Síťař Vladislav, Ing. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
Students are acquainted with various types of energy sources of electric and thermal energy, principles of their production, composition of production equipment, power controllability and classification in systems. 1. Basic distribution of electrical and thermal energy sources 2. Basic equipment for electricity and heat generation. 3. Coal Power Plant 4. Liquid fuel power plant 5. Gas-fired power plant 6. Steam-gas cycle 7. Nuclear power plant 8. Hydroelectric power station 9. Wind, solar and geothermal power plant 10. Heating plant and heating plant 11. Heat pumps and solar thermal energy source 12. Non-traditional sources of electric and thermal energy
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The students are acquainted with the different types of electrical and heat energy sources, principles of energies production, devices assembly of production units, regulation of power and implementation to the power systems.
Students are acquainted with energy media, their properties and transformations. Students will learn about the activities of traditional and non-traditional sources of heat and electricity, especially coal, nuclear and water. Within the individual energy units, students will know the technological arrangement and principle of operation of individual devices and students will be able to calculate the generated electrical and thermal output of the power station and its efficiency.
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
Balák R. Nové zdroje energie, SNTL, Praha. 1989.
Doležal J. Jaderné a klasické elektrárny; ČVUT Praha 2011.
Ibler Zdeněk a kol. Energetika - technický průvodce; BEN Praha 2002; ISBN 80-7300-026-1.
Kadrnožka J. Teplárenství. CERM Brno, 2001.
Klenovčanová A. Zdroje a premeny energie; ManaCon Prešov, 2006.
Marko Š. Energetické zdroje a premeny; Alfa Bratislava 1989.
Mastný P. Obnovitelné zdroje energie; ČVUT Praha 2011.
MATĚNA Š. Výroba a rozvod elektrické energie II; SNTL Praha 1975.
MATĚNA Š.,BRAUNER J., TŮMA M. Výroba a rozvod elektrické energie I; SNTL Praha 1978.
Vlach J. Zásobování teplem a teplárenství; SNTL Praha 1989.