Faculty programmes: PRF

» List of faculties
Study programme name(Code) Code Level of acquired qualification Form of study Number of ECTS credits Standard length of study Detail
Physics (N1701) N1701 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Chemistry (B1407) B1407 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0114A300118) B0114A300118 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0114A300115) N0114A300115 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0114A330005) B0114A330005 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (P0533D110049) P0533D110049 Doctoral Full-time 240 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 240 credits, 4 years
unspecified (B0511A030020) B0511A030020 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0531A130055) N0531A130055 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Applied Informatics (B1802) B1802 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Chemistry (N1407) N1407 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Geography (N0532A330020) N0532A330020 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Applied Nanotechnology (N0719A110004) N0719A110004 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0114A300118) B0114A300118 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0114A300113) N0114A300113 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (N0114A300114) N0114A300114 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0114A300121) B0114A300121 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0114A300122) B0114A300122 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Geography (B1301) B1301 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Applied Plasma Technologies (N0533A110052) N0533A110052 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0613P140005) B0613P140005 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0613P140003) N0613P140003 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Physics (B1701) B1701 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Biology (B1501) B1501 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Geography (N1301) N1301 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Biology (N1501) N1501 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Physics (P1703) P1703 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
Nanotechnology (P3942) P3942 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
Computer Modelling in Science and Technology (N0533A110037) N0533A110037 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (P0532D330032) P0532D330032 Doctoral Combined 0 4 Doctoral, Combined, 0 credits, 4 years
unspecified (N0114A300116) N0114A300116 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (N0114A300117) N0114A300117 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Mathematics (B1101) B1101 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (RIGO) RIGO Rigorous Master Combined 0 1 Rigorous Master, Combined, 0 credits, 1 years
Nanotechnology (N3942) N3942 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Analytical Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology (N0531A130012) N0531A130012 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0114A300120) B0114A300120 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0114A300119) B0114A300119 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0114A300115) N0114A300115 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Geography (N0532A330020) N0532A330020 Rigorous Master Combined 120 2 Rigorous Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Informatics (B1801) B1801 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Applied Nanotechnology (P0719D110003) P0719D110003 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
Biology (N0511A030048) N0511A030048 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0532A330032) B0532A330032 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (P0532D330035) P0532D330035 Doctoral Combined 240 4 Doctoral, Combined, 240 credits, 4 years
unspecified (B0533A110026) B0533A110026 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0613P140003) N0613P140003 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0511A030020) B0511A030020 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Biology (B1501) B1501 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Mathematics (N1101) N1101 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Computer Modelling in Science and Technology (P0533D110037) P0533D110037 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
Chemistry (B1407) B1407 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0114A300122) B0114A300122 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0114A300116) N0114A300116 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0114A300119) B0114A300119 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Applied nanotechnology (B0533A110020) B0533A110020 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Mathematics in Business and Public Administration (B0541P170001) B0541P170001 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (P0532D330032) P0532D330032 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
unspecified (N0114A300117) N0114A300117 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0114A300120) B0114A300120 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0114A300113) N0114A300113 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (N0114A300114) N0114A300114 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (N0114A300123) N0114A300123 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0613P140005) B0613P140005 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Physics (B1701) B1701 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Applied Informatics (B1802) B1802 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (P0533D110038) P0533D110038 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
Chemistry and Toxikolgy (B0531A130031) B0531A130031 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Chemistry and Toxikolgy (B0531A130031) B0531A130031 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0114A300121) B0114A300121 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0533A110026) B0533A110026 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years