1) General definitions, state quantities, Charles's law, Gay-Lusac's law. 2) State ideal gas equation, ideal gases mixture, Avogadro's law. 3) Reversible process of ideal gases, heat capacity, first law of thermodynamics, enthalpy, technical work. 4) Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot's cycle. Third law of thermodynamics, entropy, T-s diagram. 5) The reversible irreversible process. Combustion engine cycles (Otto, Riedl, compounded - Sabat), combustion turbine cycles. 6) Compressor cycles, work, efficiency, heat pump and refrigeration cycles. 7) Ideal gases mixture, Dalton's law, gas mixture, real gases, bound curve, triple point. 8) Thermomechanics of the vapours, moisture air, Mollier's diagram. 9) Gases dynamics, throttling, gases and vapours convection, critical quantities, sound velocity, Laval's jettube, real outflow of the gas from jet - losses, changing cross section, compressive stroke. 10) Heat transport. Thermodynamics definitions, heat convection, heat conduction. Dimensional analysis for convection. 11) Radiation, Stefan-Boltzman's law. Heat exchangers.
Principles of thermomechanics, general thermodynamics laws, thermal device circles, steam and gas dynamics, heat transport.
Studenti a osvojí si základy teorie termomechaniky. Tyto informace se týkají uplatnění v konkrétních technických aplikacích v praxi. Základní informace jsou použitelné v jiném studiu, například v tepelných strojích a tepelných technologiích.
Enenkl, V. Termomechanika, VUT Brno, 1983.
Kalčík, J. Technická termodynamika, ČSAV Praha, 1963.
Nožička, J. Termomechanika. ČVUT Praha, 1998. ČVUT Praha, 1998.
Skočilasová, B. Mechanika tekutin - Termomechanika, Sbírka příkladů, UJEP Ústí n. L., 2012.