Kuśmierczak Sylvia, doc. Ing. PhD.
Michnová Lenka, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Properties of metals and their distribution, testing the mechanical properties of materials 2. Tests of hardness and microhardness. 3. Mechanical tests on the marginal state of the material breach and fracture mechanisms 4. Testing the resistance of the material in terms of fatigue 5. Testiny of the influence of elevated temperatures on the mechanical properties of materials 6. Testing of the technological properties 7. Non-destructive testing of materials 8. Studying the structure of materials 9. Use of color contrast in the evaluation of materials 10. Chemical and mineralogical analysis of materials 11. Measurements and other physical properties
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Detection properties of each material is necessary to determine the suitability and functionality when used in practice. Understanding and improving the properties of various construction materials is motivated by their optimal use in the manufacture of machinery and equipment. In all production areas, intensify production processes and the development of new areas occurs industries which make it necessary amount of the claim on the properties of structural materials.
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
L. Ptáček a kol. Nauka o materiálu I., CERM S.R.O. Brno 2003. ISBN 80-7204-283-1.
P.LEVÍČEK, K. STRÁNSKÝ. Metalurgické vady ocelových odlitků, 1984.
P.SKOČOVSKÝ, I. ŠIMAN. Štruktúrna analýza liatin , Alfa.
P.VELES. Mechanické vlastnosti a skúšanie kovov, 1985.
Š.MICHNA, I. LUKÁČ. Barevný kontrast, struktury a vady u hliníku a jeho slitin, 2003.
T. ELBEL a kol. Vady odlitků ze slitin železa, 1992.