1. Basic concepts and stages of management. Classification of the functions of management. 2. Decision-making in the management process and decision-making methods 3. SWOT Analysis method. Basic types of business strategies. 4. Managerial planning - its importance, role, content and basic forms of planning. 5. Organization and organizational structures, their content and development. Legal forms of organizations. 6. Commanding, leadership, management, styles of leading personell. 7. The role, types and forms of control in an organization. Internal and external control. 8. Human resources management. Selection, motivation and assessment of staff. 9. Communication - communication processes in the organization, patterns of communication. conflict solving. 10. Profile and pre-requisites of a successful manager in business and non-business sphere. 11. Basic types of managers. Manager and stress coping. 12. International and intercultural management, national specificities of leading and communication 13. Regional management, principles and specifics of management of regions and municipalities with an emphasis on the environment. 14. Discussion, repetition, reserve.
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