1. Phytogeography, chorology of plants, species distribution areas and their features, relict and endemic plant species 2. Geoelements 3. Florogenesis, evolution of the flora from carbon to holocene, evolution in the holocene and its influence on present-day flora 4. Regional phytogeography, floristic regions of the world, phytogeographic regions of the Czech republic, phytodistricts 5. Phytocenology, clasification of the vegetation, Zurich-Montpellier school of plant sociology 6. Methods of phytosociology, vegetation relevés, synthesis of relevéés, basic concepts and units 7. Description of selected higher syntaxa of the vegetation of the Czech republic, their endangerment ant importance in the landscape, vegetation of cliffs, water bodies, water courses, springs and fens 8. Description of selected syntaxa of the vegetation of meadows, pastures, herbaceous fringes and pioneer habitats 9. Description of selected syntaxa of the forest vegetation of the classes of Alnetea-glutinosae, Querco-Fagetea, Quercetea robori-petraeae, Vaccinio-Piceetea, Robinietea, including clearing vegetation of the class of Epilobietea angustifolii 10. Description of selected syntaxa of the vegetation of ruderal habitats and fields of the classes of Chenopodietea, Artemisietea, Galio-Urticetea, Secalietea 11. Vegetation mapping, distribution and reconstruction maps, maps of potential natural vegetation, use of vegetation maps 12. Synanthropic flora and vegetation, terminology, specific conditions in human settlements, quarantine weeds, alein species in succession, importance of synanthropic flora, health hazards 13. Wetlands, definition of wetlands, lowland grasslands, water bodies, water courses
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