Holcová Diana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction. The definitions, roots, origin and evolution of the Landscape ecology, the landscape definition, basic characteristics of the landscape 2. The ecological stability, metastability, instability, unstable and climax ecosystems, Landscape ecology research methodology. 3. The structure of the landscape, the components and elements of the landscape, the vertical and horizontal structure of the landscape, geo-ecosystem. 4. The landscape structure - paths, corridors, matrix 5. The overall landscape arrangement - grain, contrast in the landscape, the boundary of the landscape components 6. The processes in the landscape, the rhythmicity and dynamics, disturbance, the movement and spread of the organisms 7. Landscape factors, land forming natural and anthropogenic processes 8. Biodiversity and geodiversity 9. The landscape and man, the evolution of the Czech cultural landscape, the landscape memory. 10. The changes in the landscape, the human impacts on the landscape, the landscape changes monitoring, historical documents and methods to monitoring of the landscape changes, the basic sources of the landscape data. 11. The current state of the land use, the ownership of agricultural land, fragmentation and alteration of landscape structure. 12. The concept of the ecological restoration stability of the landscape, USES, Natura 2000 EECONET, land cover mapping. 13. The evaluation and protection of landscape character, landscape classification (regionalization and typing)
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Recommended literature
Farina, A. Principles and methods in landscape ecology, Chapma&Hall, London, 1998..
FORMAN, R., GODRON, M. Krajinná ekologie. Academia, Praha, 1993. 583 s.. 1993.
HORKÝ, J., VOREL, I. Tvorba krajiny. ČVUT, Praha, 1988. 211 s..
Lipský, Z. 1999. Krajinná ekologie pro studenty geografických oborů, 382-014-99, 17/99 Praha.
LIPSKÝ, Z., 2000. Sledování změn v kulturní krajině. Vyd. ČZU Praha v nakladatelství Lesnická práce, s.r.o., 71 s., ISBN 80-213-0643-2.
Löw, J. a kol. Rukověť projektanta místního územního systému ekologické stability. MŽP, nakladatelství Doplněk, 1988.
Löw, J. a Míchal, I. Krajinný ráz. Lesnická práce. Kostelec n. Č. L., 2003.
Sklenička, P. Základy krajinného plánování. Vydavatelství N. Skleničková, Praha, 2003. (8-33, 90-109, 149-168, 211-214).