1. Basic characteristic of study in the University, in the Environmental faculty and the reasen of student eim, way and motivation 2. Basic relationships between the human being and surounding world, the Role of human mind during the history, ethymology 3. Environmental history, Informations about the ecology like biological science, technology and humanities, Silent spring - Rachel Carson 4. Paradigm and the science, Balance, F. Capra 5. Talk of Indian headman Seatlle, World as a system, how is everything working? 6. Is there something to interested everyone? Why Phylosophy? What can I do with negative informations?, H. Librová 7. 8 mortal sins K. Lorenz, quality of life 8. World connexion? Natural service? Human service for nature? Nature give bith to nature?, James Lovelock snd Gaia theory 9. Humans relations, values of life 10. Environmental footprint 11. An Inconvenient True 12. Who is Offender? Qou vadis? 13. Environmental thinking about principles of sustainable livelihood. 14. Man is composing trees, J. Gione, Future?
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