Course: Technological project planning

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Course title Technological project planning
Course code UTM/KV028
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study 2
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Novák Martin, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Introduction to technological design, manufacturing process (VP) of its phase (phase), manufacturing, basic types of production, the organizational structure of enterprises, 2 computer-integrated manufacturing system (PIVS). Basic modules, goals concept and functional area of ??the trailer, respectively. CIM, 3 Capacity calculations, orientation, calculation by the direct and indirect indicators, a detailed calculation capacity, utilization and throughput of individual workplaces, 4 Basic principles of layout tools and workplaces. Designing plants - workshops, priority in solving, creating alternative solutions, 5 assembly design, basic approaches to solving the organization and mounting arrangement with respect to the structure of the assembly operations, type of production, mechanization, etc., 6 The concept of workplace design as a technological space solutions in terms of logistics and space, ergonometrického, anthropometric, hygiene and safety, 7 Designing workplaces preparing material for machining shop, mill, auxiliary plants, as well as examples of designing workplaces welding and inspection and quality monitoring, testing, etc., 8 Design of auxiliary plants - vehicle manufacturing, maintenance, repair, heat treatment shop. Energy supply, warehouse management, waste management, 9 Basics of designing plants, for example. Foundries, mills, forges, machining, heat treatment, measurement and control stations, 10 Analysis of the production program analysis component base, processing technology project methodology, economic evaluation of the project.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Technological design is one of the basic activities in the process of preparing innovations, modernization or reconstruction of production. The aim is to develop basic knowledge about production processes, the ability to respect the state and development of production. Course contents: 1. Introduction to the subject of technological design, production process (VP), its phases (stages), production operations, basic types of production, organizational structure of companies. 2. Computer integrated production system (PIVS). Basic modules, goals of the concept and functional areas of PIVS, resp. CIM. 3. Capacity calculations, indicative, calculation according to direct and indirect indicators, detailed capacity calculation, utilization and throughput of individual workplaces, return on investment. 4. Basic principles of spatial arrangement of machines and workplaces. Designing operations, workshops, priorities in the solution, creating variants of the solution. 5. Design of assembly, basic approaches to the solution of the organization and arrangement of assembly with regard to the structure of assembly activities, type of production, mechanization, etc. 6. The concept of designing workplaces as a technological place, solutions in terms of logistics and space, ergonomics, anthropometry, hygiene and safety. 7. Basics and concepts of designing workplaces for technological and energy operations, auxiliary operations, storage and supply premises, as well as examples of designing quality control workplaces, testing and dispatch, etc. 8. Design of auxiliary operations (tool shops, maintenance, repair shops, heat treatment workshops). Principles of energy supply and distribution, storage and waste management. 9. Design of production and processing facilities (technological production plants, energy plants and distribution), measuring and control stations. 10. Analysis of the production program, analysis of the component base, methodology of processing the technological project, economic evaluation of the project.

Students will learn with modern approaches to designing workplaces especially in terms of lean manufacturing tools, such as the Toyota Production System, Lean Production, Kanban, JIT, etc. They have practical skills in terms of designing the technological processes of manufacture of machinery parts, including material selection, optimal tools and machines, determining technological conditions, including verification of the performance, capacity and economic calculations of production.

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Hlavenka,B. Projektování výrobních systémů (Technologické projekty).. 1990.
  • Milo, P. Technologické projektovanie v praxi. 1990.
  • NĚMEC,VL. Navrhování a výstavba strojíren I.,Skriptum ČVUT Pha.,1990.
  • Rockstroh,W. Technologické projekty 1., 2.. 1978.
  • Rockstroh,W. Technologické projekty 1.. 1990.
  • Zelenka, A. a kol. Projektování procesů obrábění a montáží. FS ČVUT v Praze, 1999. 1999.
  • Zelenka, A. a kol. Projektování výrobních systémů. Skriptum. 1995.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester