Course: Primary and community care in midwifery

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Course title Primary and community care in midwifery
Course code KSZD/PK2P5
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Puhlová Eva, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Pelikánová Monika, Mgr.
Course content
Seminar Topics: 1. week: Community, community health care, community nursing, education in community care 2. week: Community care in midwifery: the tasks, competencies, legislation 3. week: Community care after a woman during certain periods, education planning in a community 4. week: Community care after a pregnant woman, care planning and realization 5. week: Community care after a woman in a six - week period and a newborn, the support of breastfeeding, care planning and realization 6. week: Community care after a family in a community, the support of healthy functioning, education 7. week: Community care after a woman with gynaecological problems and after gynaecological operation

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is a part of core subjects connected with the study field of midwifery. The important part is focused on primary care, its organization in the system of health care and the position of a birth assistant in an ambulatory care. In community care the students are trained to provide individual work in the community of a woman while cooperating with the family of a woman. The focus is also put on the education in the area of planned parenthood, the prevention of transmittable diseases, health education and other programs, which are important for the health of the whole community. Students are introduced with the cooperation between various subjects within the community, subjects which aim at specialized care based on current needs of the individual members of the community especially a woman and her family.
Subject Knowledge: Student has the knowledge of primary care after a woman; he defines the position of a birth assistant in a primary care. Student understands the terms such as screening, dispensarization, and prevention. Student knows the possible risk factors in community environment regarding a woman and her family. Professional Skills: Student has the knowledge of a primary care after a woman. Student evaluates natural environment regarding a woman, her family and community. He identifies the risk factors in the life of a woman and her family. Student knows the needs of pregnant women, women giving the birth and women in six-week period. When it is necessary because of care reasons he suggests the changes in the regime of a woman.
Conditional subject was not determined

Assessment methods and criteria
active seminar attendance, a test project on a given topic.
Recommended literature
  • MZ ĆR. Zákon 55/2011, §72..
  • FAIT, T. Antikoncepce - Průvodce ošetřujícího lékaře.. Praha: Maxdorf, 2012. ISBN 9788073452803.
  • FAIT, T., DVOŘÁK, V., SKŘIVÁNEK, A. et kol. Almanach ambulantní gynekologie.. Praha: Maxdorf, 2009. ISBN 978807345191.
  • HANZLÍKOVÁ, A. et al. Komunitné ošetřovatelství. 2. vyd. Martin: Osveta, 2006. ISBN 80-8063-213-8.
  • JAROŠOVÁ, D. Úvod do komunitního ošetřovatelství. Praha: GRADA Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-2150-7.
  • KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Komunitní ošetřovatelství pro porodní asistentky. Brno: NCONZO, 2009.
  • REPKOVÁ, A. et at.:. Gynekologické ošetřovatelství.. Martin: Osveta, 2006. ISBN 88-0632-36-4.
  • SIKOROVÁ, L. Dětská sestra v primární a komunitní péči.. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s., 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-3592-4.
  • ŠTROMEROVÁ, Z. Péče porodní asistentky o těhotnou a rodící ženu v prostředí mimo porodnici.. Praha: Porodní dům U čápa, o.p.s., 2008.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester