Vysloužilová Daniela, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Enterprise as a part of national economy (as economic subject - system), enterprise and entrepreneurship. 2. The structure of the company's assets. Types of business capital. Company balance sheet. 3. Costs, revenues, sales. Profit. Profit and its types. 4. The link between economic results and cash flow, the principle of indirect calculation of cash flow. 5. Company strategy, analysis of strengths and weaknesses, company goals and measures to achieve them. 6. Life of the company and its development. Progress, development, innovation, the subject of innovation, product and technological innovation. 7. Organization of the company, characteristics of the main types of organizational structure of its departments. Capacity, time of operation of the device, capacity calculations. 8. Basic principles of business management. Control and analysis activities 9. Capacity. Equipment time pool. Production capacity utilization. Capacity calculations. 10. Inventories, supply, inventory management, inventory turnover, optimal inventory. 11. Cost calculation and sales price proposal. Tariff setting. 12. Investment activity of the company. Composition of investment costs. Decision making, preparation and implementation of investments. 13. Variants and comparison of investments and innovations. Methods of evaluating investments and innovations
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
- unspecified
- 26 hours per semester
- unspecified
- 26 hours per semester
- unspecified
- 26 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
This course is focused on an interdisciplinary understanding of the foundations of business start-ups, the life and extinction of a business, basic activities with the operation of businesses.
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to: - Summarize the basic typology of business and individual forms of business, - Formulate business plan and business budget, - Calculate the optimization roles of business entities in the area of purchasing, production, production capacity and calculation of costs, - Distinguish the ownership and capital structure of the enterprise, - Describe the composition of takings and revenues based on basic accounting documents, -Evaluate individual business activities for innovation changes in the investment and personnel policy of the company.
Recommended prerequites is Microeconomics I.
Assessment methods and criteria
Attendance in lectures and seminars is recommended but not mandatory. The assessment will be realized by the : - Continuous work on the analysis of the selected company and its presentation on the exercises - Midterm tests - Final exam test Midterm and exam tests will take place at school and will take the form of a written test, the test will be a combination of open, closed questions and possibly a simple example. The student shall pass all midterm test it the score at least 70% (assessment requirement) and present on the exercises. The student will have two substitute terms during the semester for repairing unsuccessful midterm tests. The final exam will be based on the selection of correct statement(s) with the score penalization for incorrect answer. The maximum score will be 100 points. The mark ill be awarded according to the following key: 100-90 points excellent mark (1) 89-75 points mark very good (2) 74-60 points mark good (3) 59-0 points score failed (4)
Recommended literature
Mikovcová H.,Schollová. H. Praktikum podnikové ekonomiky. Aleš Čeněk Plzeň, 2006.
PITTNER, M., ŠVEJDA, P. Řízení inovací v podniku. Asociace inovativního podnikání, 2004. ISBN 80-238-9289-4.
SEDLÁČEK, J. Cash flow. Computer Press Brno, 2003. ISBN 80-7226-875-9.
SMEJKAL, V.; RAIS, K. Řízení rizik ve firmách a jiných organizacích. Praha: Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3051-8.
Synek M. a kol. Podniková ekonomika. C. H. Beck, Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-7179-892-4.
SYNEK, M. Manažerská ekonomika. Praha: Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3494-.