Lecture topics: (2x2 hours/every 2nd week) 1. Development and history of radiotherapy., Definition of basic terms, Position of radiotherapy in the strategy of treatment of oncological diseases. Tactics of radiotherapy: division of radiotherapy (radical, adjuvant, palliative treatment), combination of tele and brachytherapy, potentiation of treatment. 2. Basic irradiation techniques, megavoltage therapy, radioisotopes in radiotherapy. Preparation and course of radiotherapy from the patient's position, 3. Simulators and imaging methods for planning treatment procedures 4. Brachytherapy 5. Characteristics of individual bundles, Irradiation parameters and conditions 6. Photon beam quality control, dose distribution, beam profile, relevant corrections, electron beam quality control, dose distribution, beam profile, relevant corrections, regular control and setting of beam parameters, beam calibration using special ionization chambers, phantoms and other devices, dosimetric comparative measurement, audit, accuracy of dose determination 7. Verification systems in radiotherapy (verification of irradiation settings, e.g. EPID, CBCT, IGRT, etc., verification of dose and dose distribution ? portal dosimetry, in vivo dosimetry, etc.). 8. Selected chapters from radiobiology (cell cycle, effects of ionizing radiation on tumor and healthy tissue, tissue radiosensitivity, therapeutic ratio, etc.) Seminar topics: 1. Non-tumor radiotherapy (technical and dosimetric part) 2. Radiotherapy in combination with other treatment modalities. 3. Chemotherapy, cytostatics and their use, Biological treatment. 4. National oncology program, International cooperation (ESTRO, RTOG, IAEA), State supervision of sources of ionizing radiation 5. Adverse effects of radiotherapy (mechanism of occurrence, distribution of adverse effects in radiotherapy, clinical manifestations of radiation damage to individual critical organs). 6. Radiation protection in radiotherapy, minimization of accidents, mitigation of their consequences, optimization of radiation protection, calculation of shielding 7. Preclinical verification of VMAT plans, respiratory gating, IGRT 8. Fractionation schemes in radiotherapy. Radiobiological models in clinical practice.. Exercise topics: 1. Work procedures of the radiotherapy workplace - . Preparation and course of radiotherapy from the patient's position 2. Work procedures of the radiotherapy workplace ? production of shielding blocks, production of fixation aids 3. Competence of radiological assistant in radiotherapy - radiation room. 4. Competence of a radiological assistant in radiotherapy ? brachytherapy 5. Competence of a radiological assistant in radiotherapy ? whole body irradiation. 6. Competence of a radiological assistant in radiotherapy ? stereotactic radiation 7. Management of side effects of radiotherapy. ? nursing procedures 8. Work procedures of the radiotherapy workplace - calculation of shielding Více o zdrojovém textu Pro další informace o překladu je potřeba zdrojový text Odeslat zpětnou vazbu Postranní panely
BINAROVÁ A. Radioterapie. Ostrava OU ZSF, 2010..
DOLEŽEL, M. Cílená radioterapie karcinomu prostaty. Hradec Králové: Nucleus HK, 2011. ISBN 978-80-87009-81-9..
FELTL, D., CVEK J. a KNYBEL, L. Stereotaktická radioterapie. Praha: Mladá fronta, 2019. Edice postgraduální medicíny. ISBN 978-80-204-4959-7..
FELTL, D., CVEK J.. Klinická radiobiologie, Tobiáš, 2008, ISBN: 978-80-7311-103-8.
HYNKOVÁ L., ŠLAMPA P. A KOL. Základy radiační onkologie. Masarykova univerzita - Lékařská fakulta, 2012. ISBN 978-80-2106-061-6..
ŠLAMPA P. a kol. Radiační onkologie, Maxdorf Jessenius, 2022, 978-80-7345-674-0.
ŠLAMPA P. Radiační onkologie v praxi. Masarykův onkolog. ústav, 2011. ISBN 978-80-86793-19-1..
VÍTEK P. a kol.. Protonová radioterapie, Maxdorf Jessenius, 2021, 978-80-7345-698-6.