Course: Forest Function and Basics of Forest Management

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Course title Forest Function and Basics of Forest Management
Course code KZP/3FLEZ
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Lehejček Jiří, Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
(1) Forest functions. (2) Forest ecosystem - the forest environment ecology. (3) Main forest tree-plant communities of the Czech Republic. (4) Forest ecological stability - its estimation and improvement. (5) Dynamics of the forest ecosystems in time. (7) The use of forests in course of time, historic methods of forest management. (8) Forest management principles in the present. (9) Legislation at forest management. (10) Main forest management branches. (11) Current approaches in implementation of sustainable management in forestry. (12) Ecological and economic characteristic of the main forest trees. (13) Anthropogenic impact on forests and its effects.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Recommended literature
  • Begon M., Harper J. L., Townsend C. R. (1997). Ekologie - jedinci, populace, společenstva. Vyd. Univ..
  • Breckle S. W. (2002). Walter's vegetation of the Earth. Springer-Verlag, Berlin..
  • Čaboun V. (1996). Ekológia lesa. Skripta FEE TU ve Zvolenu, 184 s..
  • Forman R.T.T., Godron M. (1993). Krajinná ekologie. - Academia, Praha. [český překlad]..
  • Jeník J. (1995). Ekosystémy (Úvod do organizace zonálních a azonálních biomů). Univerzita Karlova, Praha,.
  • Klimo E., Midriak R., Buček A., Ambros Z., Pelikán J., Materna J. (1994). Lesnická ekologie. VŠZ v Brně, I..
  • Korpeľ Š. (1989):. Pralesy Slovenska. - Veda, Bratislava..
  • Korpeľ Š. (1991). Pestovanie lesa. - Príroda, Bratislava..
  • Král V. (1999). Fyzická geografie Evropy. - Acadamia, Praha..
  • Míchal I. a kol. (1992). Obnova ekologické stability lesů. MŽP, Academia, Praha, 172 s..
  • Míchal I. (1994). Ekologická stabilita. Veronica, Brno, 243 s..
  • Neuhäuslová Z. et. al.(1998). Mapa potenciální přirozené vegetace České republiky. - Academia, Praha..
  • Nožička J. (1959). Přehled vývoje našich lesů. SZN, Praha.
  • Perera A. et all. [eds.] (2007). Forest landscape ecology. Springer-Verlag. Berlin.
  • Schulze E.-D. et all. (2002). Plant ecology. Springer-Verlag. Berlin.
  • Stolina M. a kol. (1985). Ochrana lesa. Príroda, Bratislava, 473 s..
  • Vološčuk I. (2000). Environmentálne systémy. Lesný ekosystém. Skripta, FEE TU ve Zvolenu, 117 s..
  • Vyskot I. et all. (2003). Kvantifikace a hodnocení funkcí lesů České republiky. MŽp. Praha. 186 s. + přílohy..

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Environment Study plan (Version): Environmental Protection (C_3) Category: Ecology and environmental protection 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter