1. The basic terms, the relation between hygienics and the ecology of human beings, a short overview of the hygienics history, basic regulations and rules, hygiene care and services, the basic methods, sanitary control. 2. The hygienics of water. The importance of water, the individual and mass drinking water supply, contolling and maintaining water supplies, water tratment plants, taking of samples, water monitoring. 3. The hygienics of constructing and municipal activities. The territorial division of towns and cities. Housing, industrial and recreational areas. The hygienics of housing. The presence of hazardous substances within constructing activities. 4. The hygienics of transportation and tourism. Municipal, road and air traffic. The noise pollution. Land-use planning, construction and organizational anti-noise measures. 5. The hygienics of food production. The requirements for production, transportation, storage, selling foodstuffs. Packaging. The hygienics of public catering. Preventing alimentary diseases and food poisoning. 6. The hygienic requirements for constructing and operating educational institutions for children and adolescents. Schools, public nurseries, shool dining-rooms, shool trips. 7. The hygienics of gyms and playgrounds, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, children sandpits. 8. Hygienic requirements for hotels, hostels, recreational institutions, car-camping, etc. 9. The hygienics of labour. The requirements for workplaces - working conditions, working regimes, working burdens, working performance and safety requirements. 10. The hygienics of burial purposes. Dissections, tranportations and burial, hygienic requirements for cemeteries and crematories. 11. Personal hygienics, maintaining the body, clothing, the requirements for textile materials and shoes, laundering, fitness centres. 12. Reserve
Hygiena. Periodikum ČLS JEP 4x ročně, s. 64, roč. 1992 -. 1997.
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