Lectures: (1) Introduction of the branch (entomology), its position and applications, basic terms, practical application, relations. Submission of the seminary task. (2) Ecological patterns of the insect population dynamics. (3) Theory of gradations and impact factors on the population dynamics. (4) Insect taxonomy and description - orders of incomplete metamorphosis. (5) Insect taxonomy and description - orders of complete metamorphosis (Lepioptera, Coleoptera). (6) Insect taxonomy and description - orders of complete metamorphosis (Diptera, Hymenoptera). (7) Insects role in the forest ecosystems. (8) Applied agronomical entomology. (9) Beekeeping and its ecological aspects. Pheromones and their use in pest supervision and control. (10) Insect activation in the air-polluted environment. (11) Significance of the invertebrates as bio-indicators. (12) Beneficial insect, biological and integrated pest control. (13) Monitoring and pest supervision. (14) Entomological research, regional projects, outputs, discussion. Practices: (1) Insect morphology and important determinative traits. (2) Insect anatomy. (3) Insect anatomy, morphology and development - demonstrations, dissection. (4) Insect determination in adult and developmental stages - orders of incomplete metamorphosis. (5) Insect determination in adult and developmental stages - orders of complete metamorphosis. (6) Collection and preparation methods and live insect keeping techniques. (7) Pest supervisory methods and procedures in practice. (8) The most important forest pests. (9) Bark beetles and ligniperdous insect. (10) Bark beetles determination by the insect gallery. (11) Agronomical entomology - the important pests. (12) Beneficial insect, biological and integrated pest control. (13) Presentation of the seminary tasks - discussion. Field trip: The forest stands and the research plots at LS Sněžník, insect collection methods, trap devices, types of forest trees damages, insect collection and determination, ecological aspects, pest supervision in the forestry.
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Urban,J. Křístek, J. 2004. Lesnická entomologie. Academia Praha, 445 pp..