Course: Diagnostics of Energy Equipment

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Course title Diagnostics of Energy Equipment
Course code USE/KV077
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study 2
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Dian Milan, Ing. Ph.D., MBA
Course content
1. Industrial diagnostics in the system of complex care for machines and equipment 2. Effectiveness of diagnostics (economic diagnostic signal, basic diagnostic procedures, optimization of diagnostic intervals) 3. Analysis of machine aging processes (operational reliability, failures and their classification, failure mechanisms and their external manifestation, technical condition indicators and their changes). 4. Basic principles of sensors and measuring systems (sensors of mechanical, thermal and magnetic quantities, radiation sensors, other quantities, measuring chain, analog-digital converters, types of signals, coding and quantization of signals). 5. Subjective diagnostic methods (visual inspection, technical stethoscopy, technical endoscopy). 6. Measurement of machine operating parameters (power, torque, speed, specific fuel consumption, emissions, noise, temperature, pressure) 7. Vibrodiagnostics and ultrasound emission (basic terms, quantities, operational diagnostic measuring methods, trend and method of evaluation). 8. Tribodiagnostics (basic terms, methods for monitoring of lubricant degradation, methods for monitoring the technical condition of machines) 9. Diagnostics of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment 10. Diagnostics of internal combustion engines 11. Trends in industrial diagnostics

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Technical diagnostics in today's world is an integral part of maintenance management as a means to ensure reliable and economical operation of machines and equipment. The course introduces the basic concepts of technical diagnostics, tasks and the importance of technical diagnostics within the complex care of machines and equipment in the energy sector. It focuses on the principles, description and application of basic diagnostic methods, procedures and means of subjective methods of diagnostics, measurement of operating parameters, thermodiagnostics, vibrodiagnostics, tribodiagnostics and non-destructive testing of materials. Furthermore, the subject deals with diagnosis determination, trend and prognosis of technical condition of buildings, determination of optimal diagnostic interval and technical-economic evaluation of the suitability of using technical diagnostics.
Student - can describe selected methods of technical diagnostics, - can describe selected procedures of technical diagnostics - can use selected techniques of technical diagnostics in basic application areas, - can use selected methods of technical diagnostics in basic application areas, - can use technical-economic aspect in determining optimal diagnostic interval.

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Czichos, H. Handbook of Technical Diagnostics. Springer, 2013H.
  • Helebrant, F., Ziegler, J., Marasová, D. Technická diagnostika a spolehlivost. Tribodiagnostika, VŠB Ostrava, 2001.
  • Helebrant, F., Ziegler, J. technická diagnostika a spolehlivost. Vibrodiagnostika, VŠB Ostrava, 2004.
  • Kreidl, M., Šmíd, R. Technická diagnostika, BEN, Praha, 2006.
  • Martinek, R. Senzory v průmyslové praxi, BEN, 2004.
  • Pejša L. a kol. Technická diagnostika, 1995. 1995.
  • Soukup, J., Skočilas, J. Technická měření. FVTM UJEP v Ústí nad Labem, 2014. Ústí nad Labem, 2008.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester