Fišerová Michaela, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Science and research: basic overview (institutions, publishing). 2. Science and research: basic overview (grants, evaluation of science). 3. Methodologies of humanities for advanced students - an introduction. 4. Reading a professional text and its methodology. 5. Resource search (classical media). 6. - 7. Resource search (digital media). 8. Control of plagiarism. 9. Introduction to the choice of a research topic (topic and its feasibility). 10. Introduction to the choice of a research topic (evaluation of available resources). 11. Introduction to the choice of a research topic (formulation of the research goal). 12. Introduction to the choice of a research topic (determination of suitable literature). 13. First steps of work on a diploma project. 14. Summary.
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to introduce students to advanced methods of human and social sciences, especially in relation to their diploma thesis. The output of the course is a sound and well-elaborated official assignment of the diploma thesis.
Students will gain the following professional abilities: - to process, submit and defend a sound diploma thesis. - to work methodically, not randomly, and in accordance with methodologies of the humanities. - to accurately analyze and interpret texts. - to structure the whole of the thesis and individual chapters appropriately. - to uses a critical apparatus. - to write the text professionally and clearly. - to defend the thesis in front of a professional audience.
Assessment methods and criteria
By solving continuously assigned tasks students demonstrate the ability to orient themselves in the academic environment. Mainly, they must be able to formulate an adequate research topic and find relevant literature on it.
Recommended literature
DALY, Ch. An Introduction to Philosophical Methods. Toronto: Broadview Press, 2010. ISBN 978-1551119342.
KNOBE, J., NICHOLS, Sh. (vyd.). Experimental Philosophy. Oxford, 2008. ISBN 978-0195323269.
PICHA, M. Kdyby chyby: epistemologie myšlenkových experimentů. Olomouc, nakladatelství Olomouc, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7182-288-2.
VAŠÍČEK, Z. Jak se dělají filosofie. Praha, Triáda, 2012. ISBN 978-80-87256-60-2.