1. Introduction, periodization, literary language development, development of literature functions and archaic concept of genres 2. Old German literature I - the oldest texts written in German, heroic poetry and enchantments, alliteration 3. Old German literature II - Hildebrandslied 4. Middle Ages - court poetry (minnesang, leich, political lyric poetry) 5. Middle Ages III - court epic (court novel, Niebelungenlied) 6. Middle Ages IV - religious literature, rewriting of Bible texts, legends, mystical texts and sermons 7. Humanism, the Reformation and Renaissance I - humanistic education, printing, Der Ackermann aus Böhmen 8. Humanism, the Reformation and Renaissance II - the Reformation, Martin Luther´s Bible translation, spiritual song and leaflet literature 9. Humanism, the Reformation and Renaissance III - carnival plays, fool´s literature, Schwank 10. Humanism, the Reformation and Renaissance IV - Meistersang, popular reading 11. Baroque I - cultural assumptions, reform of German poetry (Opitz), style creating elements in Baroque literature 12. Baroque II - literature of Protestant cultural area - attention on German language and poetry (language communities), poetry centers (Königsberg, so called Silesian school, North Germany, etc.), drama, Pietism 13. Baroque III - literature of Catholic cultural area - Munich tract school, linguistic exclusivity, spiritual song and conceptual sermons, picaresque novel and its acceptance in German literature 14. Acceptance of older German literature in the 19th and 20th century: heroic songs and court culture in German nationalism, picaresque novel in modern German literature (Uhland, Mann, Brecht, Grass), change of perception of Protestant and Catholic Baroque
Das Nibelungenlied.
Historia von D. Johann Fausten.
Bahr, Ehrhard. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. Bd. 1: Vom Mittelalter bis zum Barock. Tübingen, 1987.
Brunner, Horst. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters im Überblick. Stuttgart, 2003.
Grimmelshausen, Hans J. Chr. von. Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus Teutsch.
Schmidt, Josef. Renaissance, Humanismus, Reformation. Die deutsche Literatur in Text und Darstellung. Stuttgart, 1991.
Szyrocki, Marian. Die deutsche Literatur des Barock. Stuttgart, 2003.