha: Olympia., 1986.
  • Táborský, F. Házená.. Praha: ČSH a AŠSK., 2000.
  • Táborský, F. Sportovní hry II.. Praha: Grada., 2005.
  • Táborský, F. Sportovní hry I.. Praha: Grada., 2004.
  • Velenský, M., & Karger, J. Basketbal.. Praha: Grada., 2001.
  • Velenský, M. Basketbal - praktická cvičení pro školní tělesnou výchovu.. Praha: UK., 1994.
  • Velenský, M. et al. Průpravné hry.. Praha: Karolinum., 2005.
  • Velenský, M. Základní program aplikace útočné a obranné činnosti.. Praha: Svoboda., 1992.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester