Faculty programmes: FF

» List of faculties
Study programme name(Code) Code Level of acquired qualification Form of study Number of ECTS credits Standard length of study Detail
Philology (P7310) P7310 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
Foundations of Humanities (B0288A100005) B0288A100005 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Post-human studies (N0288A100002) N0288A100002 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (B0231A090094) B0231A090094 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Management and presentation of cultural heritage (B0222P120005) B0222P120005 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (P0222A999999) P0222A999999 Doctoral Combined 0 4 Doctoral, Combined, 0 credits, 4 years
Philology (N7310) N7310 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Philology (N7310) N7310 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Documentation of Historical Memorials (B0322A120007) B0322A120007 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
History for Education (B0114A300115) B0114A300115 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
German Language and Literature for Education (B0114A300116) B0114A300116 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Post-human studies (N0288A100002) N0288A100002 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Management and presentation of cultural heritage (B0222P120005) B0222P120005 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Philology (B7310) B7310 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Humanities (N6107) N6107 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Philosophy (B6101) B6101 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Documentation of Historical Memorials (B0322A120007) B0322A120007 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Cultural History (B0222A120023) B0222A120023 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
History (N0222A120028) N0222A120028 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Social Sciences (N0114A300112) N0114A300112 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Historical Sciences (B7105) B7105 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Political Science (N6701) N6701 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
German Philology (P0232D090042) P0232D090042 Doctoral Full-time 240 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 240 credits, 4 years
German Philology (P0232D090042) P0232D090042 Doctoral Combined 240 4 Doctoral, Combined, 240 credits, 4 years
History (B0222A120022) B0222A120022 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Political Science (B0312A200027) B0312A200027 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in German Language and Literature (N0114A300111) N0114A300111 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
History for Education (B0114A300115) B0114A300115 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Historical Sciences (N7105) N7105 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Philology (B7310) B7310 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Historical Sciences (P7105) P7105 Doctoral Combined 0 3 Doctoral, Combined, 0 credits, 3 years
Archival Science and Record Managment (B0322A120006) B0322A120006 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
History (N0222A120028) N0222A120028 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in German Language and Literature (N0114A300111) N0114A300111 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Social Sciences for Education (B0114A300117) B0114A300117 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (DPS) DPS Lifelong learning Full-time 0 1.5 Lifelong learning, Full-time, 0 credits, 1.5 years
Political Science (B6701) B6701 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Historical Sciences (P7105) P7105 Doctoral Full-time 0 3 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 3 years
Intercultural German Studies in the Czech-German Context (N0231A090012) N0231A090012 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Foundations of Humanities (B0288A100005) B0288A100005 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
History (B0222A120022) B0222A120022 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Social Sciences for Education (B0114A300117) B0114A300117 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Social Sciences (N0114A300112) N0114A300112 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History (N0114A300110) N0114A300110 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Political Science (N0312A200140) N0312A200140 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Intercultural German Studies in the Czech-German Context (N0231A090012) N0231A090012 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Humanities (B6107) B6107 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (P0222A999999) P0222A999999 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
Historical Sciences (B7105) B7105 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Historical Sciences (N7105) N7105 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Historical Sciences (P7105) P7105 Doctoral Full-time 0 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 0 credits, 4 years
Archival Science and Record Managment (B0322A120006) B0322A120006 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
German Language and Literature for Education (B0114A300116) B0114A300116 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History (N0114A300110) N0114A300110 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Philosophy (B0223A100010) B0223A100010 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years