Methodological seminar is one of the key courses of this program. It follows up the two previous courses (Methodological seminar I. and Critical thinking) and developes students competences in the field of critical analytic rationality. The main goal of this course is to introduce methodological tools and competences in the field of cultural and social research. It focuses on explanation and use of various methods of quantitative and qualitative research in social sciences and humanities, such questionaire, structured observation, social experiment, interview, participatory observation, case study and others.
Understanding and application of studied research methods Ability to use these methods in a research project
Bělík, V. Metodologie společenských věd (studijní opora). Hradec Králové: PDF UHK, 2014.
Denzin, K. N., Lincoln, Y. S. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd edition). London, 2005.
Mathews, B., Ross, L. Research Methods. A practical guide for the social sciences.. Harlow, 2010.
Novotná, H., Špaček, O., Šťovíčková Jantulová, M. Metody výzkumu v sociálních vědách.. Praha: FHS, 2020.
Somekh, B., Lewin C. (eds.). Research Methods in the Social Siences.. London, 2005.
Soukup, M. Terénní výzkum v sociální a kulturní antropologii. Praha, 2014.
Trampota, T., Vojtěchovská, M. Metody výzkumu médií. Praha: Portál, 2010. ISBN 978-80-262-0260-8.
Vanderstoep, S. W., Johnston, D. D. Research Methods for Everyday Life. Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. San Francisco, 2009.