1. Orographic and hydrological catchment, number of hydrological catchment 2. Hydrological cycle, parts of hydrosphere, parts of total runoff 3. Hydrological balance, hydrological year 4. Water-level metre, water level gauging station, rating curve 5. Hydrological data, flow and runoff measurement 6. M-days and N-years runoff, hydrograph 7. Rainfall-runoff modeling, runoff prediction 8. Groundwater, infiltration curve, aquifer, aquitard, groundwater-table contour, Darcy law 9. Restoration channel design 10. Flood protection measurements 11. Flood boards, flood plans, flood area 12. Fish pass 13. Water quality monitoring 14. Drought, climate change Outcomes: theoretic knowledge (i) basics hydrologic terms (basin, hydrologic balance, hydrologic cycle) (ii) hydrologic data: N-years runoff, m-days runoff (iii) groundwater movements principles (iv) flood protections in landscape
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