Course content
1. Metals. Solids. Crystal grids. Binding in metals. Electron gas model. Theory of molecular orbitals. 2. Properties of metals. Wires, semiconductors and insulators. Oxidation states. General methods of metal production. 3. Ionic bonding and ionic compounds. Ion formation conditions. Ionic radii. Structural types. Polymorphism. 4. Grid faults. Ion bond strength. Polarization. Solubility of ionic compounds. Alkalinity of oxides and hydroxides. 5. Coordination compounds of transition metals. Nomenclature. Central atoms. Ligands. Coordination number. Isomerism of coordination compounds. 6. Elements of I.A and II.A group. Group overview. Alkali metal reactions. Compounds and their preparation. Properties of compounds. 7. Aluminum (gallium, indium and thallium). Group overview. Aluminum chemistry. Compounds. 8. Tin and lead. Group overview. Stereochemistry of compounds. Production and properties of metals. Compounds. Bismuth chemistry. 9. Transition metals - first order metals. Scandium, titanium, vanadium, chrome. Properties, reactions and preparation of metals. 10. Transition metals - first order metals. Manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc. Properties, reactions and preparation of metals. 11. Transition metals - metals of the second series. Properties, reactions and preparation of metals. 12. Transition metals - third order metals. Properties, reactions and preparation of metals. 13. Lanthanoids and actinides.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The main goal of the course is to understand the context arising from the position of elements in the periodic table. The course begins with theoretical principles on which both the bond between atoms in solids and their structure is based, whether it is the metals themselves (electron gas theory, molecular orbitals) or their compounds. The systematic part follows, which builds on the previously explained rules and principles. Individual elements and their compounds are discussed in connection with their location in the periodic table.
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
FLEMR, V.; HOLEČKOVÁ, E. Úlohy z názvosloví a chemických výpočtů v anorganické chemii. VŠCHT Praha, 2001. ISBN 8070804351.
HOUSECROFT, C. E., SHARPE, A. G. Anorganická chemie. VŠCHT Praha, 2014.
KLIKORKA, J. a kol. Obecná a anorganická chemie. SNTL Praha, 1986.