Koudelka Jan, Ing. Ph.D.
Fales Alexandr, Ing.
Course content
The subject content: 1) Theory of electrical field: Electrostatic field, current and magnetic stationary fields 2) Theory of electrical field: Quasi-stationary and non-stationary fields 3) Electrical circuits: Topology of electrical circuits, electrical circuit elements, current and voltage sources 4) Electrical circuits: Ohm's law, Kirchhoff laws, electrical circuits analysis methods 5) Electrical circuits: Power and energy in electrical circuits, three-phase electric system, resonance 6) Electric distribution: Conductors and their parameters, loads and their definition, nonlinear loads and their influence on electric power grid 7) Electrical machines: Electrical machines distribution and their application, basic construction parts of machines 8) Electrical machines: Transformers and DC machines principles of operation 9) Electrical machines: Synchronous, asynchronous, AC commutator and stepper motors principles of operation 10) Electric power grids: Voltage drops, Joule's losses, ampacity of conductors 11) Electric power grids: Power factor compensation, non-symmetrical loadings, operation states of electric power grids
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The main aims: The target of the subject is to acquaint the students with the basics of theory of electromagnetic field and theory of electrical circuits. The subject deals with the electric power grids and loads, mainly electrical machines. Fundamental physical laws are applied on basic tasks in the field of electrical energy distribution and electrical machines working.
Competences acquired: Student will be able to analyze quantities of electric and electro-magnetic circuits and applied them in the calculations and analysis. Student will know basic theory of electrical machines, their construction and application.
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
Blahovec, A. Elektrotechnika I, II, III, Informatorium Praha, 2005.
Haňka L. Teorie elektromagnetického pole. SNTL Praha, 1975. 1975.
Heřman a kol. Příručka silnoproudé elektrotechniky. 1984.
Mayer, D. Úvod do teorie elektrických obvodů, SNTL Praha, 1981.
Měřička, J. Elektrické stroje, ČVUT Praha, 2001.
Tkotz Klaus. Příručka pro elektrotechniky. 2003.